Top 5 Best Mock Scrape Scents for Successful Deer Hunting


Discover the ultimate mock scrape scent for your next hunting trip. Our top-rated scent attracts bucks and helps you bag that trophy buck.

As a hunter, you know the importance of using the right scent to attract your prey. One of the most effective methods is using mock scrapes. But to make your mock scrape irresistible to game, you need the best mock scrape scent available on the market.

There are many different types of mock scrape scents out there, but not all of them are created equal. The best mock scrape scent is one that will mimic the natural scent of a deer’s scrape, drawing them in and keeping them interested.

One of the key things to look for in a mock scrape scent is authenticity. You want a scent that will feel natural to the deer and won’t spook them away. The best mock scrape scent will be made from natural ingredients that mimic the scent of a deer’s urine and glands.

Another important factor to consider is the potency of the scent. You want a scent that is strong enough to be detected by deer from a distance, but not so overpowering that it scares them away. The best mock scrape scent will have just the right balance of potency and subtlety.

When choosing the best mock scrape scent, you also want to consider the time of year and location. Different scents work better in different seasons and regions, so it’s important to choose a scent that is appropriate for your specific hunting situation.

One of the most popular and effective mock scrape scents on the market is Tink’s #1 Doe-P Deer Lure. This scent is made from 100% natural urine and gland secretions, making it as authentic as possible. It also has a strong, but subtle, odor that will attract deer from a distance.

An alternative to Tink’s #1 is Code Blue’s Screamin’ Heat Enhanced Buck Urine. This scent is specifically designed to mimic the scent of a dominant buck, making it perfect for attracting mature bucks during the rut. It’s also enhanced with a special formula to make it even more potent.

If you’re looking for a scent that can be used year-round, Buck Bomb’s Doe In Estrus scent is a great option. This scent is made from real deer urine and is specially formulated to mimic the scent of a doe in heat. It’s potent enough to attract bucks during the rut, but subtle enough to be used throughout the year.

Another popular option is Wildlife Research Center’s Golden Estrus Gel. This scent is unique in that it’s a gel, rather than a liquid, which allows it to stick to branches and leaves around your mock scrape, creating a more realistic scent trail.

No matter which scent you choose, the key is to use it strategically and in combination with other hunting tactics. By using the best mock scrape scent available, you’ll increase your chances of attracting and harvesting the game you’re after.


Mock scrapes have become a popular tactic among hunters to attract deer. It is a technique in which a hunter creates a mock scrape to imitate the natural behavior of deer. A mock scrape is a small depression in the ground that is made by scraping away dirt and leaves. The hunter then adds scent to the scrape to attract deer. One of the most important factors in creating an effective mock scrape is choosing the right scent. In this article, we will discuss the best mock scrape scents that you can use to attract deer.

Buck Urine

Buck urine is one of the most popular mock scrape scents used by hunters. It is a natural scent that is produced by male deer. Buck urine is used to create mock scrapes that attract other male deer for territorial purposes. When a buck smells the urine of another buck, it will investigate the area to see who is infringing on its territory. This makes buck urine an excellent choice for creating mock scrapes during the rut.

How to Use Buck Urine

To use buck urine as a mock scrape scent, you can pour it into the scrape or use a scent wick to hang it near the scrape. You can also use a drag rag to create a scent trail leading up to the scrape. When using buck urine, it is important to use fresh urine that has not been sitting for too long. This will ensure that the scent is strong and effective.

Doe Urine

Doe urine is another popular mock scrape scent that is used by hunters. It is a natural scent that is produced by female deer. Doe urine is used to create mock scrapes that attract male deer during the pre-rut and rut. Male deer will investigate the area to find out if there are any receptive does nearby.

How to Use Doe Urine

To use doe urine as a mock scrape scent, you can pour it into the scrape or use a scent wick to hang it near the scrape. You can also use a drag rag to create a scent trail leading up to the scrape. Doe urine is most effective when used during the pre-rut and rut when male deer are actively searching for receptive does.

Estrus Scent

Estrus scent is a synthetic scent that imitates the scent of a doe that is in heat. It is used to create mock scrapes that attract male deer during the rut. When a buck smells the scent, it will believe that there is a receptive doe nearby and will investigate the area.

How to Use Estrus Scent

To use estrus scent as a mock scrape scent, you can pour it into the scrape or use a scent wick to hang it near the scrape. You can also use a drag rag to create a scent trail leading up to the scrape. Estrus scent is most effective when used during the peak of the rut when male deer are actively searching for receptive does.

