Unleash Your Inner Hero with the Best Sky Temple Warriors - Conquer the Skies and Dominate the Battle!


Discover the best heroes to dominate Sky Temple with our expert guide! Learn how to crush your opponents and claim victory in style.

The Best Heroes for Sky Temple: Unleash their Power

Sky Temple is one of the most popular battlegrounds in Heroes of the Storm. This map features three temples that can be activated by players to shoot lasers at enemy structures. The objective of the game is to capture these temples, hold them for as long as possible, and destroy the enemy's core before they destroy yours. To achieve this goal, you need a team of heroes that can work together, communicate effectively, and use their abilities to their fullest potential. In this article, we will discuss the best heroes for Sky Temple and how to unleash their power.

The Importance of Map Awareness

Before we dive into the best heroes for Sky Temple, it's important to understand the importance of map awareness. Sky Temple is a large map with multiple objectives, and it's crucial to know where your enemies are and what they're doing. Keeping an eye on the minimap, communicating with your team, and making informed decisions based on the information you have will give you a significant advantage over your opponents.

The Top Picks for Sky Temple

Now, let's take a look at the best heroes for Sky Temple. These heroes are chosen based on their ability to clear waves, capture temples, and team fight effectively. They are also versatile picks that can fit into different team compositions and playstyles.


Jaina is a mage hero that excels at dealing AoE damage and crowd control. Her abilities can clear minion waves quickly and freeze enemy heroes, making it easier for your team to secure kills. In Sky Temple, Jaina can also capture temples efficiently with her high burst damage. She is a great pick for teams that want to dominate the early game and snowball to victory.


Arthas is a bruiser hero that can soak up damage and control the battlefield. His abilities can slow and root enemy heroes, making it easier for your team to engage or disengage fights. In Sky Temple, Arthas can also capture temples and hold them for a long time with his sustain and tankiness. He is a great pick for teams that want a strong frontline and engage potential.


Falstad is an assassin hero that can deal high burst damage and mobility. His abilities can clear minion waves and poke enemy heroes from a safe distance. In Sky Temple, Falstad can also capture temples quickly with his flight ability and global presence. He is a great pick for teams that want a strong rotation game and map control.

How to Play these Heroes Effectively

Now that we've covered the best heroes for Sky Temple, let's talk about how to play them effectively. These heroes have different playstyles and require different strategies to maximize their potential.

Jaina: The Burst Mage

To play Jaina effectively, you need to position yourself correctly and land your abilities consistently. Jaina is a squishy hero with low mobility, so you need to stay behind your frontline and avoid getting caught out of position. Use your Blizzard and Cone of Cold to clear minion waves and poke enemy heroes. Save your Ring of Frost for team fights or to secure kills. Always communicate with your team and coordinate your engages.

Arthas: The Undead King

To play Arthas effectively, you need to be a tanky frontline that can soak up damage and control the battlefield. Arthas has a lot of sustain and self-healing, so don't be afraid to engage fights and take damage. Use your Howling Blast and Frozen Tempest to slow and root enemy heroes, making it easier for your team to follow up. Save your Army of the Dead for team fights or to push lanes. Always communicate with your team and coordinate your engages.

Falstad: The High Flyer

To play Falstad effectively, you need to be a mobile assassin that can deal high burst damage and rotate quickly. Falstad has a lot of mobility and global presence, so use that to your advantage. Clear minion waves with your Thunderstorm and poke enemy heroes with your Hammerang. Use your Barrel Roll to dodge enemy abilities or position yourself for kills. Save your Hinterland Blast for team fights or to secure kills. Always communicate with your team and coordinate your rotations.


In conclusion, Sky Temple is a challenging battleground that requires a well-coordinated team and versatile heroes. Jaina, Arthas, and Falstad are among the best heroes for this map due to their ability to clear waves, capture temples, and team fight effectively. To play these heroes effectively, you need to understand their strengths and weaknesses, position yourself correctly, and communicate with your team. With the right strategy and teamwork, you can unleash their power and dominate the battlefield.

The Best Heroes for Sky Temple


Sky Temple is one of the most popular battlegrounds in Heroes of the Storm. This map has three temples that periodically activate and provide players with powerful shots to destroy enemy structures. Players need to control these temples to win the game. In this article, we will discuss the best heroes to pick on Sky Temple.


