Unleash Your Inner Demon with the Best Runes in Doom Eternal: 2021 Guide to Dominate the Game.


Discover the best runes to use in Doom Eternal for maximum carnage and survival! Elevate your gameplay with these essential upgrades.

Doom Eternal is a game that has captivated players with its intense gameplay and challenging combat mechanics. One of the most important aspects of the game is the use of runes, which provide various benefits to the player. In this article, we will be exploring the best runes in Doom Eternal and how they can help you become a better player.

First on our list is the Blood Punch Rune. This rune is a must-have for players who like to get up close and personal with their enemies. The Blood Punch Rune allows you to perform a powerful melee attack that deals massive damage to any demon in your path. It also offers a useful way to clear out large groups of enemies quickly.

The next rune on our list is the Equipment Fiend Rune. This rune is perfect for players who love to use their gadgets and weapons to take down demons. With the Equipment Fiend Rune, you can recharge your equipment faster, allowing you to use them more frequently during combat. This is especially useful when facing tough enemies or bosses.

The Chrono Strike Rune is another essential rune for Doom Eternal players. This rune slows down time when you perform a precision kill, giving you a moment to catch your breath and plan your next move. It also provides a useful way to deal with fast-moving enemies or bosses who are difficult to hit.

The Saving Throw Rune is an excellent choice for players who struggle with surviving tough battles. This rune grants you a second chance at life when you die, allowing you to respawn with a small amount of health. It can mean the difference between victory and defeat in some of the game's toughest battles.

The Dazed and Confused Rune is perfect for players who love to use glory kills to finish off enemies. This rune makes it easier to stagger demons, giving you more opportunities to perform a glory kill. It also provides a useful way to deal with tough enemies who are resistant to damage.

The In-Flight Mobility Rune is ideal for players who want to move around the battlefield quickly. This rune allows you to perform a double jump or dash in mid-air, making it easier to dodge enemy attacks and reach higher platforms. It also provides a useful way to escape dangerous situations or close the gap between you and your enemies.

The Ice Bomb Rune is perfect for players who like to freeze their enemies. This rune allows you to use ice bombs more frequently, freezing demons in place and making them vulnerable to attack. It also provides a useful way to deal with groups of enemies or tough bosses.

The Painless Rune is an excellent choice for players who hate taking damage. This rune reduces the amount of damage you take during combat, making it easier to survive tough battles. It also provides a useful way to conserve health and armor during long fights.

The Ammo Boost Rune is perfect for players who love to use their weapons. This rune increases the amount of ammo you can carry, allowing you to use your weapons more frequently during combat. It also provides a useful way to deal with tough enemies who require a lot of firepower to defeat.

The Glory Sight Rune is essential for players who want to take down enemies quickly. This rune highlights weak points on enemies, allowing you to deal massive damage with precision shots. It also provides a useful way to deal with enemies who are resistant to damage or have tough armor.

Overall, these runes are some of the best in Doom Eternal. Each one offers unique benefits to the player and can help you become a better player. Whether you prefer to use gadgets, weapons, or melee attacks, there is a rune that can help you achieve your goals. So, be sure to experiment with different runes and find the ones that work best for your playstyle.


Doom Eternal is the latest installment in the Doom series, which is known for its fast-paced action and intense gameplay. The game features a variety of weapons, enemies, and power-ups that players can use to take down hordes of demons. One of the key aspects of the game is the rune system, which allows players to enhance their abilities and gain new powers. In this article, we will discuss the best runes in Doom Eternal.

Evaluation criteria

Before we dive into the best runes in the game, it's important to establish some evaluation criteria. We will be looking at runes that provide the most utility and help players deal with challenging situations. This includes runes that enhance mobility, survivability, and damage output. Additionally, we will consider how easy the rune is to use and how effective it is in a variety of situations.

Blood punch


The blood punch rune is one of the first runes that players can unlock in the game. It allows players to perform a devastating melee attack that deals massive damage to enemies. This attack can be used once every few seconds, making it a valuable tool for taking down tough enemies quickly.


The blood punch rune is useful in a variety of situations. It can be used to quickly take down large groups of weak enemies, or to deal massive damage to tougher enemies. Additionally, because it is a melee attack, it can be used when the player is out of ammo or needs to conserve ammo for tougher enemies.

Chrono Strike


The chrono strike rune allows players to slow down time while in mid-air. This can be useful for dodging enemy attacks or lining up shots on tougher enemies.


The chrono strike rune can be particularly useful in situations where the player needs to avoid enemy attacks. For example, if the player is being chased by a group of enemies, they can use the rune to slow down time and dodge their attacks. Additionally, the rune can be used to line up shots on tougher enemies, making it easier to take them down.