Dominant Buck Scent

Dominant buck scent is a synthetic scent that imitates the scent of a dominant buck. It is used to create mock scrapes that attract other male deer for territorial purposes. When a buck smells the scent of a dominant buck, it will investigate the area to see who is infringing on its territory.

How to Use Dominant Buck Scent

To use dominant buck scent as a mock scrape scent, you can pour it into the scrape or use a scent wick to hang it near the scrape. You can also use a drag rag to create a scent trail leading up to the scrape. Dominant buck scent is most effective when used during the pre-rut and rut when male deer are establishing their territories.


In conclusion, choosing the right mock scrape scent is crucial for attracting deer. Buck urine, doe urine, estrus scent, and dominant buck scent are all effective choices for creating mock scrapes. When using these scents, it is important to use fresh scent that has not been sitting for too long. Additionally, it is important to use these scents during the appropriate times of the year to maximize their effectiveness. With the right scent and a little bit of patience, you can create an effective mock scrape and increase your chances of harvesting a deer.

Introduction to Mock Scrape Scent

As a hunter, finding the perfect scent for your hunting trip can make all the difference. One of the most popular scents used by hunters is mock scrape scent. This scent mimics the scent of a deer's scrapes, which are places where deer have scraped the ground with their hooves to mark their territory and communicate with other deer.Mock scrape scent is used to attract deer to a specific area, which can be essential for successful hunting. In this article, we will discuss why mock scrape scent is important, what makes a mock scrape scent the best, and how to use it effectively. We will also provide a list of the top five best mock scrape scents in the market and tips on how to make your own DIY mock scrape scent.

Why is Mock Scrape Scent Important?

Mock scrape scent is crucial for deer hunting because it attracts deer to a specific area. Deer rely heavily on their sense of smell, and they use their nose to communicate with other deer. By using mock scrape scent, hunters can mimic the scent of a deer's scrape, which can attract other deer to the area.Furthermore, using mock scrape scent can help hunters create a sense of familiarity for deer in that area. By creating a mock scrape and using a scent that mimics the scent of a real scrape, hunters can make the area seem more natural to the deer. This can make them feel more comfortable and less suspicious, which can increase the chances of a successful hunt.

What Makes a Mock Scrape Scent the Best?

The best mock scrape scent should have several key characteristics. First and foremost, the scent should be strong enough to attract deer from a distance. The scent should also be long-lasting, so hunters don't have to constantly reapply it.Secondly, the scent should be realistic. It should mimic the scent of a real deer scrape as closely as possible. This means that it should have a musky, earthy scent with a hint of urine.Finally, the best mock scrape scent should be easy to use. It should come in a convenient spray bottle or dropper, and it should be easy to apply to trees, bushes, or other objects in the area.

Top Characteristics of Good Mock Scrape Scents

The top characteristics of good mock scrape scents include:

1. Strong scent: The scent should be strong enough to attract deer from a distance.

2. Realistic scent: The scent should mimic the scent of a real deer scrape as closely as possible.

3. Long-lasting: The scent should be long-lasting, so hunters don't have to constantly reapply it.

4. Easy to use: The scent should come in a convenient spray bottle or dropper, and it should be easy to apply to trees, bushes, or other objects in the area.

5. Non-toxic: The scent should be non-toxic and safe for both hunters and the environment.

Natural vs Synthetic Mock Scrape Scent: Which is Better?

When it comes to choosing a mock scrape scent, hunters can choose between natural and synthetic scents. Natural scents are made from real deer urine, while synthetic scents are made from chemicals that mimic the scent of deer urine.Both types of scents can be effective, but there are pros and cons to each. Natural scents are more realistic and can be more attractive to deer. However, they can also be more expensive and may not last as long as synthetic scents.Synthetic scents are often less expensive and more long-lasting than natural scents. However, they may not be as attractive to deer as natural scents, and some hunters may prefer the more realistic scent of natural scents.Ultimately, the choice between natural and synthetic mock scrape scents comes down to personal preference. Both types can be effective, and hunters should choose the one that works best for them.

How to Use Mock Scrape Scent Effectively

Using mock scrape scent effectively requires some planning and preparation. Here are some tips for using mock scrape scent effectively:

1. Choose the right location: The location of the mock scrape is crucial. It should be in an area where deer are known to frequent, and it should be near a food source or travel route.

