Discover The Ultimate KOTOR Planetary Itinerary: Optimal Planet Order for Maximum Adventure!


Explore the galaxy's best planet order for KOTOR and experience the thrill of intergalactic travel. Discover new worlds and conquer your foes!

Kotor is undeniably one of the best planets in the Star Wars universe. With its rich history, stunning scenery, and unique culture, it's no wonder why so many fans consider it a must-visit destination. But what makes Kotor stand out from other planets in the galaxy? In this article, we'll explore the top reasons why Kotor should be at the top of your travel list.

Firstly, the city of Kotor is a marvel of medieval architecture. The winding streets, imposing walls, and red-tiled roofs create a picturesque scene straight out of a fairy tale. As you walk through the city, you'll feel as though you've been transported back in time. The city's Old Town is particularly enchanting, with its narrow alleys and charming squares. It's easy to get lost in the maze of streets, but that only adds to the sense of adventure.

In addition to its architecture, Kotor boasts some of the most breathtaking natural scenery in the galaxy. The city sits at the foot of towering mountains, and the Bay of Kotor is a shimmering expanse of blue water. One of the best ways to appreciate the beauty of the bay is by taking a boat tour. You'll be able to see the city from a new perspective and get up close to the rugged coastline.

But Kotor isn't just about sightseeing. The planet has a rich cultural heritage that's worth exploring. From the local cuisine to the traditional music, there are plenty of ways to immerse yourself in Kotor's unique culture. One of the best ways to do this is by attending a festival or celebration. The locals are known for their hospitality, and they love sharing their traditions with visitors.

Of course, no trip to Kotor would be complete without exploring the ancient ruins that dot the landscape. The most famous of these is the Fortress of Kotor, which sits high above the city. It's a challenging hike to the top, but the views from the summit are well worth the effort. You'll be able to see for miles in every direction, and you'll feel a sense of accomplishment that's hard to match.

Another reason why Kotor is such a popular destination is its proximity to other planets in the galaxy. If you're looking to explore more of the region, there are plenty of options within easy reach. For example, you could take a day trip to the nearby planet of Dubrovnik, which is famous for its stunning architecture and rich history. Alternatively, you could head to the planet of Coruscant, which is known for its bustling cityscape and diverse culture.

But even if you decide to stay on Kotor for your entire trip, you won't run out of things to do. Whether you're interested in history, nature, or culture, there's something for everyone on this fascinating planet. From exploring ancient ruins to sampling local delicacies, you'll create memories that will last a lifetime.

If you're looking for a unique travel experience that combines history, culture, and natural beauty, look no further than Kotor. This incredible planet has something for everyone, and it's sure to leave you with a sense of wonder and awe.


Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR) is a classic role-playing game developed by Bioware that was released in 2003. This game has a vast universe with different planets to explore, each with its own unique story and characters.One of the biggest decisions players have to make when playing KOTOR is deciding on which planet to visit first. In this article, we will explore the best planet order to take when playing KOTOR.


The first planet players visit when playing KOTOR is Taris. Taris is an urban planet that has been taken over by the Sith. The player’s main objective is to escape the planet and find a way off-world.Taris is an excellent starting point for players as it introduces them to the game's mechanics and combat system. Players will also be introduced to some of the main characters, such as Carth Onasi, who will become a valuable ally throughout the game.


After escaping Taris, players will arrive on Dantooine. Dantooine is a peaceful planet that is home to the Jedi Enclave. Players will meet the Jedi Council and begin their Jedi training.Dantooine is an essential planet as it sets the foundation for the rest of the game. Players will learn about the Force and gain new abilities. It is also where the player will acquire their lightsaber, the iconic weapon of the Jedi.


After completing their Jedi training, players will travel to the desert planet of Tatooine. Tatooine is home to many iconic Star Wars locations, such as Jabba the Hutt's palace and the Mos Eisley cantina.Tatooine is a great planet to visit early on as players can discover new side quests and gain valuable experience points. It is also home to one of the game's most memorable characters, HK-47, a droid that has a unique personality and a love for killing.


Kashyyyk is a Wookiee planet that is being oppressed by the Czerka Corporation. Players will team up with the Wookiees to liberate the planet and uncover the corporation's sinister plans.Kashyyyk is an exciting planet to visit as players will gain new allies and learn about the Wookiee culture. It is also where players will encounter Jolee Bindo, a wise old Jedi who has been living in the wilderness for years.


