Top 10 Rabbit Traps to Ensure Successful Catching: Best Tricks for Rabbit Control


Discover the top rabbit traps for your garden or property. From live traps to snare traps, we've got you covered. Keep your plants safe!

When it comes to trapping rabbits, it is essential to have the right tools and techniques to ensure success. Whether you are a hunter or simply looking to control the population of these furry creatures on your property, using the best traps can make a significant difference in your results. In this article, we will explore some of the most effective traps for rabbits and how to use them to catch these elusive animals.

First on our list is the live trap, which is a humane and effective way to catch rabbits without harming them. These traps come in various sizes and designs, but they all work by luring the rabbit into an enclosed space where they cannot escape. One popular type of live trap is the box trap, which is typically made of metal or wire mesh and can be baited with food to attract the rabbit inside.

Another option for trapping rabbits is the snare trap, which is designed to capture the animal around its neck or body. Snares can be made from a variety of materials, such as wire or cord, and are often used by hunters for their simplicity and low cost. However, it's important to note that snares can be dangerous if not set up correctly and may cause injury or death to the rabbit if not checked regularly.

For those looking for an efficient and lethal method of trapping rabbits, the leg hold trap is a popular choice. These traps work by catching the rabbit's leg in a spring-loaded device, which immobilizes the animal until the trapper can come and dispatch it. Leg hold traps are often used by professional trappers and hunters who are trained in their use and are aware of the risks involved.

In addition to these types of traps, there are also specialized traps designed specifically for certain types of rabbits. For example, the cottontail rabbit trap is designed to target this species, which is one of the most common in North America. These traps are often baited with carrots or other vegetables to attract the rabbit inside.

When it comes to setting up your traps, there are several key factors to consider. Firstly, you will need to choose a location that is frequented by rabbits, such as a feeding area or a known travel route. You will also need to ensure that your trap is properly secured and camouflaged to avoid scaring off potential catches.

In addition to these basic considerations, it's also important to be aware of local laws and regulations regarding trapping. Some states or municipalities may have specific rules and restrictions on the use of certain types of traps, so be sure to do your research before setting up any traps on your property.

Another important aspect of trapping rabbits is checking your traps regularly. Live traps should be checked at least once a day to ensure that any caught rabbits are released promptly and safely. Lethal traps, such as leg hold traps, should also be checked frequently to avoid leaving a trapped rabbit suffering for an extended period.

In conclusion, trapping rabbits can be an effective way to control their population or provide food for your family. However, it's important to use the right type of trap for your needs and to follow proper techniques to ensure success and safety. By using the tips and information outlined in this article, you can increase your chances of catching rabbits and enjoy the rewards of a successful hunt.


Rabbits are a common pest in gardens and farms, causing damage to crops and plants. Trapping is an effective method of controlling their population. However, not all traps are created equal. In this article, we will explore the best traps for rabbits.

Cage Traps


Cage traps are humane traps that capture rabbits alive. They consist of a wire cage with a door that closes behind the rabbit once it enters the trap. These traps come in various sizes and are easy to use.


Cage traps are effective in capturing rabbits without harming them. Once captured, the rabbit can be released into a different location away from your garden or farm.


The drawback of cage traps is that they can be expensive compared to other types of traps. Also, they require regular monitoring, as trapped rabbits can die if left in the trap for too long.



Snares are simple traps made of wire or string that are placed along rabbit trails. The rabbit's foot gets caught in the snare, trapping it.


Snares are effective in capturing rabbits, as they are designed to catch the animal by the foot, allowing it to be captured alive.


The drawback of snares is that they can be dangerous to rabbits if not set up properly. Also, they may not be legal in some areas, so check your local regulations before using them.

Body Gripping Traps


Body gripping traps are also known as conibear traps. They are designed to kill the rabbit instantly by crushing its neck or chest.


Body gripping traps are highly effective in killing rabbits quickly and efficiently.


The drawback of body gripping traps is that they can be dangerous to use and should only be used by experienced trappers. Also, they are not humane, as they kill the rabbit instead of capturing it alive.

Live Traps


Live traps are similar to cage traps but are smaller and designed specifically for trapping rabbits. They are easy to set up and use.


Live traps are effective in capturing rabbits alive and can be easily transported to a different location to release the rabbit.