2. Create a mock scrape: Use a stick or branch to scrape the ground in a J shape, similar to how a deer would scrape the ground.

3. Apply the scent: Apply the mock scrape scent to the ground around the scrape, as well as to trees, bushes, or other objects in the area.

4. Reapply as needed: Reapply the scent every few days or after rain to ensure that the scent remains strong and effective.

5. Don't overuse: Using too much scent can actually have the opposite effect and repel deer from the area. Use only a small amount of scent, and don't apply it too frequently.

Top 5 Best Mock Scrape Scents in the Market

There are many mock scrape scents available on the market, but some are better than others. Here are the top five best mock scrape scents in the market:

1. Tink's Power Scrape Mock Scrape Lure

Tink's Power Scrape Mock Scrape Lure is a popular choice among hunters. It is made with 100% natural urine and gland secretions and has a musky, earthy scent that is very attractive to deer. It comes in a convenient spray bottle and is easy to apply.

2. Code Blue D/Code Mock Scrape

Code Blue D/Code Mock Scrape is another popular mock scrape scent. It is made with synthetic urine and glandular secretions and has a realistic scent that mimics the scent of real deer scrapes. It comes in a dropper bottle and is easy to apply.

3. Wildlife Research Center Active-Scrape

Wildlife Research Center Active-Scrape is a high-quality mock scrape scent that is made with natural deer urine and glandular secretions. It has a strong, long-lasting scent that is very attractive to deer. It comes in a spray bottle and is easy to apply.

4. Buck Bomb Scrape Generator

Buck Bomb Scrape Generator is a unique mock scrape scent that comes in an aerosol can. It is made with synthetic urine and glandular secretions and has a strong, realistic scent that mimics the scent of real deer scrapes. It is easy to use and can cover a large area.

5. Conquest Scents EverCalm Deer Herd Scent Stick

Conquest Scents EverCalm Deer Herd Scent Stick is a different type of mock scrape scent. It comes in a stick form and is made with natural deer urine and glandular secretions. It has a calming effect on deer and can be used to create a sense of familiarity in an area. It is easy to use and can be applied to trees, bushes, or other objects in the area.

DIY Mock Scrape Scent: Tips and Tricks

For those who prefer to make their own mock scrape scent, there are several tips and tricks to keep in mind. Here are some tips for making DIY mock scrape scent:

1. Use real deer urine: Real deer urine is the most realistic scent and can be purchased at outdoor stores or online.

2. Mix with glandular secretions: Mixing deer urine with glandular secretions can create a more realistic scent.

3. Add musky scents: Adding musky scents like cedar or pine can enhance the natural scent of the urine.

4. Store properly: Store the scent in a cool, dry place to prevent it from spoiling.

5. Test before use: Test the scent before using it on a hunt to ensure that it is effective and attractive to deer.

Frequently Asked Questions about Mock Scrape Scent

Q: How often should I reapply mock scrape scent?

A: Mock scrape scent should be reapplied every few days or after rain to ensure that the scent remains strong and effective.

Q: Can I use too much mock scrape scent?

A: Yes, using too much mock scrape scent can actually have the opposite effect and repel deer from the area. Use only a small amount of scent, and don't apply it too frequently.

Q: How do I choose the right location for a mock scrape?

A: The location of the mock scrape should be in an area where deer are known to frequent, and it should be near a food source or travel route.

Conclusion: Choosing the Best Mock Scrape Scent for Your Hunting Needs

Choosing the best mock scrape scent for your hunting needs requires some research and consideration. The top characteristics of good mock scrape scents include a strong, realistic scent that is long-lasting and easy to use. Hunters can choose between natural and synthetic scents, depending on personal preference.To use mock scrape scent effectively, hunters should choose the right location, create a mock scrape, and apply the scent sparingly. Reapplying the scent every few days or after rain can ensure that it remains strong and effective.Whether you choose to buy a mock scrape scent or make your own, using this scent can increase your chances of a successful hunt. By attracting deer to a specific area and creating a sense of familiarity, mock scrape scent can help you get closer to your prey and make the most of your hunting trip.

The Best Mock Scrape Scent

Point of View

As a hunter, I believe that the best mock scrape scent is one that is effective in attracting deer and also easy to use. It should have a realistic scent that mimics the natural scent of a deer, and it should be long-lasting to ensure that it lures deer to the area for an extended period of time.