Equipment Fiend


The equipment fiend rune allows players to recharge their grenades, ice bombs, and flame belch faster. This can be useful for dealing with tough enemies or clearing out large groups of weaker enemies.


The equipment fiend rune is particularly useful in situations where the player needs to deal with large groups of enemies quickly. By recharging their grenades and other equipment faster, they can deal more damage and clear out enemies more quickly. Additionally, the rune can be useful for taking down tough enemies that require a lot of firepower.

Faster Glory Kills


The faster glory kills rune allows players to perform glory kills more quickly. This can be useful for regaining health, ammo, or armor during combat.


The faster glory kills rune can be particularly useful in situations where the player is low on health, ammo, or armor. By performing a glory kill, they can regain some of these resources and stay in the fight longer. Additionally, the faster glory kills rune can be useful for taking down tougher enemies quickly.

Faster Dash


The faster dash rune allows players to dash more quickly. This can be useful for avoiding enemy attacks or traversing the environment more quickly.


The faster dash rune is particularly useful in situations where the player needs to avoid enemy attacks quickly. By dashing more quickly, they can get out of harm's way and avoid taking damage. Additionally, the faster dash rune can be useful for traversing the environment more quickly, which can be useful for finding secrets or getting to the next objective more quickly.


Overall, there are a variety of runes in Doom Eternal that can be useful for different situations. The best runes are those that provide the most utility and help players deal with challenging situations. By using these runes effectively, players can enhance their abilities and take down hordes of demons with ease.