The drawback of live traps is that they can be expensive compared to other types of traps. Also, they require regular monitoring, as trapped rabbits can die if left in the trap for too long.

Foothold Traps


Foothold traps are designed to catch the rabbit by the foot, holding it in place until it can be captured.


Foothold traps are effective in trapping rabbits alive, allowing them to be released in a different location.


The drawback of foothold traps is that they can be dangerous to rabbits if not set up properly. Also, they may not be legal in some areas, so check your local regulations before using them.


Trapping is an effective method of controlling rabbit populations. However, it is essential to use the right type of trap for the situation. Cage traps and live traps are the most humane methods of trapping rabbits, while body gripping and foothold traps are more suitable for experienced trappers. Snares can be effective but may not be legal in all areas. Always check your local regulations before setting up traps.

Rabbits can be a real nuisance for farmers and gardeners, causing damage to crops and vegetation. For those looking to control rabbit populations, traps offer an effective solution. However, with so many different types of traps available, it can be difficult to know which one is best for your needs. In this article, we’ll explore the top ten traps for rabbits, including their pros and cons, and how to use them effectively.

1. Box Traps: A Simple and Effective Way to Catch Rabbits

Box traps are a type of live trap that work by luring rabbits into a box-shaped enclosure. These traps are easy to set up and operate, making them a popular choice for novice trappers. Box traps come in various sizes and designs, but they all share a similar mechanism. A door at one end of the box is held open with a trigger mechanism that releases when the rabbit enters and steps on a plate. The door shuts behind the rabbit, trapping it inside.One of the advantages of box traps is that they are humane, allowing you to catch rabbits alive and release them elsewhere. They are also relatively inexpensive and can be reused multiple times. However, box traps require careful monitoring since rabbits can become stressed and dehydrated if left inside for too long. Additionally, you must be prepared to handle the captured rabbit safely, as they can be aggressive and may bite or scratch.

2. Homemade Snare Traps: A Cost-Effective Option for Rabbit Catching

If you’re looking for a more cost-effective option, homemade snare traps may be the way to go. These traps are simple to make and can be constructed from materials you likely already have on hand, such as wire or cord. To set up a snare trap, you’ll need to create a loop that tightens around the rabbit’s neck or body when it enters the trap.While homemade snare traps are cheap and easy to set up, they can be less effective than other traps since rabbits are wary of unfamiliar objects. Additionally, snare traps can be inhumane, causing injury or death if not monitored carefully. If you do choose to use a snare trap, be sure to check it frequently and release any rabbits caught alive.

3. Conibear Traps: Powerful and Humane Rabbit Trapping

Conibear traps are powerful and effective traps that work by crushing the rabbit’s neck or body. These traps are designed to kill the rabbit quickly and humanely, minimizing suffering. Conibear traps come in various sizes, making them suitable for catching rabbits of all sizes.One of the advantages of Conibear traps is that they are very effective at catching rabbits quickly. However, they can be dangerous to set up and require caution to avoid accidental injury. Additionally, Conibear traps can be expensive and may not be legal in some areas.

4. Live Rabbit Traps: Catch Them Alive and Release Them Elsewhere

Live rabbit traps are similar to box traps but are typically larger and more durable. These traps are designed to catch rabbits alive, allowing you to release them elsewhere. Live traps can be baited with carrots, lettuce, or other rabbit-friendly foods to entice the animal inside.One of the benefits of live traps is that they are humane and allow you to release rabbits without harming them. However, live traps can be more expensive than other types of traps and require careful monitoring to ensure that the captured rabbit is not left inside for too long.

5. Foot Hold Traps: A Classic Rabbit Catching Method

Foot hold traps are a classic trapping method that has been used for centuries. These traps work by holding the rabbit’s foot in a metal clamp, preventing it from escaping. Foot hold traps can be set up with bait to lure rabbits into the trap.While foot hold traps can be effective at catching rabbits quickly and inexpensively, they can also be inhumane if not checked regularly. Additionally, foot hold traps are illegal in some areas and require a permit to use in others.

