Master the Multiplayer with the Best COD AW Class - Unleash Your Full Potential


Looking for the best COD AW class? Check out this guide for tips and tricks to create a killer loadout that will dominate the battlefield!

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is a game that has taken the world by storm with its fast-paced action and thrilling gameplay. One of the most important aspects of this game is choosing the best class to use. A good class can make all the difference in winning or losing a match. In this article, we will explore some of the best COD AW classes that will give you the edge over your opponents.

The first class that we recommend is the Assault Rifle class. This class is perfect for players who like to engage their enemies from mid-to-long range. The Assault Rifle is a versatile weapon that can be used in a variety of different situations. It has a high rate of fire and excellent accuracy, making it ideal for taking out enemies from a distance. Additionally, this class comes with a powerful grenade launcher that can be used to destroy vehicles and other enemy structures.

If you prefer to get up close and personal with your enemies, then the SMG (Submachine Gun) class might be more suited to your playstyle. The SMG is a fast-firing weapon that excels in close-quarters combat. It is perfect for players who like to rush into battle and take the fight to their opponents. This class also comes with a suppressor attachment that makes it quieter, allowing you to flank your enemies without them noticing.

For players who like to take a more stealthy approach, the Sniper class is a great option. This class comes equipped with a powerful sniper rifle that can take out enemies from long distances. It also has a suppressor attachment that allows you to remain hidden while taking out your targets. Additionally, this class comes with a recon drone that can be used to scout out enemy positions.

If you prefer to support your team from a distance, then the LMG (Light Machine Gun) class might be more your style. The LMG is a powerful weapon that can lay down suppressing fire and hold off enemy advances. It is perfect for players who like to stay back and provide cover for their teammates. This class also comes with a thermal scope that allows you to see through smoke and other obstructions.

Another great class to consider is the Shotgun class. Shotguns are devastating at close range and can take out enemies with just one shot. They are perfect for players who like to get in close and personal with their enemies. This class also comes with a riot shield that can be used to protect yourself from enemy fire.

For players who like to play aggressively and take the fight to their opponents, the Exo-Suit class is a great option. The Exo-Suit allows you to jump higher, run faster, and move more quickly than your opponents. It is perfect for players who like to rush into battle and take the fight to their enemies. Additionally, this class comes with a powerful energy weapon that can take out enemies with just a few shots.

Another class that is worth considering is the Launcher class. This class comes with a rocket launcher that can be used to take out enemy vehicles and structures. It is perfect for players who like to provide support for their team by taking out enemy equipment. Additionally, this class comes with a tactical grenade that can be used to stun and disorient your enemies.

If you prefer to take a more defensive approach, then the Riot Shield class might be more your style. The Riot Shield provides excellent protection against enemy fire and can be used to push back enemy advances. It is perfect for players who like to defend a particular area or objective. Additionally, this class comes with a powerful pistol that can be used to take out enemies at close range.

For players who like to play a supportive role, the Medic class is a great option. The Medic class comes with a medical gun that can be used to heal your teammates. It also has a revive drone that can bring fallen teammates back into the fight. Additionally, this class comes with a powerful assault rifle that can be used to take out enemies from a distance.

Finally, we have the Heavy Weapon class. This class comes with a powerful minigun that can mow down enemies with ease. It is perfect for players who like to provide heavy firepower for their team. Additionally, this class comes with a set of frag grenades that can be used to take out groups of enemies.

In conclusion, choosing the best COD AW class can make all the difference in winning or losing a match. Each class has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it's important to find the one that suits your playstyle best. Whether you prefer to engage your enemies from long range, rush into battle, or provide support for your team, there is a class that will suit your needs. So, go out there and find the class that works best for you!


Call of Duty Advanced Warfare is a game that requires players to have a suitable class to win matches. In this article, we will discuss the best COD AW class that can help you achieve your goals in the game.


Primary Weapon: Bal-27

Bal-27 is known for its accuracy and damage. It is perfect for medium-range combats.

Secondary Weapon: PDW

The PDW is an excellent choice for close-range engagements.


  • Scavenger
  • Toughness
  • Blast Suppressor

Scavenger helps you replenish ammo from enemies' corpses, while Toughness reduces flinching when taking fire, and Blast Suppressor hides your movements from enemy radar.


Primary Weapon: KF5

The KF5 is a versatile gun that can be used in all ranges.

Secondary Weapon: Atlas 45

The Atlas 45 is a reliable pistol that can save you in tight situations.


  • Lightweight
  • Fast Hands
  • Gung-Ho

Lightweight increases your movement speed, Fast Hands allows you to swap weapons and aim faster, and Gung-Ho lets you fire while sprinting and reloading while sprinting.


