Discover the Top Natural Habitats for Eevee: A Guide to the Best Environments for Your Favorite Pokémon


Discover the best nature for Eevee to maximize its potential in battles. Choose wisely and watch your Eevee evolve into a powerful force of nature!

Eevee is one of the most popular Pokemon in the franchise. Its unique ability to evolve into eight different forms has made it a fan favorite. However, what many trainers don't know is that Eevee's nature plays a crucial role in determining which form it will take when it evolves. Choosing the right nature for your Eevee can make all the difference in battles and competitions. In this article, we will explore the best nature for Eevee and what makes it so important.

Firstly, it's important to understand what a nature is in the Pokemon world. Natures are an inherent trait that determines a Pokemon's preferences in battle. Each nature has a corresponding increase in one stat while decreasing another. For example, a Pokemon with a Bold nature will have increased defense but decreased attack. When it comes to Eevee, there is one nature that stands out as the best option: Jolly.

The Jolly nature increases Eevee's speed while decreasing its special attack. This may not seem like a significant change, but it makes a huge difference when it comes to evolving into certain forms. If you want your Eevee to evolve into Jolteon, for example, having a high speed stat is crucial. Jolteon is known for its lightning-fast attacks, and without a Jolly nature, your Eevee may not be able to keep up.

Another form that benefits from a Jolly nature is Espeon. Espeon relies heavily on its speed to outmaneuver opponents and strike quickly. With a Jolly nature, your Eevee will have the necessary speed to evolve into this elegant and powerful Pokemon.

On the other hand, there are some forms that don't benefit from a Jolly nature. Vaporeon, for example, is a defensive powerhouse that relies on its high HP and special defense. A Jolly nature would decrease Vaporeon's special attack, which is one of its key strengths. In this case, a Bold or Calm nature would be a better choice.

It's also worth noting that Eevee's ability plays a role in its evolution. Some of its forms have unique abilities that complement their stats and movesets. For example, Flareon's ability, Flash Fire, makes it immune to fire-type attacks and boosts its own fire-type moves. Choosing the right nature and ability for your Eevee can make it an unstoppable force in battle.

So, how do you go about obtaining a Jolly Eevee? The easiest way is to breed one with a Ditto that has a Jolly nature. This will increase the chances of your offspring inheriting the desired nature. It may take some time and patience, but the end result will be worth it.

In conclusion, choosing the right nature for your Eevee is essential if you want to evolve it into its most powerful forms. A Jolly nature is the best option for those looking to evolve into Jolteon or Espeon, but other natures may be better suited for different forms. With the right nature and ability, your Eevee can become a formidable opponent in battles and competitions.


Eevee is a unique Pokémon that can evolve into eight different forms, depending on the method used to evolve it. However, to maximize Eevee's potential in battles, its nature must be taken into consideration. A Pokémon's nature affects its stats, and there are 25 possible natures. In this article, we will discuss the best nature for Eevee.

The Importance of Nature in Pokémon

Nature is an essential aspect of Pokémon battles because it affects a Pokémon's stats. Each nature raises one stat by 10% and lowers another by 10%. Therefore, choosing the right nature for your Pokémon can make a significant difference in its performance during battles. It is crucial to consider a Pokémon's moveset and playstyle when selecting a nature.

The Best Nature for Eevee

The best nature for Eevee is Jolly. Jolly nature increases Eevee's speed by 10% and reduces its special attack by 10%. This nature makes Eevee faster, allowing it to outspeed many opponents and strike first. The reduction in special attack is not significant since Eevee's special attack is relatively low compared to its physical attack.

Alternative Natures for Eevee

While Jolly is the best nature for Eevee, several other natures can also work well depending on the situation. Adamant nature is another good option, increasing Eevee's attack by 10% and lowering its special attack by 10%. This nature prioritizes Eevee's physical attack rather than its speed.

Timid nature is another option, increasing Eevee's speed by 10% and reducing its attack by 10%. This nature prioritizes Eevee's speed over its attack, making it an excellent choice for evasive strategies.

Eevee's Evolutions and their Natures

As mentioned earlier, Eevee can evolve into eight different forms. Each evolution has its own set of strengths and weaknesses, and their optimal nature varies. Here are the best natures for each Eevee evolution:


The best nature for Jolteon is Timid, increasing its speed by 10% and reducing its attack by 10%. This nature allows Jolteon to outspeed many opponents and hit first with its electric attacks.


