Unleash Your Cyberpowers with the Best Sandevistan in Cyberpunk 2077: A Guide to Upgrade Your Gameplay


Experience the ultimate speed with Sandevistan in Cyberpunk 2077. Enhance your combat skills and take down enemies like never before.

When it comes to the world of Cyberpunk 2077, the Sandevistan is undoubtedly one of the most sought-after pieces of tech. This piece of equipment holds a special place in the hearts of many players because it can turn the tide of any battle and give you an edge over your opponents. But with so many different Sandevistan options available in the game, which one is the best? In this article, we will be discussing the best Sandevistan Cyberpunk 2077 has to offer, and why it's the best.

Firstly, let's discuss what a Sandevistan actually is. Essentially, it's a piece of cyberware that can slow down time for the player, giving them an advantage in combat situations. The Sandevistan works by increasing the player's reflexes, allowing them to move and react faster than their opponents. This can be incredibly useful in gunfights or when facing off against tough enemies.

Now, let's get into the nitty-gritty of the best Sandevistan in Cyberpunk 2077. The winner of this title is none other than the Legendary Sandevistan MK.5. This piece of equipment is the ultimate version of the Sandevistan, providing the player with 50% more time dilation and a 30% cooldown reduction compared to its predecessors.

But what makes the Legendary Sandevistan MK.5 so special? For starters, it's incredibly rare to come across. To obtain it, the player must complete the side quest Stadium Love and defeat the final enemy, who drops the Legendary Sandevistan MK.5 as loot. Additionally, the MK.5 has the unique ability to allow the player to perform a charged melee attack that deals massive damage to enemies.

If you're still not convinced that the Legendary Sandevistan MK.5 is the best, let's compare it to some of the other Sandevistan options in Cyberpunk 2077. The Epic Sandevistan MK.4 provides a 40% time dilation and a 25% cooldown reduction, which is impressive, but still not as good as the MK.5. The Rare Sandevistan MK.3 offers a 30% time dilation and a 20% cooldown reduction, which is significantly less than both the MK.4 and MK.5.

Another thing that sets the Legendary Sandevistan MK.5 apart from other Sandevistan options is its flexibility. While other Sandevistans may have specific limitations or drawbacks, the MK.5 can be used in any situation. Whether you're taking on a boss or just trying to get through a tough area, the Legendary Sandevistan MK.5 is the perfect tool to help you succeed.

Of course, no piece of equipment is perfect, and the Legendary Sandevistan MK.5 is no exception. One of the downsides of this cyberware is its high RAM cost. The MK.5 requires a whopping 16 RAM units to activate, which can make it difficult to use in certain situations. Additionally, the MK.5 has a shorter active time than some other Sandevistans, which means you'll need to be strategic about when you activate it.

In conclusion, when it comes to the best Sandevistan Cyberpunk 2077 has to offer, the Legendary Sandevistan MK.5 reigns supreme. With its unparalleled time dilation, cooldown reduction, and unique abilities, it's the perfect tool for any player looking to gain an edge in combat. While it does have its downsides, the benefits of using the MK.5 far outweigh any negatives. So, if you're lucky enough to come across this rare piece of tech, be sure to take full advantage of it.


Cyberpunk 2077 is a widely acclaimed role-playing video game developed and published by CD Projekt. It is set in the futuristic Night City, where players take on the role of a mercenary named V. The game features a wide range of cybernetic enhancements that can be used to improve the character's abilities. One of the most powerful enhancements is the Sandevistan. In this article, we will explore the best Sandevistan options in Cyberpunk 2077.

What is Sandevistan?

Sandevistan is a cybernetic implant that enhances a character's perception and reflexes. It slows down time for a short period, allowing the player to move faster and dodge attacks more effectively. This ability can be incredibly useful during combat encounters, as it provides a significant advantage over opponents.

Types of Sandevistan

1. Legendary Sandevistan: Arasaka

The Arasaka Sandevistan is one of the most potent cybernetic implants in the game. It increases the player's movement speed, slows down time, and enhances weapon accuracy for an extended period. This Sandevistan is incredibly useful when trying to take down multiple enemies quickly.