Primary Weapon: MORS

The MORS is a powerful sniper rifle that can kill enemies in one shot.

Secondary Weapon: RW1

The RW1 is a reliable pistol that can be used for close-range combats.


  • Steady Aim
  • Quickdraw
  • Dead Silence

Steady Aim increases your hip-fire accuracy, Quickdraw allows you to aim down sight faster, and Dead Silence makes you move silently.


Primary Weapon: Pytaek

The Pytaek is a heavy machine gun that can deal massive damage to enemies.

Secondary Weapon: Atlas 45

The Atlas 45 is a reliable pistol that can save you in tight situations.


  • Toughness
  • Scavenger
  • Blast Suppressor

Toughness reduces flinching when taking fire, Scavenger helps you replenish ammo from enemies' corpses, and Blast Suppressor hides your movements from enemy radar.


In conclusion, the best COD AW class depends on your play style. Whether you prefer assault, SMG, sniper, or heavy, make sure to use the recommended primary and secondary weapons and perks to maximize your chances of winning.

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is a first-person shooter game that revolutionized the Call of Duty franchise with its advanced movement system and futuristic setting. With fast-paced gameplay and intense combat, players need to have the right loadout to succeed in the game's multiplayer mode. In this article, we will take a deep dive into the best COD AW class to help you dominate the competition.

Assault Rifles: The Best Options for Long-Range Combat

Assault rifles are the most versatile weapons in the game, offering a good balance between accuracy, damage, and range. Here are some of the best assault rifles in COD AW:1. BAL-27 - This weapon has low recoil and is perfect for long-range engagements. It also has a high rate of fire, making it effective in close-quarters combat.2. AK-12 - The AK-12 is a well-rounded weapon that excels at medium-range combat. It has low recoil and a good fire rate, making it easy to control.3. HBRa3 - The HBRa3 is a powerful weapon that deals high damage at medium to long ranges. It has a slow rate of fire but compensates for it with its accuracy.

Choosing the Right Perks for Your Play Style

Perks are essential in COD AW as they provide players with unique abilities that can give them an edge in combat. Here are some of the best perks for different play styles:1. Agile - This perk allows players to move faster and jump higher, making it ideal for players who like to rush and flank their enemies.2. Toughness - Toughness reduces flinch when hit, making it easier to aim and shoot back when under fire.3. Scavenger - This perk allows players to replenish their ammo from fallen enemies, making it useful for players who like to use their primary weapon extensively.

Secondary Weapons: Pistols, Shotguns, and Launchers

Secondary weapons are essential for close-quarters combat and taking out scorestreaks. Here are some of the best secondary weapons in COD AW:1. Atlas 45 - The Atlas 45 is a powerful pistol that deals high damage at close range. It has a fast fire rate and a large magazine capacity.2. S-12 - The S-12 is a fully automatic shotgun that excels at close-range combat. It has a high rate of fire and can take out multiple enemies with one shot.3. Stinger M7 - The Stinger M7 is a launcher that can take out enemy scorestreaks such as UAVs and Attack Helicopters. It also does significant damage to enemy players.

Optics and Attachments: What Works Best for Each Gun

Optics and attachments can improve a weapon's accuracy, range, and handling. Here are some of the best optics and attachments for different weapons:1. Red Dot Sight - The Red Dot Sight provides a clear view of the target and increases accuracy.2. Foregrip - The Foregrip reduces recoil, making it easier to control the weapon.3. Suppressor - The Suppressor reduces the sound of the weapon, making it harder for enemies to locate the player.

Lethal and Tactical Equipment: How to Maximize Their Effectiveness

Lethal and tactical equipment can provide players with an advantage in combat. Here are some of the best lethal and tactical equipment in COD AW:1. Frag Grenade - The Frag Grenade deals high damage to enemies in its blast radius.2. Exo Shield - The Exo Shield provides players with temporary cover and can block enemy fire.3. EMP Grenade - The EMP Grenade disables enemy scorestreaks and equipment, making it useful for taking out enemy UAVs and turrets.

Scorestreaks: Choosing the Best Ones for Your Team

Scorestreaks are powerful rewards that can turn the tide of a match. Here are some of the best scorestreaks in COD AW:1. UAV - The UAV reveals enemy positions on the minimap, making it easier to locate and eliminate them.2. Warbird - The Warbird is an AI-controlled drone that can take out enemy players and scorestreaks.3. Paladin - The Paladin is a heavily armed and armored vehicle that can dominate the battlefield.