Manaan is an aquatic planet that is home to the Selkath, an amphibious species. The planet is neutral and does not take sides in the ongoing war between the Republic and the Sith.Manaan is an important planet as players will be able to uncover more information about the game's main plot and learn about the ancient Rakata civilization. It is also where players will meet Juhani, a former Sith who has turned to the light side.


After visiting all of the planets, players will eventually end up on the Sith flagship, the Leviathan. The Leviathan is where players will face off against Darth Malak, the game's main antagonist.The Leviathan is a challenging level, and players will need to use all of their skills and abilities to defeat Darth Malak. It is also where players will uncover some of the game's biggest plot twists and revelations.


In conclusion, the best planet order to take when playing KOTOR is Taris, Dantooine, Tatooine, Kashyyyk, Manaan, and finally, the Leviathan. This order allows players to gain the necessary skills and experience needed to face off against Darth Malak.Each planet offers a unique story and characters that add to the overall experience of the game. By following this planet order, players will be able to fully immerse themselves in the world of KOTOR and enjoy one of the best RPGs of all time.
The Importance of Planning Your RouteWhen it comes to playing Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR), one of the most critical decisions that players need to make is the order in which they visit the different planets. Each planet has its own unique storyline, characters, and challenges, and players can choose to tackle them in any order they want. However, taking a haphazard approach to planet-hopping can lead to frustration, missed opportunities, and even failure.That's why it's crucial to plan your route carefully before embarking on your KOTOR adventure. By thinking strategically about which planets to visit first, second, and so on, you can optimize your character's growth, minimize difficulty spikes, and unlock the game's full potential. In this article, we'll explore the best planet order for KOTOR and explain why each planet should be visited in a particular sequence.Why Starting with Taris is a Smart MoveIf you're new to KOTOR, the first planet you'll visit is Taris, a sprawling metropolis that serves as the game's tutorial level. While some players may be tempted to rush through Taris as quickly as possible, it's actually a smart move to take your time and explore every nook and cranny of this planet. Not only will you learn the basics of combat and character customization, but you'll also pick up valuable gear, complete side quests, and meet some significant NPCs that will play a role in later parts of the game.Navigating the Challenges of the Upper CityOnce you've finished all the quests in the Lower City, you'll find yourself in the Upper City, where things get more challenging. Here, you'll face off against tougher enemies, navigate tricky social situations, and uncover some of the game's central mysteries. It's essential to approach the Upper City with a clear strategy in mind, as you'll need to balance combat skills with diplomacy, stealth, or hacking to succeed.Exploring the Depths of the UndercityAfter completing the Upper City quests, you'll need to venture into the Undercity, a dark and dangerous place filled with mutants, rakghouls, and other deadly creatures. While the Undercity may seem intimidating at first, it's a critical part of the game that can't be skipped. Here, you'll meet some memorable characters, uncover hidden secrets, and gain valuable experience points that will help you level up your character.The Benefits of Visiting Dantooine SecondOnce you've completed Taris, it's time to move on to your next planet: Dantooine. This world is an excellent choice for your second destination, as it offers a different kind of challenge than Taris. On Dantooine, you'll need to hone your Jedi skills, meet other Jedi masters, and learn more about the game's central conflict between the Republic and the Sith. By visiting Dantooine after Taris, you'll have a solid foundation of combat skills and equipment that will serve you well in this new environment.Mastering the Force on OnderonAfter Dantooine, you'll want to head to Onderon, a planet that's rich in lore and history. On Onderon, you'll encounter powerful Force users, political intrigue, and even a full-scale war. This planet is an excellent opportunity to develop your character's Force abilities and learn how to use them effectively in combat. With careful planning and patience, you'll emerge from Onderon as a true Jedi master.The Thrills of Korriban's Sith AcademyAs you near the end of the game, it's time to visit the infamous Sith Academy on Korriban. This planet is where you'll face off against some of the toughest enemies in the game, including Sith apprentices, masters, and even ancient tombs filled with deadly traps. While Korriban is undoubtedly challenging, it's also one of the most rewarding planets in terms of story and character development. By completing the quests on Korriban, you'll gain valuable insight into the Sith philosophy and the true nature of the game's central conflict.The Excitement of Nar Shaddaa's Smuggling UnderworldAfter Korriban, it's time to visit Nar Shaddaa, a planet that's known for its seedy underworld and sprawling cityscapes. Here, you'll need to navigate a complex network of smugglers, bounty hunters, and gangsters, all while trying to unravel a conspiracy that threatens the entire galaxy. Nar Shaddaa is an excellent opportunity to test your character's stealth and combat skills, as well as explore some of the game's most memorable environments.The Mysteries of Dxun's Jungle MoonAs you near the end of the game, it's time to visit Dxun, a jungle moon that's home to some of the game's toughest enemies. Here, you'll need to use all your combat skills and Force abilities to survive against hostile creatures, mercenaries, and rival factions. However, Dxun is also a planet that's rich in lore and hidden secrets, and you'll need to explore every corner of this world to uncover its mysteries fully.Saving the Best for Last: The Epic Finale on LehonFinally, it's time to head to Lehon, the final planet in KOTOR. This world is where the game's central conflict comes to a head, and you'll need to draw on all your skills and allies to emerge victorious. Without spoiling too much, let's just say that the finale on Lehon is one of the most epic and satisfying conclusions to any game ever made. By saving this planet for last, you'll ensure that you have all the tools and knowledge you need to face the game's ultimate challenge.In conclusion, planning your route carefully in KOTOR is essential to getting the most out of this classic game. By following the order outlined in this article - starting with Taris, visiting Dantooine second, mastering the Force on Onderon, exploring Korriban and Nar Shaddaa, delving into the mysteries of Dxun, and saving Lehon for last - you'll experience the game's full range of challenges, characters, and storylines. So gear up, choose your path, and prepare for an adventure that will stay with you long after the credits roll.