2. Legendary Sandevistan: Kiroshi Optics

The Kiroshi Optics Sandevistan is another legendary implant that provides a significant boost to the player's perception and reflexes. It allows the player to move faster and dodge attacks more effectively, making it an excellent choice for players who prefer a more agile playstyle.

3. Epic Sandevistan: Militech

The Militech Sandevistan is an epic implant that provides a shorter duration of time dilation but has a much lower cooldown. This Sandevistan is ideal for players who prefer to use it more frequently, rather than relying on it for extended periods.

How to Get Sandevistan

Sandevistan can be obtained by completing various missions and side quests throughout the game. Some vendors also sell cyberware that includes Sandevistan as an option. It is essential to keep an eye out for these opportunities, as they can significantly improve a character's combat abilities.


Sandevistan is one of the most powerful cybernetic implants in Cyberpunk 2077. It provides a significant advantage over opponents during combat encounters, making it an excellent choice for players of all playstyles. The Arasaka, Kiroshi Optics, and Militech Sandevistan are some of the best options in the game, each with their unique benefits. Remember to keep an eye out for opportunities to obtain Sandevistan throughout the game, as it can significantly improve a character's combat abilities.

Introduction to Sandevistan in Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 is a game that offers players a wide variety of cyberware and abilities to enhance their combat skills. One of the most sought-after upgrades in the game is Sandevistan, a cyberware implant that slows down time and allows players to execute lightning-fast maneuvers in combat.Sandevistan is a highly effective and versatile cyberware implant that can be used for both stealth and combat. With its unique time-slowing ability, players can execute complex maneuvers with ease, making it a must-have for any player looking to dominate the game's challenging combat scenarios.

The Mechanics of Using Sandevistan in Combat

Using Sandevistan in combat is all about timing and strategy. To activate it, players need to press the designated button, which will initiate the time-slowing effect. Once activated, players can move around quickly and perform actions such as shooting, dodging, or melee attacks.The time-slowing effect lasts for a few seconds, giving players ample time to execute their desired moves. However, the duration of the effect depends on the level of the Sandevistan implant and the amount of RAM available.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Sandevistan

The advantages of using Sandevistan are clear. With its time-slowing effect, players can easily maneuver around enemies, dodge incoming attacks, and deliver precise shots. This makes it an excellent tool for both stealth and combat situations.However, there are also some disadvantages to consider. The first is that using Sandevistan drains a significant amount of RAM, which can limit the number of times it can be used in combat. Additionally, enemies can still move and attack while the effect is active, so players need to be aware of their surroundings and plan accordingly.

How to Obtain Sandevistan in Cyberpunk 2077

To obtain Sandevistan, players need to progress through the game's main story missions and side quests. As they complete these quests, they will earn money and experience points that can be used to purchase and upgrade cyberware implants.Sandevistan is one of the more expensive and advanced implants, so players need to save up their resources if they want to acquire it. Additionally, they need to have a high enough level and attribute points to equip it.

Sandevistan Upgrades and Customizations

Like all cyberware implants, Sandevistan can be upgraded and customized to suit a player's needs. Upgrades can increase the duration of the time-slowing effect, reduce the amount of RAM needed to activate it, or even add new abilities such as increased movement speed or damage resistance.Additionally, players can customize the color and appearance of their Sandevistan implant to match their character's style.

Using Sandevistan for Stealth and Evasion

While Sandevistan is primarily designed for combat situations, it can also be used for stealth and evasion. When activated, the time-slowing effect can give players the ability to sneak past enemies undetected or avoid incoming attacks.Combined with other stealth-focused cyberware implants and abilities, Sandevistan can make players nearly invisible and unstoppable, making it a valuable asset for any player looking to master the game's stealth mechanics.

Sandevistan and Combat Strategy

In combat, Sandevistan can be used to great effect when combined with other abilities and weapons. For example, players can use it to dodge incoming attacks, get behind enemy lines, and deliver devastating blows.Players can also use Sandevistan in combination with other cyberware implants to create powerful attack combos. For example, they can use Sandevistan to slow down time, then activate a cyberware implant that boosts their damage output, allowing them to take out enemies quickly and efficiently.