6. Deadfall Traps: A Clever Way to Catch Rabbits Without a Trigger Mechanism

Deadfall traps are a clever way to catch rabbits without using a trigger mechanism. These traps work by using gravity to drop a heavy object on top of the rabbit when it enters the trap. Deadfall traps can be constructed from natural materials such as logs or rocks.One of the benefits of deadfall traps is that they are cheap and easy to construct. However, they can be less effective than other types of traps since rabbits are wary of unfamiliar objects. Additionally, deadfall traps can be dangerous to set up and may cause injury if not handled carefully.

7. DIY Pit Traps: Catching Rabbits From Below Ground

If you’re looking for a more challenging trapping method, DIY pit traps may be the way to go. These traps involve digging a hole in the ground and covering it with a mesh or net to trap rabbits as they walk over it. Pit traps can be baited with food to lure rabbits into the trap.While pit traps can be effective at catching rabbits, they can also be dangerous to set up and require significant effort to dig and set up. Additionally, pit traps can be inhumane if not monitored carefully.

8. Funnelling Traps: How to Guide Rabbits Into a Trap

Funnelling traps are designed to guide rabbits into a trap using a series of barriers or walls. These traps can be constructed from wood or wire and are designed to lead the rabbit into a narrow space where they can be trapped.One of the benefits of funnelling traps is that they are relatively easy to construct and can be very effective at catching rabbits. However, they require careful monitoring to avoid trapping other animals or pets. Additionally, funnelling traps can be inhumane if left unattended for too long.

9. Baiting Traps: The Best Baits to Use for Rabbit Trapping

No matter which type of trap you choose, baiting is an essential part of trapping rabbits. The best baits for rabbit trapping include carrots, lettuce, apples, and other sweet fruits and vegetables. You can also use rabbit-friendly pellets or grains as bait.When setting up a trap, be sure to place the bait in a location that is easy for the rabbit to see and access. Additionally, be sure to check the trap frequently and replace the bait as needed to keep it fresh and enticing.

10. Lethal Traps: When and How to Use Them Safely for Rabbit Control

Lethal traps, such as Conibear traps and foot hold traps, can be dangerous and inhumane if not used correctly. However, they may be necessary in some situations where rabbits pose a significant threat to crops or vegetation. If you choose to use a lethal trap, be sure to follow all safety guidelines and regulations in your area. Additionally, be sure to check the trap frequently to ensure that any captured rabbits are disposed of quickly and humanely.In conclusion, there are many different types of traps available for controlling rabbit populations. Box traps, live traps, and funnelling traps offer humane options for catching and releasing rabbits, while homemade snare traps and foot hold traps can be more cost-effective. Deadfall traps and DIY pit traps offer unique challenges for the experienced trapper. No matter which type of trap you choose, be sure to follow all safety guidelines and regulations in your area to ensure safe and effective trapping.

The Best Traps for Rabbits

Point of View

As a farmer or homeowner dealing with rabbit infestation, using the best traps for rabbits is crucial. These traps can help you get rid of rabbits and protect your crops or garden from damage. However, it's important to use humane traps that won't harm the rabbits during trapping.

Pros and Cons of Best Traps for Rabbits

Live Traps

Live traps are one of the most humane traps for rabbits. They work by capturing the rabbit alive and unharmed, allowing you to release them in a remote area away from your property. The pros of using live traps include:

  • Humane: does not harm the rabbit
  • Reusable: can be used multiple times
  • Easy to use: no special skills required

However, the cons of using live traps include:

  • Requires monitoring: need to check the traps regularly to avoid stressing or starving the rabbit
  • May attract other animals: the bait used in the trap may attract other animals besides rabbits

Kill Traps

Kill traps are designed to kill the rabbit quickly and humanely. These traps are ideal for farmers or homeowners who want to eliminate the rabbit population entirely. The pros of using kill traps include:

  • Effective: kills the rabbit quickly
  • Reusable: can be used multiple times
  • Low maintenance: does not require monitoring like live traps

However, the cons of using kill traps include:

  • Inhumane: may cause unnecessary suffering if not set up correctly
  • May attract other animals: the bait used in the trap may attract other animals besides rabbits
  • Not legal in some areas: check with local authorities before using kill traps


Fumigation involves using chemicals to poison the rabbits. This method is not recommended as it's inhumane and can harm other animals besides rabbits.

