Top 10 Best Pool Chlorine Tablets for Crystal Clear Water in 2021


Keep your pool crystal clear with the best chlorine tablets. Easy to use and effective in killing bacteria and algae.

When it comes to maintaining a clean and clear swimming pool, there is no question that chlorine is the way to go. But not all chlorine products are created equal, and finding the best pool chlorine tablets can be a daunting task. With so many options on the market, how do you know which tablets will provide the best results for your pool? In this article, we will take a closer look at some of the top pool chlorine tablets available, and what makes them stand out from the rest.

First and foremost, it's important to understand what makes a good pool chlorine tablet. Ideally, you want a tablet that dissolves quickly and evenly, providing consistent chlorination throughout your pool. You also want a tablet that is long-lasting, so you don't have to add new tablets too frequently. Additionally, you want a tablet that is effective at killing bacteria and algae, while still being safe for swimmers.

One of the most popular pool chlorine tablets on the market today is the Tri-Chlor tablet. These tablets are known for their slow-dissolving formula, which means they can last for up to a week in your pool. They also contain stabilizers, which help to protect the chlorine from breaking down due to sunlight and heat. However, it's important to note that Tri-Chlor tablets can be harsh on vinyl liners and may cause damage over time.

If you're looking for a more eco-friendly option, consider using saltwater chlorination tablets instead. These tablets work by converting salt into chlorine, which means you don't have to handle or store traditional chlorine products. Saltwater chlorination tablets are also gentler on your skin and eyes, making them a great option for families with young children.

Another popular option for pool owners is the Cal-Hypo tablet. These tablets are known for their high concentration of chlorine, which means they can quickly kill bacteria and algae in your pool. However, they do require more frequent additions than some other tablet options, as they tend to dissolve faster in water.

No matter which type of pool chlorine tablet you choose, it's important to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully. Overuse of chlorine can lead to skin and eye irritation, as well as damage to your pool equipment. Additionally, be sure to store your chlorine tablets in a cool, dry place, away from sunlight and moisture.

In conclusion, finding the best pool chlorine tablets for your needs requires some careful consideration. Whether you choose Tri-Chlor, saltwater chlorination, or Cal-Hypo tablets, make sure you're selecting a product that is effective, safe, and long-lasting. With the right chlorine tablets, you can keep your pool sparkling clean and ready for swimming all season long.


Keeping your pool clean and safe for swimming is essential for any pool owner. One of the most important factors in maintaining a clean pool is using chlorine tablets. Chlorine tablets are an effective and easy way to keep your pool water sanitized, free of bacteria and algae, and clear of debris.

What are Chlorine Tablets?

Chlorine tablets are small, white tablets made of stabilized chlorine. They are designed to dissolve slowly in water, releasing a consistent amount of chlorine into the pool. This slow release method provides continuous sanitation and keeps the water clean and clear.

Types of Chlorine Tablets

1. Trichlor Tablets

Trichlor tablets contain a high concentration of chlorine and are the most popular type of chlorine tablets. They are slow dissolving and can last up to a week in the pool. Trichlor tablets are also pH balanced, which means they won’t affect the pH level of your pool water.

2. Dichlor Tablets

Dichlor tablets are another type of chlorine tablet that is fast dissolving. They contain a lower concentration of chlorine than trichlor tablets and are less likely to cause skin and eye irritation. Dichlor tablets are also pH neutral, which means they won’t affect the pH level of your pool water.

3. Calcium Hypochlorite Tablets

Calcium hypochlorite tablets are fast dissolving and provide a high concentration of chlorine. They are effective in killing bacteria and algae, but they can raise the pH level of your pool water. It’s important to monitor the pH level when using calcium hypochlorite tablets.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Chlorine Tablets

1. Pool Size

The size of your pool will determine the number of chlorine tablets you need. It’s important to choose a chlorine tablet that is appropriate for the size of your pool to ensure effective sanitation.

2. Type of Chlorine Tablet

As mentioned earlier, there are different types of chlorine tablets. Consider the pros and cons of each type before choosing the one that suits your needs.

3. Price

Price is also an important factor to consider when choosing chlorine tablets. While cheaper options may be tempting, it’s important to choose a high-quality product that will effectively sanitize your pool.