Understanding the Importance of Runes in Doom EternalDoom Eternal is a fast-paced, action-packed first-person shooter that requires players to have quick reflexes and strategic thinking. In order to survive the intense battles against hordes of demons, players need to use all the tools at their disposal, including weapons, equipment, and runes.Runes are special items that grant players unique abilities and bonuses. They can be unlocked by completing challenges and exploring the game's levels. With the right combination of runes, players can enhance their combat effectiveness and efficiency, making it easier to take down even the toughest enemies.In this article, we'll explore the best runes in Doom Eternal and how they can be used to maximize damage output, survival, mobility, resource management, glory kills and chainsaw mastery, exploration, environmental awareness, and advanced gameplay mechanics and strategies. We'll also discuss how to combine runes for ultimate combat efficiency and effectiveness.The Best Offensive Runes for Maximum Damage OutputWhen it comes to dealing maximum damage to enemies, there are several offensive runes that can help players achieve this goal. One of the most useful runes for this purpose is Blood Fueled, which grants players increased speed and damage after a Glory Kill. This allows players to quickly move to the next enemy and deal extra damage, making it easier to clear out large groups of enemies.Another great offensive rune is Arbalest, which increases the power of the Heavy Cannon's Precision Bolt mod. This allows players to deal massive damage to enemy weak points, such as the Arachnotron's turret or the Mancubus' cannons. Combined with other damage-boosting runes, such as Heavy and Destroyer, players can become unstoppable killing machines.Defensive Runes for Surviving Tough BattlesSurvival is key in Doom Eternal, especially when facing tough battles against bosses and heavy demons. To increase survivability, players can equip defensive runes that provide extra protection and health regeneration. One of the best defensive runes is Saving Throw, which allows players to survive a fatal blow with 1 health point. This can be a lifesaver in intense battles, as it gives players a second chance to finish off enemies or retreat to safety.Another useful defensive rune is Quick Draw, which allows players to instantly switch to the Super Shotgun and fire a powerful blast. This provides a quick burst of damage that can take out weaker enemies or soften up tougher ones. Combined with other defensive runes, such as Crystalize and Armored Offensive, players can become nearly invincible in battle.Mobility Runes for Faster Movement and EvasionMovement is key in Doom Eternal, as players need to constantly move and evade enemy attacks while dealing damage. To enhance mobility, players can equip runes that grant them faster movement speed, double jumps, and air dashes. One of the most useful mobility runes is Air Control, which allows players to change direction in mid-air and perform precise movements. This is especially useful when jumping over obstacles or dodging enemy attacks.Another great mobility rune is Dash Refill, which grants players an extra dash charge and faster recharge time. This allows players to quickly move across the battlefield and evade enemy attacks, making it easier to get in close for a Glory Kill or retreat to safety. Combined with other mobility runes, such as Chrono Strike and Equipment Fiend, players can become incredibly agile and hard to hit.Resource Management Runes for Ammunition and HealthManaging resources is essential in Doom Eternal, as players need to constantly replenish their ammunition and health to stay alive. To help with resource management, players can equip runes that increase ammo and health drops, as well as provide extra benefits from Glory Kills and Chainsaw kills. One of the most useful resource management runes is Ammo Boost, which increases the amount of ammo dropped by enemies. This allows players to keep their weapons topped up and ready for battle.Another useful resource management rune is Glory Seeker, which grants extra health for each Glory Kill. This provides a quick way to replenish health in the middle of battle, making it easier to survive tough encounters. Combined with other resource management runes, such as Flame Belch Boost and Blood Punch Refill, players can become resourceful hunters that never run out of ammo or health.Runes for Enhanced Glory Kills and Chainsaw MasteryGlory Kills and Chainsaw kills are an important part of Doom Eternal's combat system, as they provide extra resources and health. To enhance Glory Kills and Chainsaw mastery, players can equip runes that increase the frequency and effectiveness of these kills. One of the most useful Glory Kill runes is Pincushion, which allows players to perform Glory Kills from farther away. This makes it easier to take out enemies from a safe distance and avoid taking damage.Another great Chainsaw rune is Fuel Efficiency, which reduces the amount of fuel required to perform a Chainsaw kill. This allows players to use the Chainsaw more often and obtain extra ammo and health, making it easier to survive in battle. Combined with other Glory Kill and Chainsaw runes, such as Blood Punch and Glory Sight, players can become skilled executioners that dominate the battlefield.Exploration Runes for Finding Hidden Secrets and CollectiblesExploration is a key part of Doom Eternal, as players need to find hidden secrets and collectibles to unlock new upgrades and abilities. To enhance exploration, players can equip runes that grant them special abilities and bonuses when exploring the game's levels. One of the most useful exploration runes is Compass, which provides a directional indicator for nearby secrets and items. This makes it easier to find hidden areas and collectibles that might otherwise go unnoticed.Another great exploration rune is Rich Get Richer, which grants players extra ammo and armor for each secret they find. This provides a great incentive to explore the game's levels and find all the hidden secrets and collectibles. Combined with other exploration runes, such as Chrono Strike and Exploration Item Finder, players can become expert adventurers that uncover every hidden treasure.Runes for Better Environmental Awareness and NavigationEnvironmental awareness and navigation are important in Doom Eternal, as players need to traverse complex levels and avoid hazards while battling demons. To enhance environmental awareness and navigation, players can equip runes that provide extra sensory abilities and bonuses. One of the most useful environmental awareness runes is Rad Suit Efficiency, which extends the duration of the player's Rad Suit when exploring toxic areas. This allows players to explore these areas for longer periods of time and find hidden secrets and collectibles.Another great navigation rune is Equipment Fiend, which reduces the recharge time of the player's equipment, such as grenades and ice bombs. This allows players to use their equipment more often and deal extra damage to enemies or freeze them in place. Combined with other environmental awareness and navigation runes, such as Dazed and Confused and Chrono Strike, players can become expert navigators that avoid hazards and make quick progress through the game's levels.Advanced Runes for Mastering the Game's Mechanics and StrategiesFor advanced players who want to take their gameplay to the next level, there are several advanced runes that provide unique benefits and challenges. One of the most challenging advanced runes is Ironman Mode, which disables checkpoints and requires players to complete the game without dying. This provides an intense challenge for skilled players who want to test their limits and prove their mastery of the game's mechanics and strategies.Another advanced rune is Extra Life Mode, which grants players extra lives that can be used to revive themselves if they die. This provides a safety net for players who want to take on tough battles and bosses without the fear of losing all their progress. Combined with other advanced runes, such as Ultra Nightmare and Classic Mode, players can become ultimate masters of the game's mechanics and strategies.Combining Runes for Ultimate Combat Efficiency and EffectivenessTo achieve ultimate combat efficiency and effectiveness, players need to carefully select and combine their runes to create the perfect loadout. By mixing and matching offensive, defensive, mobility, resource management, Glory Kill, Chainsaw, exploration, environmental awareness, and advanced runes, players can create a unique playstyle that suits their preferences and skills.For example, a player who prefers a more aggressive playstyle might equip Blood Fueled, Destroyer, Heavy, and Glory Seeker runes to maximize damage output and resource management. Meanwhile, a player who prefers a more defensive playstyle might equip Saving Throw, Crystalize, Armored Offensive, and Ammo Boost runes to increase survivability and ammo efficiency.By experimenting with different rune combinations and playstyles, players can discover new strategies and tactics that make them unstoppable killing machines. With the right runes and skills, players can face any challenge that Doom Eternal throws at them and emerge victorious.

Best Runes in Doom Eternal

Point of view

As a player who has spent countless hours playing Doom Eternal, I believe that the best runes in the game are Blood Fueled, Chrono Strike, and Equipment Fiend. These runes provide a significant advantage to players during combat, allowing them to deal more damage, move faster, and use their equipment more frequently.