Assassins are the primary damage dealers in Heroes of the Storm. They are great at picking off enemy heroes and dealing significant damage to enemy structures. The best assassins to pick on Sky Temple include:


Valeera is a stealthy assassin that excels at disrupting enemy heroes and securing kills. She can silence enemies, stun them, and deal massive damage with her abilities. Valeera is great for controlling the temples and preventing enemies from interrupting your team's progress.


Jaina is another strong assassin that can deal massive amounts of area-of-effect damage. She can slow enemies, root them, and deal significant damage with her abilities. Jaina is excellent for team fights and controlling the temples.


Tanks are the frontline of any team. They absorb damage and protect their allies from harm. The best tanks to pick on Sky Temple include:


Muradin is a durable tank that can soak up damage and stun enemies. He has a lot of mobility and can jump over walls to escape danger. Muradin is great for controlling the temples and disrupting enemy heroes.


Anub'arak is another strong tank that can absorb a lot of damage. He can also burrow underground to avoid danger or to surprise enemies. Anub'arak is excellent for controlling the temples and setting up team fights.


Support heroes are crucial for keeping their allies alive and healthy. The best support heroes to pick on Sky Temple include:


Malfurion is a powerful healer that can keep his allies alive with his healing abilities. He can also root enemies and provide vision for his team. Malfurion is excellent for controlling the temples and keeping his team healthy.


Brightwing is another great support hero that can heal her allies and provide crowd control. She can polymorph enemies, which turns them into harmless creatures. Brightwing is excellent for controlling the temples and disrupting enemy heroes.


Specialist heroes are unique in that they bring something different to the table. They are great at pushing lanes and destroying enemy structures. The best specialist heroes to pick on Sky Temple include:


Zagara is a powerful pusher that can spawn creep tumors and summon powerful minions. She can also deal significant damage with her abilities. Zagara is excellent for controlling the temples and pushing lanes.


Azmodan is another strong specialist hero that can push lanes and deal significant damage. He can summon minions, shoot long-range projectiles, and even dunk on enemies from across the map. Azmodan is great for controlling the temples and pushing lanes.


In conclusion, Sky Temple is an exciting battleground that requires players to control the temples to win the game. The best heroes to pick on this map include assassins like Valeera and Jaina, tanks like Muradin and Anub'arak, supports like Malfurion and Brightwing, and specialists like Zagara and Azmodan. By picking the right heroes for the job, you can increase your chances of winning on Sky Temple.
The Sky Temple is a battleground in Heroes of the Storm that requires strategic gameplay and teamwork to succeed. With its unique three temples that grant the team controlling them with powerful laser beams, players must fight for control of these structures while also battling it out against their opponents. In this article, we will explore the best heroes to use on Sky Temple and how they can help you secure victory.

The Mighty Warrior of Sky Temple: Arthas

Arthas, also known as the Lich King, is a formidable warrior that can hold his own in any battle. He is a melee bruiser that excels at soaking up damage while dealing out punishment to his enemies. His abilities allow him to slow down opponents and deal area-of-effect damage, making him an excellent choice for controlling the temples.One of Arthas's most potent abilities is his Army of the Dead ultimate, which summons a swarm of undead minions to fight alongside him. This ability can be used to take control of the temples and keep the enemy team at bay while your minions do the heavy lifting.

The Agile and Versatile Falstad

Falstad is a ranged assassin that can soar through the sky and rain down destruction on his enemies. He is incredibly agile and versatile, making him an excellent choice for Sky Temple. His abilities allow him to deal massive damage to enemy heroes while also providing utility to his team.One of Falstad's most powerful abilities is his Hinterland Blast ultimate, which unleashes a devastating barrage of cannon fire on a large area. This ability can be used to clear out enemy minions and take control of the temples quickly.

The Healing Power of Malfurion

Malfurion is a support hero that can heal his teammates and provide them with much-needed buffs. He has a variety of abilities that can help turn the tide of battle in his team's favor. Malfurion's abilities allow him to heal his allies, root his enemies in place, and even summon a powerful treant to fight alongside him.One of Malfurion's most potent abilities is his Tranquility ultimate, which quickly heals all nearby allies for a short period. This ability can be used to keep your team alive while they fight for control of the temples.