Top Chlorine Tablets on the Market

1. Clorox Pool&Spa Active99 3-inch Chlorinating Tablets

These trichlor tablets are highly rated and are designed to dissolve slowly in water, providing continuous sanitation. They are also pH balanced and contain no calcium, which helps prevent scale buildup in the pool.

2. In The Swim 3-inch Pool Chlorine Tablets

These trichlor tablets are slow dissolving and can last up to a week in the pool. They are also stabilized to prevent chlorine loss due to sunlight exposure. In The Swim 3-inch Pool Chlorine Tablets are also pH balanced and contain no copper, which can cause staining in the pool.

3. Rx Clear Stabilized Chlorine Tablets

These trichlor tablets are fast dissolving and provide a high concentration of chlorine. They are also stabilized to prevent chlorine loss due to sunlight exposure. Rx Clear Stabilized Chlorine Tablets are pH balanced and contain no copper or iron, which can cause staining in the pool.


Choosing the best pool chlorine tablets is essential for maintaining a clean and safe swimming pool. Consider the type of chlorine tablet, pool size, and price when choosing a product. The Clorox Pool&Spa Active99 3-inch Chlorinating Tablets, In The Swim 3-inch Pool Chlorine Tablets, and Rx Clear Stabilized Chlorine Tablets are all highly rated and effective options on the market.

Why Pool Chlorine Tablets are Important for Your Swimming Pool?

Swimming pools are great recreational spots, but they also require proper maintenance to keep them clean and safe for use. One of the most important aspects of pool maintenance is ensuring that the water is free from harmful bacteria and other microorganisms. This is where pool chlorine tablets come in handy.

Pool chlorine tablets are a type of chemical sanitizer that helps to destroy bacteria, viruses, and algae in swimming pool water. These tablets contain chlorine, which is a highly effective disinfectant that kills germs and prevents the growth of harmful bacteria.

Without the use of pool chlorine tablets, swimming pool water can become a breeding ground for bacteria and other microorganisms. This can cause a range of health problems for swimmers, including skin rashes, ear infections, and even respiratory illnesses.

Therefore, it's important to use pool chlorine tablets regularly to keep the water clean and safe for use.

How to Choose the Best Pool Chlorine Tablets for Your Pool?

There are many different types of pool chlorine tablets available on the market, which can make choosing the best one for your pool a daunting task. Here are some factors to consider when selecting the best pool chlorine tablets for your pool:


There are three main types of pool chlorine tablets: stabilized, unstabilized, and shock. Stabilized chlorine tablets contain cyanuric acid, which helps to protect the chlorine from being degraded by the sun's UV rays. Unstabilized chlorine tablets do not contain cyanuric acid and are best used in indoor pools. Shock chlorine tablets are used to quickly raise the chlorine levels in the pool to kill off any bacteria or algae present.

The concentration of chlorine in the tablets is another important factor to consider. The higher the concentration, the faster the tablets will dissolve, and the quicker they will work to sanitize the pool water. However, high concentrations can also be harsh on pool equipment and may cause damage if not used correctly.

The cost of pool chlorine tablets varies depending on the brand, type, and concentration. It's important to choose a product that fits within your budget while still being effective at keeping your pool water clean and safe.

There are many different brands of pool chlorine tablets available on the market, each with its own unique features and benefits. It's important to choose a trusted brand with a good reputation for quality and effectiveness.

Top 5 Pool Chlorine Tablets for Above-Ground Pools

Choosing the right pool chlorine tablets can be a daunting task, especially for above-ground pools. Here are the top 5 pool chlorine tablets for above-ground pools:

In The Swim 3-Inch Pool Chlorine Tablets are a popular choice for above-ground pools due to their slow-dissolving formula. They contain 90% stabilized chlorine, which helps to protect the chlorine from being broken down by the sun's UV rays. These tablets are also affordable and easy to use.

Clorox Pool&Spa Active99 3-Inch Chlorinating Tablets are another great option for above-ground pools. These tablets contain 99% trichloro-s-triazinetrione, which is a highly effective disinfectant. They are also easy to use and dissolve quickly in the pool water.