Movement and Mobility: How to Stay One Step Ahead of Your Enemies

Movement and mobility are essential in COD AW as they allow players to navigate the map quickly and evade enemy fire. Here are some tips for improving your movement and mobility:1. Use the Exo Jump ability to reach higher areas and avoid enemy fire.2. Slide to cover quickly and avoid enemy fire.3. Use the Exo Boost ability to dodge incoming fire and close the distance with enemies.

Exo Abilities: Which Ones Are Worth Using?

Exo abilities are unique abilities that provide players with an advantage in combat. Here are some of the best Exo abilities in COD AW:1. Overdrive - Overdrive increases the player's speed and agility, making it easier to rush and flank enemies.2. Cloak - Cloak makes the player invisible for a short period, allowing them to sneak up on enemies and catch them off guard.3. Stim - Stim heals the player and increases their health regeneration rate, making it useful for surviving intense firefights.

Creating a Balanced Loadout for All Situations

Creating a balanced loadout is essential in COD AW as it allows players to be prepared for any situation. Here are some tips for creating a balanced loadout:1. Have a primary weapon for long-range combat and a secondary weapon for close-quarters combat.2. Choose perks that complement your play style and weapons.3. Use lethal and tactical equipment that can provide you with an advantage in combat.

Tips and Tricks for Domination, Search and Destroy, and Team Deathmatch

Domination, Search and Destroy, and Team Deathmatch are some of the most popular game modes in COD AW. Here are some tips and tricks for each mode:1. Domination - Focus on capturing and defending objectives, and use scorestreaks to clear out enemy positions.2. Search and Destroy - Be patient and work with your team to plant or defuse the bomb.3. Team Deathmatch - Stick with your team and use cover to avoid enemy fire.In conclusion, COD AW offers players a fast-paced and intense multiplayer experience. By choosing the right loadout and using the right tactics, players can dominate the competition and lead their team to victory. Use these tips and tricks to create the best COD AW class and become a master of the battlefield.

Best COD AW Class: The Point of View

The Best COD AW Class

The best COD AW class is subjective and depends on the player's playstyle and preferences. However, a well-rounded class that can adapt to different situations includes the following loadout:
  • Primary Weapon: BAL-27 or ASM1
  • Attachments: Quickdraw, Grip, and Stock
  • Secondary Weapon: Atlas 45
  • Perk 1: Lightweight or Flak Jacket
  • Perk 2: Toughness or Cold-Blooded
  • Perk 3: Blast Suppressor or Dead Silence
  • Lethal: Semtex or Frag Grenade
  • Tactical: Stun Grenade or Trophy System
  • Scorestreaks: UAV, Care Package, and System Hack

Pros and Cons of the Best COD AW Class


  1. The BAL-27 and ASM1 are versatile assault rifles that excel in medium to close-range combat, respectively.
  2. The attachments increase accuracy, stability, and mobility, making it easier to aim and move around the map.
  3. The Atlas 45 serves as a reliable backup weapon for emergencies.
  4. The lightweight and flak jacket perks provide faster movement speed and protection against explosives, respectively.
  5. The toughness and cold-blooded perks reduce flinching and protect against enemy scorestreaks, respectively.
  6. The blast suppressor and dead silence perks make the player quieter and harder to detect by enemies.
  7. The semtex and frag grenade are lethal options that can deal significant damage to enemies.
  8. The stun grenade and trophy system are tactical options that can stun enemies or protect the player from incoming projectiles, respectively.
  9. The UAV, care package, and system hack scorestreaks provide valuable intel, rewards, and disable enemy equipment and scorestreaks.


  1. The loadout may not suit all playstyles and preferences, and players may need to experiment with different weapons, attachments, perks, and equipment.
  2. The scorestreaks may require multiple kills or objectives to obtain, and players may need to prioritize their use depending on the situation.
  3. The loadout may not work well in all maps and game modes, and players may need to adapt their strategies accordingly.