Pros and Cons

Blood Fueled


  • Increases movement speed after Glory Kills
  • Allows for better positioning during combat
  • Helps players avoid attacks and get out of tight situations


  • Requires players to perform Glory Kills to activate
  • May not be as useful against larger enemies that cannot be Glory Killed

Chrono Strike


  • Slows down time after a successful melee attack
  • Gives players more time to aim and take out enemies
  • Allows for easier headshots and critical hits


  • Only activates after a melee attack, which can be risky in combat
  • Does not work against all enemies

Equipment Fiend


  • Reduces cooldown time for equipment like grenades and flamethrowers
  • Allows players to use equipment more frequently
  • Increases damage dealt by equipment


  • Only applies to equipment, not weapons
  • May not be as useful for players who prefer to rely on their weapons

Table Comparison

Blood Fueled
  • Increases movement speed after Glory Kills
  • Allows for better positioning during combat
  • Requires players to perform Glory Kills to activate
  • May not be as useful against larger enemies that cannot be Glory Killed
Chrono Strike
  • Slows down time after a successful melee attack
  • Gives players more time to aim and take out enemies
  • Only activates after a melee attack, which can be risky in combat
  • Does not work against all enemies
Equipment Fiend
  • Reduces cooldown time for equipment like grenades and flamethrowers
  • Allows players to use equipment more frequently
  • Only applies to equipment, not weapons
  • May not be as useful for players who prefer to rely on their weapons
In conclusion, while there are many runes available in Doom Eternal, Blood Fueled, Chrono Strike, and Equipment Fiend are the best runes in the game. Each rune provides unique advantages to players during combat, but also has its own limitations and drawbacks. Players should experiment with different runes to find the ones that work best for their playstyle and preferences.

Conclusion: The Best Runes for Doom Eternal

Congratulations! You’ve reached the end of our article on the best runes for Doom Eternal. We hope that this guide has been helpful in improving your gameplay and helping you survive the hordes of demons that await you in this game.To recap, we’ve covered a total of 12 runes that we believe are essential for any player looking to advance through the game. These runes are divided into three categories: movement, survivability, and damage.In the movement category, we discussed the Air Control, Dazed and Confused, and Faster Dasher runes. These runes are all about improving your mobility, allowing you to dodge enemy attacks and move quickly around the battlefield.For survivability, we recommended the Armor Plating, Rich Get Richer, and Saving Throw runes. These runes will help you stay alive in the toughest battles by increasing your armor, health, and even giving you a second chance at life when things get dire.Finally, in the damage category, we talked about the Blood Fueled, Equipment Fiend, and Precision runes. These runes will help you deal more damage to enemies, whether it’s by increasing your weapon swap speed, improving your headshot accuracy, or giving you a damage boost after performing a glory kill.Of course, as we mentioned earlier, there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to runes. It’s up to you to experiment with different combinations and see what works best for your playstyle. However, we hope that this guide has given you a good starting point and some useful tips to help you on your journey through Doom Eternal.Remember, while runes can be a powerful tool in your arsenal, they’re not the only thing that matters. To truly succeed in Doom Eternal, you’ll need to master the game’s fast-paced combat, learn how to prioritize targets, and make use of all the weapons and equipment available to you.So, with that said, we wish you luck on your journey through Doom Eternal. May your aim be true, your reflexes quick, and your runes always active!

People Also Ask About Best Runes Doom Eternal

What Are Runes in Doom Eternal?

Runes in Doom Eternal are special abilities that players can equip to enhance their combat effectiveness. These runes provide various benefits, such as faster movement and increased damage resistance.

How Many Runes Can You Equip in Doom Eternal?

Players can equip up to three runes at a time in Doom Eternal. This means that they must choose wisely which runes to use based on their preferred playstyle and the challenges they face in the game.

What Are the Best Runes in Doom Eternal?

There are several best runes in Doom Eternal that players can use to gain an advantage in combat. These include:

  1. Blood Punch – This rune allows players to charge a powerful melee attack that can take out multiple enemies at once.
  2. Faster Glory Kills – This rune enables players to perform glory kills faster, which helps them regain health and ammo more quickly.
  3. Chrono Strike – This rune slows down time when players perform a well-timed dash, giving them a chance to dodge attacks or line up shots.
  4. Equipment Fiend – This rune reduces the cooldown time of grenades, ice bombs, and flame belch, allowing players to use these tools more frequently in combat.
  5. Dash Refill – This rune increases the speed at which players' dash ability recharges, allowing them to move around the battlefield more quickly and evade enemy attacks.

How Do You Unlock Runes in Doom Eternal?

Players can unlock runes in Doom Eternal by completing certain challenges or finding them hidden throughout the game's levels. Once unlocked, they can be equipped in the player's rune menu.

Can You Change Runes in Doom Eternal?

Yes, players can change their runes at any time in Doom Eternal by accessing the rune menu. This allows them to adapt their playstyle to different situations and challenges throughout the game.