Comparison Table

Type of Trap Pros Cons
Live Traps Humane, reusable, easy to use Requires monitoring, may attract other animals
Kill Traps Effective, reusable, low maintenance Inhumane, may attract other animals, not legal in some areas
Fumigation No pros Inhumane, harmful to other animals besides rabbits

Best Traps for Rabbits: A Comprehensive Guide

As we come to the end of this article, we hope that you have learned about the best traps for rabbits. These traps are designed to help you control rabbit populations in your garden or farm without causing harm to the rabbits. They are humane, effective, and easy to use.

Firstly, we talked about the live trap, which is a popular choice for many people who want to catch rabbits without harming them. These traps are designed to capture the rabbit alive and allow you to relocate it to a different location. They are easy to use and can be set up in minutes.

Next, we discussed the snap trap, which is a more traditional option. These traps are designed to kill the rabbit quickly and humanely. They are inexpensive and can be used to catch multiple rabbits at once. However, they can be dangerous to set up and should be used with caution.

Another option we talked about was the drop trap, which is a unique and effective way to catch rabbits. This trap is designed to drop down on the rabbit when it enters the trap, capturing it without harming it. It is a great way to catch multiple rabbits at once and can be used in a variety of locations.

We also discussed the importance of bait when setting up a trap. Rabbits are attracted to certain types of food, such as carrots, apples, and lettuce. By using the right bait, you can increase your chances of catching a rabbit.

Additionally, we talked about the importance of checking your traps regularly. This ensures that any trapped rabbits are removed quickly and safely. It also allows you to reset the trap if needed.

When setting up a trap, it is important to consider the location. Rabbits are more likely to be found in certain areas, such as near vegetable gardens or in open fields. By setting up your trap in the right location, you can increase your chances of catching a rabbit.

Another important factor to consider is the time of day. Rabbits are most active at dawn and dusk, so setting up your trap during these times can increase your chances of catching one.

It is also important to consider the weather when setting up a trap. Rabbits are more active on cloudy days, as they feel more protected from predators. By setting up your trap on a cloudy day, you may increase your chances of catching a rabbit.

Finally, we talked about the importance of releasing trapped rabbits safely. When releasing a rabbit, it is important to do so in a location where it is unlikely to return to your garden or farm. Additionally, you should release the rabbit in an area where it can easily find food and shelter.

In conclusion, trapping rabbits can be an effective way to control their population without causing harm to them. By using the right trap and bait, checking your traps regularly, and considering the location, time of day, and weather, you can increase your chances of catching a rabbit. Remember to always release trapped rabbits safely and responsibly.

People Also Ask About Best Traps for Rabbits

What are the best traps for rabbits?

The best traps for rabbits are those that are humane, effective, and easy to use. The following are some of the best traps for rabbits:

  1. Live Cage Trap: Live cage traps are a humane way to catch rabbits. These traps do not harm the rabbit and allow you to release it back into the wild. They are easy to use and can be set up in your yard or garden.
  2. Conibear Trap: Conibear traps are lethal traps that can be used to catch rabbits. They are designed to quickly kill the rabbit by breaking its neck. These traps are effective but not humane, so they should only be used as a last resort.
  3. Snare Trap: Snare traps are another option for catching rabbits. They work by trapping the rabbit's foot in a looped wire. These traps are effective but can be difficult to set up correctly.
  4. Tunnel Trap: Tunnel traps are another type of trap that can be used to catch rabbits. These traps are designed to lure the rabbit into a tunnel where it will be trapped. They are effective but require some skill to set up correctly.

How do you use a live cage trap for rabbits?

To use a live cage trap for rabbits, follow these steps:

  1. Choose a location for the trap that is in an area where rabbits are known to frequent.
  2. Bait the trap with rabbit food or vegetables.
  3. Set the trap according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  4. Check the trap regularly, at least once a day, to see if you have caught a rabbit.
  5. If you have caught a rabbit, release it back into the wild as soon as possible.

How do you make a homemade rabbit trap?

To make a homemade rabbit trap, follow these steps:

  1. Find a cardboard box that is large enough to hold a rabbit.
  2. Cut a hole in one end of the box that is large enough for the rabbit to enter.
  3. Bait the box with rabbit food or vegetables.
  4. Prop the box up with a stick so that it will fall down when the rabbit enters.
  5. Wait for the rabbit to enter the box, then pull the stick out so that the box falls down and traps the rabbit.
  6. Release the rabbit back into the wild as soon as possible.