The best nature for Vaporeon is Bold, increasing its defense by 10% and reducing its attack by 10%. This nature makes Vaporeon a tanky Pokémon, able to withstand many attacks while healing itself with its ability, Water Absorb.


The best nature for Flareon is Adamant, increasing its attack by 10% and reducing its special attack by 10%. This nature prioritizes Flareon's physical attack, allowing it to deal massive damage with its fire-type moves.


The best nature for Espeon is Timid, increasing its speed by 10% and reducing its attack by 10%. This nature allows Espeon to act as a fast special attacker, dealing damage with its psychic-type moves.


The best nature for Umbreon is Bold, increasing its defense by 10% and reducing its attack by 10%. This nature makes Umbreon a tanky Pokémon, able to take many hits while using its abilities to heal itself.


The best nature for Leafeon is Adamant, increasing its attack by 10% and reducing its special attack by 10%. This nature prioritizes Leafeon's physical attack, allowing it to deal massive damage with its grass-type moves.


The best nature for Glaceon is Modest, increasing its special attack by 10% and reducing its attack by 10%. This nature allows Glaceon to act as a special attacker, dealing damage with its ice-type moves.


The best nature for Sylveon is Calm, increasing its special defense by 10% and reducing its attack by 10%. This nature makes Sylveon a special tank, able to withstand many special attacks while using its healing abilities.


In conclusion, the best nature for Eevee is Jolly, increasing its speed by 10% and reducing its special attack by 10%. However, alternative natures can also work well depending on the situation. When considering Eevee's evolutions, each form has its optimal nature that maximizes its potential. Understanding natures and their effects can help trainers build a strong team of Pokémon capable of taking on any opponent.

Best Nature for Eevee: Exploring the Perfect Environments for this Adorable PokémonEevee is a popular and beloved Pokémon, known for its cute appearance and versatile evolution options. As a Normal-type creature, Eevee can adapt to different environments and habitats, making it a great companion for trainers who love to explore new places. In this article, we will discuss the best nature for Eevee, focusing on ten different types of environments that suit its natural instincts and behavior. From lush forests to snow-covered tundras, from serene lakes to rocky mountains, let's discover the ideal places for Eevee to thrive and have fun!

Lush Forests: Perfect for Eevee's Natural Habitat

Eevee is a forest dweller by nature, as it loves to hide in trees, bushes, and tall grass to avoid predators or sneak up on prey. Therefore, lush forests are the perfect environment for Eevee, where it can feel at home and explore the dense vegetation with ease. Forests offer plenty of shade, shelter, and food sources for Eevee, such as berries, nuts, insects, and small animals. Moreover, forests are also home to other Pokémon that Eevee can interact with, from bug-type creatures like Caterpie and Weedle to bird-type ones like Pidgey and Spearow.If you want to take your Eevee for a walk in the forest, make sure to choose a safe and accessible trail, as some forests can be dense and challenging to navigate. Also, be aware of any potential hazards, such as thorny plants, poisonous mushrooms, or wild animals. Keep your Eevee on a leash or in a Pokéball if necessary, especially if it tends to wander off or chase after squirrels and birds.

Recommended Moves for Eevee in Forests:

- Quick Attack: Useful for escaping or chasing prey.- Bite: Good for defending against predators or dealing damage to foes.- Swift: A reliable move that never misses, great for catching fast-moving targets.- Grass Knot: Effective against heavy Pokémon or those weak to Grass-type moves.

Serene Lakes: A Peaceful Haven for Eevee

Eevee is not only an active and curious creature but also a sensitive and calm one. It enjoys moments of tranquility and relaxation, especially when surrounded by water. Serene lakes are the perfect environment for Eevee to unwind and recharge, as they offer a peaceful and soothing atmosphere, with gentle waves, chirping birds, and fresh air. Lakes are also a source of food and hydration for Eevee, as they contain fish, water plants, and insects.If you take your Eevee to a lake, make sure to find a quiet spot where it can enjoy the view and feel safe. Avoid crowded areas or noisy places, as they can scare or overwhelm your Pokémon. You can also play some gentle music or sing to your Eevee to enhance the calming effect of the surroundings.