The Deadly Precision of Nova

Nova is a ranged assassin that excels at taking out enemy heroes from a distance. She is incredibly deadly and precise, making her an excellent choice for Sky Temple. Her abilities allow her to cloak herself and deal massive damage to her enemies without being detected.One of Nova's most powerful abilities is her Precision Strike ultimate, which calls down a massive laser beam on a targeted area. This ability can be used to clear out enemy minions and take down enemy heroes from afar.

The Unstoppable Force of Johanna

Johanna is a melee tank hero that can soak up damage and control the battlefield. She has a variety of abilities that allow her to stun her enemies, shield her allies, and even pull enemies towards her.One of Johanna's most potent abilities is her Blessed Shield ultimate, which stuns all enemies in a large area. This ability can be used to control the temples and prevent the enemy team from gaining control.

The Swift and Lethal Zeratul

Zeratul is a melee assassin that can move quickly and deal out massive damage to his enemies. He is incredibly stealthy and elusive, making him an excellent choice for Sky Temple. His abilities allow him to blink across the battlefield and deal area-of-effect damage to his enemies.One of Zeratul's most powerful abilities is his Void Prison ultimate, which traps all enemies in a large area for a short period. This ability can be used to control the temples and prevent the enemy team from gaining control.

The Elemental Mastery of Jaina

Jaina is a ranged assassin that can unleash the power of the elements on her enemies. She has a variety of abilities that allow her to freeze her enemies in place, deal massive damage, and even summon a water elemental to fight alongside her.One of Jaina's most potent abilities is her Ring of Frost ultimate, which freezes all enemies in a large area. This ability can be used to control the temples and prevent the enemy team from gaining control.

The Tactical Genius of Raynor

Raynor is a ranged assassin that can deal out massive damage to his enemies while also providing utility to his team. He has a variety of abilities that allow him to stun his enemies, heal his allies, and even summon a powerful Hyperion battlecruiser to rain down destruction on his foes.One of Raynor's most potent abilities is his Raider ultimate, which summons a powerful Banshee to attack his enemies. This ability can be used to take control of the temples quickly and deal out massive damage to enemy heroes.

The Brutal Strength of Butcher

Butcher is a melee assassin that can deal out massive damage to his enemies while also healing himself. He has a variety of abilities that allow him to charge at his enemies, stun them, and even heal himself with every attack.One of Butcher's most powerful abilities is his Lamb to the Slaughter ultimate, which chains an enemy hero in place for a short period. This ability can be used to control the temples and prevent the enemy team from gaining control.

The Mysterious and Elusive Samuro

Samuro is a melee assassin that can confuse and deceive his enemies with his illusions. He has a variety of abilities that allow him to create copies of himself, stun his enemies, and even teleport across the battlefield.One of Samuro's most potent abilities is his Bladestorm ultimate, which unleashes a flurry of deadly sword strikes on all nearby enemies. This ability can be used to clear out enemy minions and take down enemy heroes quickly.In conclusion, Sky Temple is a challenging battleground that requires strategic gameplay and teamwork to succeed. With the right heroes on your team, you can control the temples and emerge victorious. Whether you choose to play as a mighty warrior like Arthas or an agile assassin like Zeratul, there is a hero for every playstyle on Sky Temple. So gather your team and prepare for battle on this deadly and unforgiving battlefield.

Best Heroes for Sky Temple

Point of View

As an avid player of Heroes of the Storm, I believe that certain heroes excel in particular battlegrounds. When it comes to Sky Temple, heroes with strong wave clear and mobility are essential. Additionally, heroes who can contest objectives and team fights are also valuable.

Pros and Cons of Best Heroes for Sky Temple


  • Strong wave clear abilities
  • High mobility for quick rotations between lanes
  • Effective at contesting objectives and team fights
  • Can push lanes and gain map control


  • Might lack sustain or survivability
  • Can struggle against high burst damage heroes
  • Not all heroes have strong siege abilities

Table Comparison of Best Heroes for Sky Temple

Hero Role Pros Cons
Sylvanas Ranged Assassin Strong wave clear, excellent at pushing lanes, can disable enemy structures Low health pool, susceptible to burst damage, limited mobility
Falstad Ranged Assassin High mobility, strong wave clear, can fly to different parts of the map Low health pool, limited crowd control, requires good positioning
Dehaka Warrior Global presence, strong wave clear, can isolate enemies with drag ability Low damage output, limited crowd control, susceptible to kiting
Li-Ming Ranged Assassin High burst damage, strong wave clear, can teleport to safety Low health pool, requires precision and skill shots, limited crowd control
Johanna Warrior High survivability, strong wave clear, excellent crowd control Low damage output, limited mobility, susceptible to kiting
In conclusion, the best heroes for Sky Temple are those with strong wave clear, high mobility, and effective at contesting objectives and team fights. While each hero has their strengths and weaknesses, it's important to consider the map and team composition when selecting a hero.