Sandevistan and Cyberware Synergy

Sandevistan is just one of many cyberware implants available in Cyberpunk 2077. When combined with other implants, it can create powerful synergies that make players nearly invincible.For example, players can combine Sandevistan with a cyberware implant that boosts their movement speed, allowing them to move around the battlefield quickly and dodge incoming attacks. They can also combine it with a cyberware implant that enhances their vision, making it easier to spot enemies and avoid obstacles.

Sandevistan and Character Build Optimization

When building a character in Cyberpunk 2077, players need to consider how their cyberware implants will work together. Sandevistan is an excellent choice for players who want to specialize in combat or stealth, as it can be used effectively in both situations.However, players need to balance their attributes and skill points to ensure that they can use Sandevistan effectively. For example, they need to have enough RAM to activate it, as well as high enough attributes in areas such as Reflexes and Intelligence to maximize its potential.

Conclusion - Is Sandevistan Worth Using in Cyberpunk 2077?

In conclusion, Sandevistan is a powerful and versatile cyberware implant that can be used to great effect in Cyberpunk 2077. Its time-slowing effect can give players the edge they need in combat and stealth situations, making it a must-have for any player looking to dominate the game's challenging scenarios.While there are some disadvantages to consider, such as the drain on RAM and the need to plan ahead, the advantages of using Sandevistan far outweigh the drawbacks. With its numerous upgrades and customizations, players can tailor it to suit their needs and playstyle, making it a valuable asset in any character build.Overall, Sandevistan is definitely worth using in Cyberpunk 2077, and players who invest in this powerful cyberware implant will reap the rewards of its formidable abilities.

Best Sandevistan Cyberpunk 2077: My Point of View


Cyberpunk 2077 is a futuristic video game that has taken the gaming world by storm. It offers a range of features, including different types of cyberware, weapons, and vehicles. One of the most popular cyberware in the game is the Sandevistan. In this article, I will be discussing my point of view about the best Sandevistan in Cyberpunk 2077, along with its pros and cons.

The Best Sandevistan in Cyberpunk 2077

In my opinion, the best Sandevistan in Cyberpunk 2077 is the Legendary Sandevistan MK.5. This cyberware is the highest tier Sandevistan in the game and comes with a range of features that make it stand out from the rest. Here are some of the reasons why I believe it's the best:
  1. Duration: The Legendary Sandevistan MK.5 has the longest duration compared to other Sandevistans, which means you can use it for a longer period.
  2. Cooldown: The cooldown time is also shorter, which means you can use it more frequently.
  3. Speed Boost: It provides a significant speed boost, making it easier to move around and dodge enemy attacks.
  4. Weapon Accuracy: The Legendary Sandevistan MK.5 also increases weapon accuracy, making it easier to hit targets.

Pros and Cons of the Best Sandevistan in Cyberpunk 2077

Like any other cyberware in Cyberpunk 2077, the Legendary Sandevistan MK.5 has its pros and cons. Here are some of them:


  1. Long Duration: The Legendary Sandevistan MK.5 has the longest duration, which means you can use it for a longer period.
  2. Short Cooldown Time: The cooldown time is shorter, which means you can use it more frequently.
  3. Significant Speed Boost: It provides a significant speed boost, making it easier to move around and dodge enemy attacks.
  4. Increased Weapon Accuracy: The Legendary Sandevistan MK.5 also increases weapon accuracy, making it easier to hit targets.


  1. Expensive: The Legendary Sandevistan MK.5 is the most expensive Sandevistan in the game, which means it might not be affordable for all players.
  2. Requires High Reflex Stat: To use the Legendary Sandevistan MK.5, you need to have a high Reflex stat, which might be challenging for some players to achieve.
  3. Not Immune to Damage: While using the Legendary Sandevistan MK.5, you are not immune to damage, which means you still need to be careful during combat.