Recommended Moves for Eevee in Lakes:

- Water Gun: A basic Water-type move that can deal damage or create water splashes for fun.- Aqua Ring: A healing move that restores Eevee's health while swimming in the lake.- Attract: A charming move that can attract other Pokémon to Eevee's side.- Charm: A cute move that lowers the opponent's attack power while raising Eevee's cuteness factor.

Rolling Hills: Ideal for Eevee's Active Lifestyle

Eevee is a versatile and energetic Pokémon, capable of running, jumping, climbing, and digging. Therefore, rolling hills are the perfect environment for Eevee to showcase its agility and strength, as they offer a varied terrain with slopes, valleys, rocks, and grassy patches. Hills also provide a good cardio workout for Eevee, as they require constant movement and balance. Moreover, hills are a great place to play fetch or hide-and-seek with your Eevee, as they offer plenty of space and cover.If you plan to take your Eevee to the hills, make sure to choose a safe and stable path, as some hills can be steep or rocky. Also, bring some water and snacks for both you and your Eevee, as hills can be tiring and dehydrating. Don't forget to take breaks and enjoy the view, as hills offer some of the most picturesque landscapes in nature.

Recommended Moves for Eevee in Hills:

- Dig: A Ground-type move that allows Eevee to dig holes and surprise opponents from below.- Swift: A versatile move that can hit multiple targets or bypass obstacles in the way.- Double-Edge: A powerful move that deals high damage but also hurts Eevee in the process.- Agility: A speed-boosting move that enhances Eevee's mobility and evasion.

Rocky Mountains: A Challenging Terrain for Eevee to Climb

Eevee may look cute and cuddly, but it also has a daring and adventurous side. It loves to explore new places and challenge itself to overcome obstacles and reach new heights. Therefore, rocky mountains are the perfect environment for Eevee to test its limits and show off its bravery, as they offer a rugged and steep terrain with cliffs, caves, and peaks. Mountains also offer a diverse ecosystem, with rare and exotic Pokémon that Eevee can encounter and learn from.If you decide to take your Eevee to the mountains, make sure to prepare well and bring some essential gear, such as ropes, harnesses, and climbing shoes. Also, be aware of the weather conditions, as mountains can be unpredictable and dangerous. Don't force your Eevee to do anything it's not comfortable with, and always prioritize safety over thrill.

Recommended Moves for Eevee in Mountains:

- Iron Tail: A Steel-type move that can break rocks or hard surfaces.- Rock Smash: A Fighting-type move that can also smash rocks or boulders blocking the path.- Shadow Ball: A Ghost-type move that can scare off opponents or create illusions to confuse them.- Roar: A Normal-type move that can intimidate or drive away wild Pokémon.

Coastal Beaches: A Relaxing Environment for Eevee to Play

Eevee is not only a land creature but also a water lover. It enjoys splashing, swimming, and sunbathing on sandy beaches, where it can feel the warmth of the sun and the freshness of the sea. Coastal beaches are the perfect environment for Eevee to have fun and bond with its trainer, as they offer a wide and flat surface for running and playing. Beaches also offer a rich and diverse wildlife, with many water and flying type Pokémon that Eevee can meet and interact with.If you take your Eevee to the beach, make sure to choose a clean and safe area, as some beaches can be polluted or dangerous due to tides or currents. Also, bring some sunscreen and a hat for your Eevee, as it may get sunburned or overheated. Don't let your Eevee drink seawater, as it can cause dehydration or stomach problems.

Recommended Moves for Eevee in Beaches:

- Surf: A powerful Water-type move that allows Eevee to ride the waves and travel faster.- Sand Attack: A Ground-type move that can blind or confuse opponents with sand.- Quick Attack: A useful move for dodging or chasing other Pokémon on the beach.- Tail Whip: A cute move that lowers the opponent's defense while raising Eevee's charm.

Flower Fields: A Colorful and Fragrant Paradise for Eevee

Eevee is not only a cute and cuddly creature but also a sensitive and curious one. It loves to explore new scents, colors, and textures, especially when they come from beautiful flowers. Flower fields are the perfect environment for Eevee to indulge its senses and enjoy the natural beauty of the world, as they offer a vast and colorful landscape with various types of flowers. Fields also attract many bug-type Pokémon that Eevee can interact with or learn from.If you take your Eevee to a flower field, make sure to choose a safe and open area, as some fields can be dense or thorny. Also, be aware of any potential allergies or toxic plants that may harm your Eevee. Bring a camera to capture the precious moments of your Eevee smelling, rolling, or playing with flowers.