My Point of View on the Best Planet Order in KOTOR


KOTOR, or Knights of the Old Republic, is a classic RPG game that has been enjoyed by many gamers. One of the most critical decisions that players must make is the order in which they will visit the planets. The sequence of your planet visits can significantly impact your gameplay experience, so it's essential to choose the best planet order for your playstyle.

The Best Planet Order for KOTOR

After playing KOTOR multiple times, I have found the following planet order to be the most efficient and enjoyable:

  1. Taris
  2. Dantooine
  3. Mannan
  4. Kashyyyk
  5. Korriban

Pros of this Planet Order

  • Taris: This planet is an excellent starting point for new players as it offers a tutorial level. It also provides a chance to level up and gain credits.
  • Dantooine: After Taris, Dantooine is the next logical step. This planet allows you to gain Jedi abilities, which are crucial for the rest of the game.
  • Mannan: Mannan is an exciting planet that offers a compelling storyline and unique characters.
  • Kashyyyk: Kashyyyk offers a chance to gain Wookiee allies and learn more about their culture.
  • Korriban: Korriban is the final planet and offers a chance to gain Sith knowledge and interact with powerful Sith lords.

Cons of this Planet Order

  • Taris: Some players may find Taris to be a bit tedious and slow-paced.
  • Dantooine: Some players may struggle with the Jedi training process or find it too complicated.
  • Mannan: The underwater environment of Mannan may not be appealing to some players.
  • Kashyyyk: The battles on Kashyyyk can be challenging, making it difficult for players who are not adequately equipped.
  • Korriban: Korriban is a challenging planet that requires careful planning and strategy, making it difficult for new players.

Planet Order Comparison Table

Planet Order Pros Cons
Taris - Dantooine - Mannan - Kashyyyk - Korriban
  • Good tutorial level
  • Chance to gain Jedi abilities
  • Exciting storyline and unique characters
  • Chance to gain Wookiee allies
  • Gain Sith knowledge and interact with Sith lords
  • Tedious and slow-paced
  • Jedi training process may be complicated
  • Underwater environment may not be appealing to some players
  • Battles can be challenging
  • Requires careful planning and strategy


Choosing the best planet order for KOTOR is a personal decision that depends on your playstyle and preferences. While there are pros and cons to each planet, following the order of Taris, Dantooine, Mannan, Kashyyyk, and Korriban can provide an enjoyable and efficient gameplay experience.

Kotor Best Planet Order - A Comprehensive Guide

If you're a fan of the Star Wars universe, then you're probably familiar with the planet Kotor. This iconic location has been featured in countless books, comics, and video games over the years. But if you're planning on exploring Kotor in the acclaimed video game Knights of the Old Republic, then you may be wondering what the best planet order is for your journey. In this guide, we'll take a closer look at the different planets you can visit in Kotor and discuss the pros and cons of each one.