The Best Heroes for Sky Temple

Thank you for taking the time to read our article about the best heroes for Sky Temple, one of the most challenging maps in Heroes of the Storm. We hope that we were able to provide you with valuable insights and strategies to help you dominate this map and climb the ranks in your next game.

Before we end this article, let us summarize some of the key takeaways from our analysis:

Firstly, we recommend picking heroes who excel at wave-clearing and soaking experience, such as Azmodan, Johanna, and Zagara. This is because Sky Temple has three lanes that require constant attention, and falling behind in experience can be game-changing.

Secondly, we advise picking heroes who can control the temples effectively, either by dealing massive damage or by disabling enemy heroes. Some of our top picks include Li-Ming, Kael'thas, ETC, and Anub'arak.

Thirdly, we suggest drafting heroes who can safely capture mercenary camps and push down structures, such as Greymane, Sonya, and Sylvanas. These heroes can put pressure on the enemy team while also providing valuable map control.

Of course, these suggestions are not set in stone, and there are many other heroes who can perform well on Sky Temple depending on your team's composition and playstyle. However, we believe that our recommendations provide a solid foundation for success on this map.

In addition to hero picks, we also discussed some general strategies that can help you win on Sky Temple. For example, we emphasized the importance of timing your temple captures to coincide with mercenary pushes, as well as the value of rotating between lanes to catch out-of-position enemies.

We also highlighted the dangers of overextending and taking unnecessary risks, as well as the importance of communication and coordination with your team. Remember, Heroes of the Storm is a team game, and even the best individual players can't carry a team that doesn't work together.

Finally, we want to encourage you to keep practicing and experimenting with different heroes and strategies on Sky Temple. This map is one of the most dynamic and challenging in the game, and mastering it will require patience, skill, and a willingness to learn from your mistakes.

Thank you again for reading our article, and we wish you the best of luck in your future games on Sky Temple!

People Also Ask About Best Heroes Sky Temple

What Are the Best Heroes for Sky Temple?

There are several heroes that perform exceptionally well on Sky Temple. Here are some of the best:

  • Johanna: A warrior hero that can absorb a lot of damage and control the battlefield.
  • Valla: A ranged assassin hero that deals high damage and has good mobility.
  • Kael'thas: A mage hero that can deal massive area of effect damage and control the battlefield.
  • Li-Ming: Another mage hero that can deal high single target damage and has great mobility.
  • Dehaka: A warrior hero that can soak up damage and move around the map quickly.

What Makes These Heroes Good for Sky Temple?

These heroes are good for Sky Temple because they have strong team fight potential and can control the battlefield. Sky Temple is all about objective control, and these heroes excel at that.

  1. Johanna can use her abilities to peel enemies away from the temple and protect her team.
  2. Valla can quickly clear minion waves and deal high damage to enemy heroes during team fights.
  3. Kael'thas can use his abilities to zone out enemies and deal massive area of effect damage to groups of enemies.
  4. Li-Ming can use her mobility to avoid enemy attacks and deal high single target damage to key targets.
  5. Dehaka can quickly move between lanes and objectives, making him a strong choice for Sky Temple's fast-paced gameplay.

Are There Any Other Heroes That Are Good for Sky Temple?

There are many other heroes that can perform well on Sky Temple, depending on your team composition and playstyle. Some other heroes to consider include:

  • Tassadar: A support hero that can shield allies and reveal hidden enemies.
  • Greymane: A melee assassin hero that can deal high damage and has good mobility.
  • Muradin: A warrior hero that can soak up damage and stun enemy heroes.
  • Genji: An assassin hero that can move quickly around the map and deal high single target damage.
  • Zarya: A warrior hero that can absorb damage and protect her allies.

Ultimately, the best hero for Sky Temple will depend on your personal preference and playstyle. Experiment with different heroes and find the one that works best for you!