Unleashing the Power: Discover the Top Heroes for Braxis Holdout in this Ultimate Guide


Braxis Holdout is a battleground in Heroes of the Storm where players can showcase their hero skills. Discover the best heroes to dominate the map!

Braxis Holdout is one of the most popular maps in Heroes of the Storm. This two-lane battleground is home to some of the most intense battles in the game, and it requires skilled players to come out on top. If you want to dominate on Braxis Holdout, you'll need to choose the right heroes for the job. In this article, we'll take a look at some of the best heroes for Braxis Holdout and explore how they can help you secure victory.

First up on our list of Braxis Holdout heroes is Zagara. This powerful hero is a favorite among many players for her ability to control the battlefield with her powerful summons and abilities. With her powerful banelings and roaches, she can quickly clear waves and push lanes while also dealing significant damage to enemy heroes. Her creep tumors also provide valuable vision and mobility, allowing her to quickly move around the map and make strategic plays.

Another great hero for Braxis Holdout is Sonya. This fierce warrior is one of the strongest melee heroes in the game, and she excels at taking down enemy heroes and structures alike. With her whirlwind ability, she can quickly clear waves and deal massive damage to enemy heroes, while her spear toss allows her to catch fleeing enemies and bring them down. Her ultimate ability, Leap, also allows her to leap into battle and stun multiple enemies at once, making her a formidable force on the battlefield.

If you're looking for a hero that can provide powerful healing and support, look no further than Brightwing. This magical fairy is a master of healing and crowd control, and she can keep her allies alive while also disrupting enemy movements. With her Polymorph ability, she can turn enemy heroes into harmless critters, making them easy targets for her allies. Her Blink Heal ability also allows her to quickly move around the battlefield and provide healing wherever it's needed most.

For players who prefer ranged heroes, Jaina is a great choice for Braxis Holdout. This powerful mage can deal massive damage to enemy heroes and structures alike, and she excels at controlling the battlefield with her powerful abilities. With her Blizzard ability, she can quickly clear waves and deal damage to enemy heroes, while her Cone of Cold ability allows her to slow and damage multiple enemies at once. Her ultimate ability, Ring of Frost, also allows her to stun multiple enemies and set up devastating combos with her allies.

Another great ranged hero for Braxis Holdout is Falstad. This powerful dwarf is a master of mobility and burst damage, and he can quickly move around the battlefield and take down enemy heroes with his powerful attacks. His Hammerang ability allows him to deal damage to multiple enemies at once, while his Lightning Rod ability can quickly take down enemy structures. His ultimate ability, Hinterland Blast, also allows him to deal massive damage to multiple enemies at once, making him a powerful force on the battlefield.

If you're looking for a hero that can provide powerful crowd control and disruption, look no further than E.T.C. This powerful warrior is a master of stuns and knockbacks, and he can quickly disrupt enemy movements and set up devastating combos with his allies. With his Powerslide ability, he can quickly close the gap and stun multiple enemies at once, while his Face Melt ability can knock enemies back and disrupt their movements. His ultimate ability, Mosh Pit, also allows him to stun multiple enemies at once and set up devastating team fights.

Another great hero for Braxis Holdout is Johanna. This powerful warrior is a master of defense and crowd control, and she can quickly protect her allies while also disrupting enemy movements. With her Condemn ability, she can quickly pull enemies together and set up devastating combos with her allies, while her Shield Glare ability can blind and silence multiple enemies at once. Her ultimate ability, Blessed Shield, also allows her to stun multiple enemies and set up devastating team fights.

For players who prefer stealthy heroes, Valeera is a great choice for Braxis Holdout. This powerful rogue is a master of deception and assassination, and she can quickly take down enemy heroes with her powerful abilities. With her Cheap Shot ability, she can stun enemies and set up devastating combos with her allies, while her Garrote ability can silence and deal damage over time to enemies. Her ultimate ability, Smoke Bomb, also allows her to create a cloud of smoke that provides cover and reduces the vision of enemy heroes, making her a formidable force on the battlefield.