First up, we have Taris. This is the starting planet for the game, and it's where you'll spend the first few hours of your adventure. Taris is a sprawling metropolis that's been devastated by war and is now controlled by a ruthless crime lord named Davik Kang. While Taris is an interesting location to explore, it can also be quite challenging for new players. The planet is filled with dangerous enemies, and you'll need to be careful if you want to survive. However, if you're looking for a challenge and want to get a feel for the game mechanics, then Taris is a great place to start.

Next, we have Dantooine. This is the second planet you'll visit in Kotor, and it's a stark contrast to Taris. Dantooine is a peaceful world that's home to a Jedi enclave. Here, you'll learn more about the Force and begin your Jedi training. Dantooine is a great place to develop your character and learn more about the game's lore. The planet is also relatively easy to navigate, and you won't encounter too many difficult enemies. However, some players may find Dantooine to be a bit slow-paced, as there isn't much action to be found here.

After completing Dantooine, you'll have the option to visit several different planets. However, we recommend heading to Tatooine next. This planet is home to a bustling spaceport and is where you'll meet one of the most memorable characters in the game: HK-47. Tatooine is also filled with interesting side quests and has a great mix of combat and exploration. However, some players may find Tatooine to be a bit overwhelming, as there are many different locations to explore.

Next up, we have Kashyyyk. This planet is home to the Wookiees and is where you'll meet another iconic character: Zaalbar. Kashyyyk is a challenging planet to explore, as the enemies here are quite tough. However, the planet is also filled with interesting lore and has a great story arc for Zaalbar. We recommend visiting Kashyyyk after Tatooine, as your character will be better equipped to handle the challenges here.

Finally, we have Manaan. This planet is unique in that it's entirely covered in water, and you'll need to use a special suit to explore it. Manaan is home to a powerful force that's coveted by both the Republic and Sith Empire. As you might expect, this leads to a lot of political intrigue on the planet. Manaan is a great place to visit towards the end of the game, as it ties into the overall story arc quite nicely.

So, what's the best planet order for Kotor? We recommend starting with Taris and then moving on to Dantooine. From there, head to Tatooine, followed by Kashyyyk. Finally, wrap things up with a visit to Manaan. This order will give you a good mix of combat, exploration, and story development. However, it's worth noting that there isn't really a wrong way to play Kotor. The game is designed to be flexible, and you can visit the planets in any order you like.

We hope this guide has helped you plan your journey through Kotor. With so many different planets to explore, it can be overwhelming at first. But by following this recommended planet order, you'll be able to experience everything the game has to offer while still enjoying a cohesive story arc. Happy exploring!

People Also Ask About KOTOR Best Planet Order

What is KOTOR?

KOTOR stands for Knights of the Old Republic, an action role-playing video game set in the Star Wars universe. It was developed by BioWare and published by LucasArts in 2003 for Xbox and Microsoft Windows.

What is the best planet order in KOTOR?

The best planet order in KOTOR may vary depending on personal preferences and playstyle. However, a commonly recommended order is:

  1. Taris: The starting planet where you begin your journey as a Jedi.
  2. Dantooine: A peaceful planet where you will train to become a Jedi.
  3. Tatooine: A desert planet where you will search for a missing droid and encounter Tusken Raiders.
  4. Kashyyyk: A forest planet where you will help the Wookiees fight against the Sith.
  5. Manaan: An oceanic planet where you will investigate a dispute between the Republic and the Sith.
  6. Leviathan: A Sith warship where you will confront Darth Malak and uncover a dark secret.
  7. Korriban: A Sith planet where you will face trials and learn more about the Force and the history of the Sith.

Why is this the best planet order?

This order allows for a smooth progression of the story and character development, as well as optimal leveling and equipment acquisition. By completing Taris first, you will have a solid foundation for your character and gain valuable allies. Dantooine is the natural next step, as you will need to train as a Jedi before continuing your journey. Tatooine and Kashyyyk offer interesting side quests and companions, while Manaan provides an opportunity for diplomacy and investigation. Leviathan serves as a major plot point and leads to the final planet, Korriban, where you will face the ultimate challenge and make important decisions.