Kem-Tek Chlorinating Tablets are a powerful and effective option for above-ground pools. They contain 90% stabilized chlorine and are slow-dissolving, which helps to maintain a consistent level of chlorine in the pool water. These tablets are also affordable and come in a convenient bucket for easy storage.

Leisure Time Spa 56 Chlorinating Granules are a versatile option that can be used in both above-ground pools and spas. These granules contain 56% sodium dichloro-s-triazinetrione, which is a fast-acting disinfectant. They are also easy to use and dissolve quickly in the pool water.

Aqua Chem 3-Inch Chlorinating Tablets are a popular choice for above-ground pools due to their high concentration of chlorine (99%). These tablets are also slow-dissolving and contain a built-in stabilizer to protect the chlorine from being broken down by sunlight. They are also affordable and easy to use.

Different Types of Pool Chlorine Tablets and Their Benefits

There are several different types of pool chlorine tablets available on the market, each with its own unique benefits:

Stabilized chlorine tablets contain cyanuric acid, which helps to protect the chlorine from being broken down by the sun's UV rays. These tablets are ideal for outdoor pools that receive a lot of sunlight. They are also slow-dissolving, which helps to maintain a consistent level of chlorine in the pool water.

Unstabilized chlorine tablets do not contain cyanuric acid and are best used in indoor pools. These tablets are fast-dissolving and work quickly to sanitize the pool water. However, they can be harsh on pool equipment and may cause damage if not used correctly.

Shock chlorine tablets are used to quickly raise the chlorine levels in the pool to kill off any bacteria or algae present. These tablets are fast-dissolving and should only be used when necessary as they can be harsh on pool equipment.

Mineral chlorine tablets contain minerals such as copper and silver, which help to sanitize the pool water without the use of traditional chlorine. These tablets are a great option for people with sensitive skin or those who prefer to use natural products.

Best Pool Chlorine Tablets for Saltwater Pools

Saltwater pools are becoming increasingly popular due to their lower maintenance requirements and reduced reliance on traditional chlorine. However, saltwater pools still require some form of chlorine to keep the water clean and safe for use. Here are the best pool chlorine tablets for saltwater pools:

Clorox Pool&Spa XtraBlue 3-Inch Long-Lasting Chlorinating Tablets are a popular choice for saltwater pools. These tablets contain 99% trichloro-s-triazinetrione, which is a highly effective disinfectant. They are also slow-dissolving and contain a built-in stabilizer to protect the chlorine from being broken down by sunlight.

BioGuard Pool Tonic Chlorine Tablets are another great option for saltwater pools. These tablets contain a blend of chlorine and clarifying agents, which help to keep the pool water crystal clear. They are also slow-dissolving and contain a built-in stabilizer to protect the chlorine from being broken down by sunlight.

How Often Should You Use Pool Chlorine Tablets in Your Pool?

The frequency at which you should use pool chlorine tablets in your pool depends on several factors, including the size of your pool, the number of swimmers, and the amount of sunlight the pool receives. A general guideline is to use 1-3 chlorine tablets per week for every 10,000 gallons of water in the pool.

It's important to test the chlorine levels in your pool regularly using a test kit to ensure that the levels are within the recommended range (1-3 ppm). If the chlorine levels are too low, more tablets may need to be added. If the levels are too high, the pool may need to be shocked to bring the levels back down to the recommended range.

Can Pool Chlorine Tablets Harm Your Pool Equipment?

Pool chlorine tablets can be harsh on pool equipment if not used correctly. High concentrations of chlorine can cause damage to pool liners, filters, and other equipment. It's important to follow the manufacturer's instructions when using pool chlorine tablets and to avoid adding too many tablets at once.

It's also important to keep the pool water balanced by testing the pH and alkalinity levels regularly. Imbalanced water can cause corrosion and damage to pool equipment over time.

How to Store Pool Chlorine Tablets Safely?

Pool chlorine tablets should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and heat sources. They should also be kept out of reach of children and pets. It's important to store chlorine tablets separately from other pool chemicals to avoid any chemical reactions.

When handling pool chlorine tablets, it's important to wear gloves and avoid inhaling the fumes. The tablets should be added to the pool water slowly and never mixed with other chemicals.