If you're looking for a hero that can provide powerful burst damage and mobility, look no further than Genji. This powerful ninja is a master of agility and precision, and he can quickly move around the battlefield and take down enemy heroes with his powerful attacks. With his Shuriken ability, he can quickly deal damage to multiple enemies at once, while his Swift Strike ability allows him to quickly close the gap and deal massive damage to enemy heroes. His ultimate ability, Dragonblade, also allows him to deal massive damage to multiple enemies at once and quickly take down enemy structures.

Finally, we have Li-Ming, a powerful mage who can deal massive damage to enemy heroes and structures alike. With her Magic Missiles ability, she can quickly deal damage to multiple enemies at once, while her Arcane Orb ability can deal massive damage to enemy structures and heroes alike. Her ultimate ability, Disintegrate, also allows her to deal massive damage to multiple enemies at once and quickly take down enemy structures, making her a powerful force on the battlefield.

Overall, there are many great heroes to choose from when playing on Braxis Holdout. Whether you prefer melee or ranged heroes, support or damage dealers, there's a hero out there that can help you secure victory on this intense battleground. So don't be afraid to experiment and find the hero that works best for you – with the right skills and strategy, you can dominate on Braxis Holdout and emerge victorious!


Braxis Holdout is one of the most popular maps in Heroes of the Storm. It is a two-lane map with a unique objective that requires players to control beacons in order to spawn powerful Zerg waves. The map is known for its fast-paced gameplay and close-quarters team fights. In this article, we will explore the best heroes for Braxis Holdout and how they can help your team secure victory.

Tank Heroes

Tank heroes are essential on Braxis Holdout. They are responsible for initiating team fights and soaking up damage from enemy heroes. Some of the best tank heroes for this map include:


Anub'arak is a tank hero that excels at crowd control. He has the ability to stun multiple enemies at once and can also burrow underground to avoid damage. Anub'arak is a great pick for Braxis Holdout because he can disrupt the enemy team's attempts to capture the beacons.


Diablo is another great choice for Braxis Holdout. He has a lot of health and can dish out a lot of damage. Diablo's abilities allow him to charge into battle and knock back enemies, making him a formidable opponent in team fights.

Assassin Heroes

Assassin heroes are responsible for dealing damage to enemy heroes and securing kills. They are especially important on Braxis Holdout because they can quickly eliminate enemies attempting to capture the beacons. Some of the best assassin heroes for this map include:


Valla is a ranged assassin hero that can deal a lot of damage from a safe distance. Her ability to vault away from danger makes her a great pick for Braxis Holdout. Valla's ultimate ability, Rain of Vengeance, can also be used to stun multiple enemies at once.


Zeratul is a melee assassin hero that excels at ambushing enemy heroes. His ability to blink in and out of combat makes him difficult to catch and allows him to quickly eliminate key targets. Zeratul's ultimate ability, Void Prison, can also be used to trap enemies and prevent them from capturing the beacons.

Support Heroes

Support heroes are responsible for healing their teammates and providing them with buffs. They are especially important on Braxis Holdout because they can keep their allies alive during team fights. Some of the best support heroes for this map include:


Malfurion is a support hero that can heal his allies over time. He also has the ability to root enemies in place, making him a great pick for Braxis Holdout. Malfurion's ultimate ability, Twilight Dream, can also be used to silence enemies and prevent them from using their abilities.


Tassadar is a support hero that can shield his allies and reveal enemy heroes. His ability to provide vision is especially important on Braxis Holdout because it allows his team to see incoming Zerg waves. Tassadar's ultimate ability, Archon, can also be used to deal a lot of damage to enemy heroes.