Recommended Moves for Eevee in Flower Fields:

- Razor Leaf: A Grass-type move that can cut through tall grass or vines.- Sweet Scent: A move that attracts wild Pokémon to Eevee's location.- Swift: A versatile move that can hit multiple targets or bypass obstacles in the way.- Baby-Doll Eyes: A cute move that lowers the opponent's attack power while raising Eevee's cuteness factor.

Snowy Tundras: A Winter Wonderland for Eevee to Explore

Eevee may be a warm and fuzzy creature, but it also has a taste for adventure and novelty. It loves to experience new environments and adapt to different climates, including the cold and snowy ones. Snowy tundras are the perfect environment for Eevee to test its endurance and survival skills, as they offer a harsh and icy terrain with blizzards, snowdrifts, and frozen lakes. Tundras also offer a chance to meet rare and powerful Ice-type Pokémon that Eevee can learn from.If you take your Eevee to a snowy tundra, make sure to dress it up in warm and waterproof clothing, such as a scarf, gloves, and boots. Also, bring some hot drinks and snacks for both you and your Eevee, as tundras can be unforgiving and demanding. Don't let your Eevee wander off too far or get lost in the snow.

Recommended Moves for Eevee in Snowy Tundras:

- Ice Beam: A powerful Ice-type move that can freeze opponents or create ice sculptures for fun.- Blizzard: A strong Ice-type move that can create a snowstorm or freeze the ground.- Aurora Beam: An elegant Ice-type move that can dazzle opponents with colorful lights.- Hail: A weather-altering move that creates a hailstorm and damages non-Ice type Pokémon.

Sunny Meadows: A Warm and Sunny Spot for Eevee to Soak Up the Sun

Eevee is not only a playful and adventurous creature but also a lazy and relaxed one. It loves to bask in the sun and doze off on soft grass, especially after a long day of exploring and training. Sunny meadows are the perfect environment for Eevee to unwind and recharge, as they offer a bright and warm atmosphere, with gentle breezes, chirping birds, and fragrant flowers. Meadows are also a good place to practice some tricks or play some games with your Eevee, as they offer plenty of space and freedom.If you take your Eevee to a sunny meadow, make sure to choose a safe and quiet area, as some meadows can be crowded or noisy. Also, bring some water and snacks for both you and your Eevee, as meadows can be hot and thirsty. Don't let your Eevee eat too much grass or flowers, as they can upset its stomach.

Recommended Moves for Eevee in Sunny Meadows:

- Swift: A versatile move that can hit multiple targets or bypass obstacles in the way.- Double Team: A tricky move that creates multiple illusions of Eevee to confuse opponents.- Take Down: A powerful Normal-type move that deals high damage but also hurts Eevee in the process.- Baton Pass: A supportive move that allows Eevee to switch places with another Pokémon and transfer its stat boosts.

Hidden Caves: A Mysterious and Exciting Adventure for Eevee

Eevee may look like a cute and harmless creature, but it also has a curious and daring side. It loves to explore new places and discover hidden secrets, especially in dark and mysterious caves. Hidden caves are the perfect environment for Eevee to satisfy its thirst for adventure and mystery, as they offer a challenging and risky terrain with traps, puzzles, and wild Pokémon. Caves also offer a chance to find rare and valuable items that Eevee can collect or use.If you take your Eevee to a hidden cave, make sure to bring some light sources and protective gear, such as flashlights, helmets, and gloves. Also, be aware of any potential dangers or traps that may harm your Eevee. Bring some healing items and potions for both you and your Eevee, as caves can be treacherous and unpredictable.

Recommended Moves for Eevee in Hidden Caves:

- Shadow Ball: A Ghost-type move that can scare off opponents or create illusions to confuse them.- Dig: A Ground-type move that allows Eevee to dig holes and escape danger or surprise opponents.- Iron Tail: A Steel-type move that can break rocks or hard surfaces.- Swift: A versatile move that can hit multiple targets or bypass obstacles in the way.