Pros and Cons of Using Pool Chlorine Tablets for Pool Maintenance

There are several pros and cons to using pool chlorine tablets for pool maintenance:

  • Chlorine tablets are a highly effective disinfectant that helps to kill bacteria, viruses, and algae in the pool water.
  • They are easy to use and dissolve slowly, which helps to maintain a consistent level of chlorine in the pool water.
  • Chlorine tablets are affordable and readily available at most pool supply stores.
  • Chlorine tablets can be harsh on pool equipment if not used correctly.
  • High concentrations of chlorine can cause skin irritation and respiratory problems in some people.
  • Chlorine tablets require careful handling and storage to avoid any chemical reactions or accidents.

How to Properly Add Pool Chlorine Tablets to Your Pool?

Adding pool chlorine tablets to your pool is a simple process, but it's important to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully:

  1. Test the chlorine levels in your pool using a test kit.
  2. Determine the number of tablets needed based on the size of your pool and the chlorine levels.
  3. Add the chlorine tablets to a floating dispenser or skimmer basket.

Remember to always wear gloves when handling pool chlorine tablets and to avoid inhaling the fumes. It's also important to keep the tablets out of reach of children and pets.


Pool chlorine tablets are an essential part of pool maintenance, helping to keep the water clean and safe for use. When choosing a pool chlorine tablet, it's important to consider factors such as type, concentration, cost, and brand. Above-ground pools, saltwater pools, and indoor pools may require different types of chlorine tablets.

It's important to use pool chlorine tablets regularly and test the chlorine levels in the pool water to ensure that they are within the recommended range. Careful handling, storage, and application of chlorine tablets can help to prevent damage to pool equipment and ensure a safe swimming experience for all.

Best Pool Chlorine Tablets: A Comprehensive Review


Keeping your pool clean and safe for swimming requires the use of effective pool chlorine tablets. With so many options available in the market, it can be overwhelming to decide which one suits your needs best. In this article, we'll provide an overview of the top-rated pool chlorine tablets and their pros and cons.

Comparison Table

We've compiled a comparison table to make it easier for you to compare the different features of each product.

Product Name Active Ingredient Quantity Price
Clorox Pool&Spa Active99 3 Chlorinating Tablets Trichloro-s-triazinetrione 35lbs $156.99
Pool Mate 1-1405M All-in-1 Swimming Pool 4-in-1 Chlorinating Granules Sodium Dichloro-S-Triazinetrione Dihydrate 5lbs $32.99
In the Swim 3 Inch Pool Chlorine Tablets Trichloro-s-triazinetrione 50lbs $159.99
Hth Pool Sanitizer Chlorinating Tablets Trichloro-s-triazinetrione 5lbs $34.99

Clorox Pool&Spa Active99 3 Chlorinating Tablets

Clorox Pool&Spa Active99 3 Chlorinating Tablets are a popular choice among pool owners for their fast-dissolving formula and effectiveness in killing bacteria and algae. Here are the pros and cons of this product:

  • Fast-dissolving formula
  • Effective in killing bacteria and algae
  • Stabilized to protect against sunlight degradation
  • May cause skin irritation if not handled properly
  • Strong chemical odor
  • Slightly more expensive than other options

Pool Mate 1-1405M All-in-1 Swimming Pool 4-in-1 Chlorinating Granules

Pool Mate 1-1405M All-in-1 Swimming Pool 4-in-1 Chlorinating Granules are a versatile option for pool owners who prefer granular chlorine. Here are the pros and cons of this product:

  • Easy to use granular formula
  • Effective in killing bacteria, algae, and other contaminants
  • Includes clarifier, stabilizer, and algaecide
  • Not as fast-acting as some tablet options
  • May cause cloudiness in water if not used properly
  • Might be less effective in larger pools

In the Swim 3 Inch Pool Chlorine Tablets

In the Swim 3 Inch Pool Chlorine Tablets are a reliable option for pool owners who want a highly concentrated formula that lasts longer. Here are the pros and cons of this product:

  • Highly concentrated formula
  • Slow-dissolving, long-lasting tablets
  • Effective in killing bacteria and algae
  • May cause skin irritation if not handled properly
  • Strong chemical odor
  • Expensive compared to other options

Hth Pool Sanitizer Chlorinating Tablets

Hth Pool Sanitizer Chlorinating Tablets are a budget-friendly option for pool owners who want an effective product without breaking the bank. Here are the pros and cons of this product:

  • Budget-friendly price point
  • Effective in killing bacteria and algae
  • Stabilized to protect against sunlight degradation
  • May cause skin irritation if not handled properly
  • Strong chemical odor
  • Tablets may dissolve too quickly in some cases


When it comes to pool chlorine tablets, there are many options available to choose from. The best product for you will depend on your priorities and budget. Overall, Clorox Pool&Spa Active99 3 Chlorinating Tablets and In the Swim 3 Inch Pool Chlorine Tablets are both highly effective options, although they may be more expensive than other products. Pool Mate 1-1405M All-in-1 Swimming Pool 4-in-1 Chlorinating Granules and Hth Pool Sanitizer Chlorinating Tablets are both budget-friendly alternatives, although they may not be as fast-acting or long-lasting as some other options.


In conclusion, finding the best pool chlorine tablets is crucial in maintaining a clean and healthy pool. With many options available in the market, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one. However, by considering the factors discussed in this article, you can make an informed decision and select the best product that suits your needs.

Firstly, you need to assess the size of your pool and determine the appropriate concentration of chlorine required. This will help you to choose the right tablet size and quantity. Secondly, consider the type of pool you have and the specific needs it requires. For example, saltwater pools require a different type of chlorine tablet than traditional chlorine pools.

Additionally, look for products that are easy to use and dissolve quickly to avoid clogging your pool filters. Tablets that contain additional chemicals such as algaecides and clarifiers can also be beneficial in keeping your pool clean and clear.

It is also important to consider the safety features of the product. Look for products that are labeled as safe for use in swimming pools and do not contain harmful chemicals that can harm swimmers. Furthermore, ensure that the product is stored in a cool and dry place away from children and pets.

When using pool chlorine tablets, ensure that you follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully. Do not exceed the recommended dosage as this can damage your pool equipment and irritate swimmers' eyes and skin.

Finally, regularly test the water in your pool to ensure that the chlorine levels are within the recommended range. This will help you to maintain a clean and healthy pool throughout the season.

In summary, choosing the best pool chlorine tablets requires careful consideration of various factors such as pool size, type, safety, and ease of use. By selecting the right product and following the manufacturer's instructions, you can keep your pool clean, clear, and safe for swimmers.

Thank you for reading this article, and we hope that it has been informative and helpful in your search for the best pool chlorine tablets. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. Happy swimming!

People also ask about best pool chlorine tablets

What are pool chlorine tablets?

Pool chlorine tablets are small compressed tablets that dissolve slowly to release chlorine into your swimming pool water. These tablets come in different sizes and strengths, so it’s important to choose the right type of tablet for your pool.

Why do I need pool chlorine tablets?

Chlorine is an essential chemical for swimming pools as it helps to kill bacteria and other harmful microorganisms that can cause skin irritations and illnesses. Pool chlorine tablets keep your pool water clean and safe for swimming.

What are the best pool chlorine tablets?

There are many types of pool chlorine tablets available on the market, but some of the best ones include:

  1. Clorox Pool&Spa Chlorinating Tablets
  2. In The Swim 3 Inch Pool Chlorine Tablets
  3. Swim Best Trichlor Chlorine Tablets
  4. Kem-Tek Chlorinating Tablets
  5. HTH Super 3 Inch Chlorinating Tablets

How do I use pool chlorine tablets?

Pool chlorine tablets should be added to a chlorine feeder or floater, which releases the chlorine slowly into your pool water. It’s important to follow the instructions on the packaging carefully and never add the tablets directly to your pool as this can cause damage to your pool surface.

How many pool chlorine tablets do I need?

The number of pool chlorine tablets you need depends on the size of your pool and the strength of the tablets. Generally, you will need one tablet for every 10,000 gallons of water in your pool. However, it’s important to refer to the instructions on the packaging for specific dosage guidelines.