Pros of the Best Mock Scrape Scent

  1. Effective: The best mock scrape scent is highly effective in attracting deer to the area where it has been applied.
  2. Realistic scent: A good mock scrape scent should have a realistic scent that mimics the natural scent of a deer. This makes it more likely to attract deer to the area.
  3. Long-lasting: The best mock scrape scent should be long-lasting to ensure that it lures deer to the area for an extended period of time.
  4. Easy to use: The top-rated mock scrape scent is easy to use, making it accessible for hunters of all levels of experience.

Cons of the Best Mock Scrape Scent

  • Cost: The best mock scrape scent can be expensive compared to other hunting scents.
  • May not work for all deer: Some deer may not be attracted to the scent, making it less effective in certain hunting situations.
  • May require frequent application: Depending on the brand and type of mock scrape scent, it may need to be reapplied frequently to maintain its effectiveness.

Table Comparison or Information About Mock Scrape Scent

Brand Scent Type Price Effectiveness Longevity
Hunter's Specialties Mock Scrape Gel $9.99 High 2-3 days
Tink's Power Scrape $14.99 High Up to a week
Wildlife Research Center Golden Scrape $12.99 High Up to a week
Conquest Scents EverCalm Deer Herd Scent Stick $19.99 High Up to a month

As seen in the table, there are different brands and types of mock scrape scents available in the market. Each brand has its own unique features, such as scent type, price, effectiveness, and longevity. It is important for hunters to choose the scent that best fits their needs and preferences.

The Best Mock Scrape Scent for Hunting: A Comprehensive Guide

As we come to a close, we hope that this guide on the best mock scrape scent for hunting has been informative and helpful to you. The use of mock scrape scents is a crucial aspect of successful hunting, and selecting the right scent can make all the difference in your hunting experience.

We have provided you with a detailed breakdown of the different types of mock scrape scents available, and how they can be used to attract specific game animals. We have also touched on some of the key factors to consider when making your selection, such as the season, weather conditions, and the type of animal you are hunting.

When it comes to choosing the best mock scrape scent for your hunting needs, it ultimately comes down to personal preference and experimentation. It may take some trial and error before you find the right scent that works for you, but don't get discouraged. With patience and persistence, you'll soon find the perfect scent that will help you bag that trophy animal.

Remember to always follow the manufacturer's instructions when using any type of mock scrape scent. These instructions will provide you with the proper usage and storage guidelines that will ensure the longevity and effectiveness of your scent.

It's also important to note that mock scrape scents should be used in conjunction with other hunting techniques, such as baiting and calling. These techniques work together to create a more realistic hunting experience that will increase your chances of success.

Before you head out into the woods with your new mock scrape scent, be sure to check your state's hunting regulations to ensure that you are in compliance with any laws or restrictions regarding the use of these scents.

In closing, we hope that this guide has provided you with valuable insights into the world of mock scrape scents and how they can be used to improve your hunting experience. Remember to always hunt safely and responsibly, and to respect the animals that you are pursuing.

Thank you for taking the time to read this guide, and we wish you all the best in your future hunting endeavors!

People Also Ask About the Best Mock Scrape Scent

What is a Mock Scrape Scent?

A mock scrape scent is a type of deer lure that mimics the scent of a buck during the rutting season. It is used to attract bucks and does to a specific area.

What Makes a Good Mock Scrape Scent?

A good mock scrape scent should be made from natural deer urine and gland secretions. It should also contain pheromones that stimulate the deer's sense of smell and trigger their breeding instincts. A high-quality mock scrape scent will have a strong, long-lasting aroma that lingers in the area.

What Are Some Popular Mock Scrape Scents?

There are many different brands of mock scrape scents on the market, but some of the most popular ones include:

  1. Tink's #69 Doe-in-Rut Buck Lure
  2. Wildlife Research Center's Golden Scrape
  3. Hunters Specialties' Primetime Scent Wicks
  4. Code Blue's Whitetail Buck Urine
  5. Nose Jammer's Buck Attractant

How Should I Use Mock Scrape Scent?

Mock scrape scent should be applied to mock scrapes or scent wicks near your hunting stand. It should be used sparingly and refreshed regularly to maintain its potency. It is also important to avoid contaminating the scent with human odor by wearing gloves when handling it and using a scent dispenser.

Can I Make My Own Mock Scrape Scent?

Yes, you can make your own mock scrape scent using natural deer urine and gland secretions. However, it is important to properly sterilize the materials and follow safety precautions to avoid spreading disease or infection.