Table Comparison or Information about COD AW Classes

Class Primary Weapon Attachments Secondary Weapon Perks Lethal Tactical Scorestreaks
Assault ARX-160 or HBRa3 Quickdraw, Foregrip, and Stock P-1 Pistol Lightweight, Toughness, and Blast Suppressor Frag Grenade or Semtex Stun Grenade or Smoke Grenade UAV, Care Package, and Sentinel Recon Drone
SMG KF5 or MP11 Quickdraw, Foregrip, and Stock M1 Irons Pistol Lightweight, Toughness, and Blast Suppressor Frag Grenade or Semtex Stun Grenade or Smoke Grenade UAV, Care Package, and System Hack
Heavy EM1 or Pytaek Quickdraw and Foregrip Atlas 45 Pistol Flak Jacket, Cold-Blooded, and Toughness Semtex or Frag Grenade Trophy System or Smoke Grenade Aerial Assault Drone, Remote Turret, and Warbird
Sniper Atlas 20mm or MORS Variable Zoom Scope and Ballistics CPU P-1 Pistol Overkill, Flak Jacket, and Cold-Blooded Frag Grenade or Thermite Stun Grenade or Smoke Grenade Satellite Drone, XS1 Vulcan, and Paladin

In conclusion, the best COD AW class depends on the player's playstyle and preferences, but a well-rounded loadout includes the BAL-27 or ASM1 as the primary weapon, quickdraw, grip, and stock as attachments, Atlas 45 as the secondary weapon, lightweight or flak jacket, toughness or cold-blooded, and blast suppressor or dead silence as perks, semtex or frag grenade as lethal options, stun grenade or trophy system as tactical options, and UAV, care package, and system hack as scorestreaks.

The Best COD AW Class: A Comprehensive Guide

Dear valued readers,

Thank you for taking the time to read our comprehensive guide on the best COD AW class. We hope that you have found it informative and helpful in your quest to become a top player in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.

As we have discussed, there are many different factors to consider when creating the best COD AW class. From weapons to perks to scorestreaks, each aspect plays a vital role in your success on the battlefield.

One of the most important things to remember is that your class should be tailored to your individual playstyle. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, and by creating a class that plays to your strengths, you can maximize your potential and dominate the competition.

Another key factor is the importance of balance. Your class should be well-rounded, with a mix of offensive and defensive capabilities. You want to be able to engage in both long-range and close-quarters combat, and have the ability to defend yourself against enemy attacks.

When it comes to weapons, there are many great options to choose from. Some of the most popular choices include assault rifles like the BAL-27 and the AK12, as well as submachine guns like the KF5 and the ASM1. It's important to experiment with different weapons to find the ones that work best for you.

Perks are another crucial aspect of your class. Some of the most effective perks include Quickdraw, which increases your weapon's aim-down-sight speed, and Lightweight, which allows you to move faster. It's important to choose perks that complement your playstyle and help you accomplish your objectives.

In terms of scorestreaks, there are many great options to choose from. Some of the most effective scorestreaks include the UAV, which provides valuable intel on enemy positions, and the Advanced UAV, which reveals all enemies on the map. It's important to choose scorestreaks that complement your playstyle and help you achieve your objectives.

Ultimately, the best COD AW class is one that is tailored to your individual playstyle, balanced, and effective in achieving your objectives. By experimenting with different weapons, perks, and scorestreaks, you can create a class that maximizes your potential and helps you dominate the competition.

We hope that you have found this guide helpful in your journey to become a top player in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. Thank you for reading, and we wish you the best of luck on the battlefield!


The COD AW Class Guide Team

People Also Ask About Best COD AW Class

What is the best class setup for Call of Duty Advanced Warfare?

There is no one best class setup as it depends on your playstyle and preferences. However, some popular setups include:

  • Assault Rifle with Red Dot Sight, Foregrip, and Quickdraw
  • Exo Launcher with EMP Grenades
  • Perks - Lightweight, Low Profile, Toughness, and Blast Suppressor

Which weapon is the best in Call of Duty Advanced Warfare?

Again, this is subjective, but some popular weapons include:

  • Bal-27 - A versatile assault rifle with high accuracy and damage
  • ASM1 - A fast-firing submachine gun with good mobility
  • Ameli - A light machine gun with high damage and range

What perks should I use in Call of Duty Advanced Warfare?

It depends on your playstyle and game mode, but some popular perks include:

  • Lightweight - Increased movement speed
  • Low Profile - Makes you invisible to enemy UAVs
  • Toughness - Reduced flinch when shot
  • Blast Suppressor - No mini-map signature when using Exo movements
  • Dead Silence - Makes you silent while moving

What scorestreaks should I use in Call of Duty Advanced Warfare?

Again, it depends on your playstyle and game mode, but some popular scorestreaks include:

  • UAV - Shows enemy positions on the mini-map
  • Care Package - Drops a random scorestreak or weapon
  • System Hack - Temporarily disables enemy HUD and Exo movements
  • Warbird - An AI-controlled attack helicopter
  • Paladin - A high-powered laser weapon

In Conclusion

These are just some suggestions for the best COD AW class, weapons, perks, and scorestreaks. Ultimately, it's up to you to experiment and find what works best for your playstyle!