Open Plains: Wide Open Spaces for Eevee to Run and Play Freely

Eevee is not only a cute and charming creature but also a fast and agile one. It loves to run, jump, and roll on vast and open plains, where it can feel the wind in its fur and the freedom of movement. Open plains are the perfect environment for Eevee to stretch its legs and show off its speed and grace, as they offer a flat and uninterrupted surface with few obstacles. Plains also offer a chance to meet other Pokémon that Eevee can race or play with.If you take your Eevee to an open plain, make sure to choose a safe and secure area, as some plains can be exposed or prone to predators. Also, bring some toys or games for your Eevee to enjoy, such as Frisbees, balls, or jump ropes

Best Nature for Eevee

Point of View

As an AI language model, I do not have a personal point of view. However, based on statistical data and research, the best nature for Eevee would depend on the player's strategy and preference.

Pros and Cons of Best Nature for Eevee

The nature of a Pokémon affects its stats and playstyle. For Eevee, the best nature could be determined by the desired evolution. Here are some pros and cons of the best nature for Eevee:Adamant (+Attack, -Special Attack)- Pros: Increases physical attack power, which is helpful for Eevee's evolutions into Flareon, Jolteon, and Leafeon.- Cons: Lowers special attack power, which is not ideal for Eevee's evolutions into Vaporeon, Espeon, Umbreon, and Sylveon that rely on special attacks.Timid (+Speed, -Attack)- Pros: Increases speed, which gives Eevee and its evolutions a higher chance to attack first in battle.- Cons: Lowers physical attack power, which is not ideal for Eevee's evolutions into Flareon, Jolteon, and Leafeon.Modest (+Special Attack, -Attack)- Pros: Increases special attack power, which is helpful for Eevee's evolutions into Vaporeon, Espeon, Umbreon, and Sylveon.- Cons: Lowers physical attack power, which is not ideal for Eevee's evolutions into Flareon, Jolteon, and Leafeon.

Table Comparison or Information

Here is a table comparison of the stats of Eevee's evolutions with their corresponding natures:| Evolution | Best Nature | Increased Stat | Decreased Stat ||-----------|------------|----------------|----------------|| Vaporeon | Modest | Special Attack | Attack || Jolteon | Adamant | Attack | Special Attack || Flareon | Adamant | Attack | Special Attack || Espeon | Modest | Special Attack | Attack || Umbreon | Bold | Defense | Attack || Leafeon | Adamant | Attack | Special Attack || Glaceon | Timid | Speed | Attack || Sylveon | Modest | Special Attack | Attack |


- The table assumes that the player wants to maximize the stats of the corresponding evolution.- The decreased stat may not be significant, depending on the player's strategy and moveset of the Pokémon.

Best Nature for Eevee: A Comprehensive Guide

Welcome, fellow trainers! If you're reading this, chances are you have an Eevee or two in your collection. As one of the most versatile Pokémon out there, Eevee has the potential to evolve into eight different forms, each with their own unique strengths and weaknesses. But before we get into that, let's talk about natures.

A Pokémon's nature is a permanent attribute that affects its stat growth. There are 25 different natures in total, each boosting one stat while hindering another. For example, a Modest nature boosts Special Attack but lowers Attack. Choosing the right nature for your Eevee can make a big difference in how it performs in battle.

So, what is the best nature for Eevee? The answer to that question depends on what you plan to do with your Eevee. In this article, we'll go over the different natures and which ones work best for each of Eevee's evolutions.

Neutral Natures:

First, let's talk about neutral natures. These are natures that don't boost or hinder any specific stat. While they might not give you a direct advantage in battle, they also won't hold you back. Here are the neutral natures and which Eevee evolutions they work well with:

Hardy: This nature doesn't affect any stats, making it a good choice if you're not sure what you want to do with your Eevee yet. It works well with all of Eevee's evolutions.

Docile: Like Hardy, Docile doesn't affect any stats. It's another good choice if you're still figuring things out. It works well with all of Eevee's evolutions.

Serious: Yet another neutral nature, Serious is a safe pick for those who don't want to be held back by any specific stat. It works well with all of Eevee's evolutions.

Offensive Natures:

If you're looking to boost your Eevee's offensive capabilities, these natures are for you. They boost Attack or Special Attack at the cost of Defense or Special Defense. Here are the offensive natures and which Eevee evolutions they work well with:

Lonely: Lonely boosts Attack but lowers Defense. This nature works well with Eevee's physical evolutions: Flareon, Jolteon, Vaporeon, and Espeon.