Table Comparison of Sandevistans

Here is a table comparing the different types of Sandevistans in Cyberpunk 2077:
Sandevistan Type Durability Cooldown Speed Boost Weapon Accuracy
Common Sandevistan 5 seconds 60 seconds 2x 10%
Uncommon Sandevistan 7 seconds 45 seconds 2.5x 20%
Rare Sandevistan 9 seconds 30 seconds 3x 30%
Epic Sandevistan 11 seconds 20 seconds 3.5x 40%
Legendary Sandevistan MK.5 16 seconds 15 seconds 4x 50%


In conclusion, the Legendary Sandevistan MK.5 is the best Sandevistan in Cyberpunk 2077, in my opinion. While it has its pros and cons, its features make it stand out from the rest. Whether you are a newcomer to the game or a seasoned player, investing in the Legendary Sandevistan MK.5 is worth considering.

The Ultimate Guide to Sandevistan in Cyberpunk 2077

Thank you for taking the time to read our guide on the best Sandevistan build in Cyberpunk 2077. We hope that our comprehensive overview of this powerful cyberware has provided you with valuable insights into how it works and how you can use it to your advantage in Night City.

As we have shown throughout this article, Sandevistan is an incredibly versatile tool that can be used in a variety of ways depending on your playstyle and preferences. Whether you prefer to play as a stealthy assassin or a guns-blazing street samurai, Sandevistan can help you achieve your goals with ease.

One of the key benefits of Sandevistan is its ability to slow down time, giving you a significant advantage in combat situations. This can be especially useful when facing off against tough enemies or dealing with large groups of enemies at once.

Another benefit of Sandevistan is its ability to boost your movement speed and reflexes, making you faster and more agile than ever before. This can be particularly useful when trying to navigate through Night City's dense urban environments or when escaping from danger.

If you're looking to get the most out of your Sandevistan, there are a few key tips that you should keep in mind. First, it's important to experiment with different builds and playstyles to find what works best for you.

Secondly, it's important to upgrade your Sandevistan cyberware as much as possible, as this will increase its effectiveness and provide you with even more advantages in combat and other situations.

Finally, it's important to remember that Sandevistan is just one tool in your arsenal, and that there are many other cyberware options available to you in Cyberpunk 2077. By combining Sandevistan with other cyberware and abilities, you can create a truly unstoppable character that can take on anything Night City throws your way.

In conclusion, we hope that our guide to the best Sandevistan build in Cyberpunk 2077 has been helpful to you. Whether you're a seasoned veteran of the game or a newcomer looking to explore all that Night City has to offer, we believe that Sandevistan is an essential tool that can help you achieve your goals and overcome any obstacle.

So what are you waiting for? Head out into the streets of Night City, equip your Sandevistan cyberware, and start taking down enemies with ease! We wish you the best of luck in your cyberpunk adventures.

People Also Ask About Best Sandevistan Cyberpunk 2077

What is Sandevistan in Cyberpunk 2077?

Sandevistan is a piece of cyberware that enhances the user's reflexes and perception. It slows down time, allowing the user to act faster than their opponents and avoid incoming attacks. It is a popular choice for combat-focused characters in Cyberpunk 2077.

What are the best Sandevistan cyberware options in Cyberpunk 2077?

There are several Sandevistan cyberware options available in Cyberpunk 2077, each with its own benefits and drawbacks. Some of the best options include:

  • Sandevistan Mk.5: This is the most advanced Sandevistan cyberware available in the game. It grants the user an additional charge of Sandevistan when they perform a takedown.
  • Sandevistan Mk.2: This is a mid-tier option that increases the user's movement speed and melee damage while Sandevistan is active.
  • Sandevistan C1: This is a budget option that provides a shorter duration of Sandevistan but has a much faster cooldown time.

How do I get Sandevistan cyberware in Cyberpunk 2077?

Sandevistan cyberware can be purchased from Ripperdocs throughout Night City. The higher-level options will require the player to have a higher Street Cred level and more Eddies (in-game currency) to purchase.

Can Sandevistan be upgraded in Cyberpunk 2077?

Yes, Sandevistan can be upgraded by purchasing higher-level versions from Ripperdocs. Additionally, the Sandevistan Operating System cyberware can be installed to reduce the cooldown time of Sandevistan.