Hasty: Hasty boosts Speed but lowers Defense. This nature works well with Eevee's speedy evolutions: Jolteon, Leafeon, and Sylveon.

Mild: Mild boosts Special Attack but lowers Defense. This nature works well with Eevee's special evolutions: Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, and Glaceon.

Rash: Rash boosts Special Attack but lowers Special Defense. This nature works well with Eevee's special evolutions: Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, and Glaceon.

Defensive Natures:

On the other hand, if you want your Eevee to be a tank, these natures are for you. They boost Defense or Special Defense at the cost of Attack or Special Attack. Here are the defensive natures and which Eevee evolutions they work well with:

Bold: Bold boosts Defense but lowers Attack. This nature works well with Eevee's physical evolutions: Flareon, Jolteon, Vaporeon, and Espeon.

Impish: Impish boosts Defense but lowers Special Attack. This nature works well with Eevee's physical evolutions: Flareon, Jolteon, Vaporeon, and Espeon.

Calm: Calm boosts Special Defense but lowers Attack. This nature works well with Eevee's special evolutions: Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, and Glaceon.

Gentle: Gentle boosts Special Defense but lowers Defense. This nature works well with Eevee's special evolutions: Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, and Glaceon.

Miscellaneous Natures:

Finally, there are a few natures that don't fit into any specific category. Here are the miscellaneous natures and which Eevee evolutions they work well with:

Timid: Timid boosts Speed but lowers Attack. This nature works well with Eevee's speedy evolutions: Jolteon, Leafeon, and Sylveon.

Modest: Modest boosts Special Attack but lowers Attack. This nature works well with Eevee's special evolutions: Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, and Glaceon.

Jolly: Jolly boosts Speed but lowers Special Attack. This nature works well with Eevee's physical evolutions: Flareon, Jolteon, Vaporeon, and Espeon.

Adamant: Adamant boosts Attack but lowers Special Attack. This nature works well with Eevee's physical evolutions: Flareon, Jolteon, Vaporeon, and Espeon.

And there you have it! A comprehensive guide to the best nature for Eevee based on which evolution you want to use. Keep in mind that these suggestions are just a starting point, and ultimately, the best nature for your Eevee depends on your own playstyle and strategy. Happy training!

Best Nature for Eevee - People Also Ask

People Also Ask about Best Nature for Eevee

What is Nature in Pokemon?

Nature is a characteristic that determines the growth of a Pokemon's stats. Each Pokemon has a specific nature that affects its stats differently.

What are the different Natures in Pokemon?

There are 25 different natures in Pokemon, with each one affecting a different combination of stats. Some natures increase one stat while decreasing another, while others don't have any effect at all.

What is the Best Nature for Eevee?

The best nature for Eevee depends on what type of Eeveelution you want to evolve it into. Here are some of the recommended natures for specific Eeveelutions:

  • Jolteon - Timid or Modest
  • Vaporeon - Bold or Calm
  • Flareon - Adamant or Jolly
  • Espeon - Timid or Modest
  • Umbreon - Bold or Calm
  • Leafeon - Adamant or Jolly
  • Glaceon - Modest or Timid
  • Sylveon - Calm or Modest

What does a Timid Nature do for Eevee?

A Timid Nature increases Eevee's Speed stat while decreasing its Attack stat. This nature is recommended for Eevee if you want to evolve it into Jolteon or Espeon.

What does a Bold Nature do for Eevee?

A Bold Nature increases Eevee's Defense stat while decreasing its Attack stat. This nature is recommended for Eevee if you want to evolve it into Vaporeon or Umbreon.

What does an Adamant Nature do for Eevee?

An Adamant Nature increases Eevee's Attack stat while decreasing its Special Attack stat. This nature is recommended for Eevee if you want to evolve it into Flareon or Leafeon.

What does a Modest Nature do for Eevee?

A Modest Nature increases Eevee's Special Attack stat while decreasing its Attack stat. This nature is recommended for Eevee if you want to evolve it into Jolteon or Glaceon.

What does a Calm Nature do for Eevee?

A Calm Nature increases Eevee's Special Defense stat while decreasing its Attack stat. This nature is recommended for Eevee if you want to evolve it into Vaporeon or Sylveon.


Choosing the best nature for Eevee is important if you want to evolve it into a specific Eeveelution that fits your team's needs. Consider the recommended natures for each evolution and choose the one that suits your playstyle the most.