In conclusion, Braxis Holdout is a fast-paced map that requires players to work together in order to secure victory. Tank heroes are essential for initiating team fights and soaking up damage, while assassin heroes are responsible for dealing damage to enemy heroes and securing kills. Support heroes are responsible for healing their allies and providing them with buffs. By choosing the right heroes for this map, you can increase your chances of winning and dominating your opponents.
Braxis Holdout is a two-lane battleground in Heroes of the Storm that challenges teams to control beacons and summon powerful Zerg forces. The map's unique layout and objectives require a specialized approach to drafting heroes and executing strategies. In this article, we will explore the best heroes for Braxis Holdout and how they fit into different roles and objectives.The Importance of Map Control on Braxis HoldoutBefore diving into specific hero picks, it's essential to understand the importance of map control on Braxis Holdout. The map features two lanes with a central area that holds two beacons. Teams must control both beacons simultaneously to summon a powerful Zerg wave that will push down one of the lanes.Controlling the beacons is crucial to securing early advantages and pushing towards victory. However, it's not just about capturing them but also defending them from the opposing team. Therefore, heroes that excel in wave clear, solo-laning, and objective control are highly valued on Braxis Holdout.The Best Heroes for Solo-Lane on Braxis HoldoutSolo-laning is a critical role on Braxis Holdout as it enables other team members to focus on controlling the beacons and team fighting. The ideal solo-laner should have strong wave clear, sustain, and mobility to rotate between lanes quickly.One of the best solo-laners on Braxis Holdout is Sonya. She has excellent wave clear with her Whirlwind ability and can sustain herself with her Fury generation. Additionally, she has high mobility with her Ancient Spear, which allows her to quickly rotate and join team fights.Another strong pick for solo-laning is Dehaka. He can clear waves quickly with his Drag and Dark Swarm abilities and can sustain himself with his Essence Collection trait. Furthermore, he has global mobility with his Brushstalker ultimate, allowing him to join team fights and objectives quickly.The Top Heroes for Holding the Beacon on Braxis HoldoutHolding the beacon is essential to securing early advantages and pushing towards victory. Therefore, heroes that excel in objective control are highly valued on Braxis Holdout. These heroes should have strong area-of-effect abilities and crowd control to prevent the opposing team from capturing the beacon.One of the top heroes for holding the beacon is Johanna. She has excellent area-of-effect damage with her Condemn and Blessed Shield abilities, which can also stun enemy heroes. Additionally, she has high survivability with her Laws of Hope talent, which provides increased health regeneration.Another strong pick for holding the beacon is Blaze. He has powerful area-of-effect damage with his Flame Stream and Oil Spill abilities, which can also slow enemy heroes. Furthermore, he has strong sustain with his Oil Dispersal talent, which increases his healing from Regeneration Globes and Healing Fountains.The Most Effective Heroes for Pushing on Braxis HoldoutPushing down lanes is an essential part of winning on Braxis Holdout. Heroes that excel in pushing should have strong siege damage, wave clear, and mobility to escape danger.One of the most effective heroes for pushing is Sergeant Hammer. She has incredibly high siege damage with her Siege Mode ability and can clear waves quickly with her Spider Mines. Additionally, she has high mobility with her Thrusters talent, which allows her to reposition quickly and escape danger.Another strong pick for pushing is Zagara. She has powerful area-of-effect damage with her Banelings and Hunter Killer abilities, which can also target structures. Furthermore, she can summon a pack of roaches that will push down the lane and distract enemy heroes.The Best Heroes for Team Fighting on Braxis HoldoutTeam fighting is an essential part of winning on Braxis Holdout. Heroes that excel in team fighting should have strong area-of-effect abilities, crowd control, and burst damage.One of the best heroes for team fighting is Jaina. She has powerful area-of-effect damage with her Blizzard and Cone of Cold abilities, which can also slow enemy heroes. Additionally, she has high burst damage with her Ring of Frost ultimate, which can stun multiple enemy heroes.Another strong pick for team fighting is E.T.C. He has powerful area-of-effect damage with his Powerslide and Face Melt abilities, which can also stun enemy heroes. Furthermore, he has strong sustain with his Guitar Solo talent, which provides increased health regeneration.The Importance of Wave Clear on Braxis HoldoutWave clear is an essential aspect of winning on Braxis Holdout. Heroes that excel in wave clear should have strong area-of-effect abilities and mobility to clear waves quickly and rotate between lanes.One of the best heroes for wave clear is Kael'thas. He has powerful area-of-effect damage with his Living Bomb and Flamestrike abilities, which can clear waves quickly. Additionally, he has high burst damage with his Pyroblast ultimate, which can eliminate enemy heroes quickly.Another strong pick for wave clear is Gul'dan. He has powerful area-of-effect damage with his Fel Flame and Corruption abilities, which can also heal him. Furthermore, he has high sustain with his Life Tap trait, which allows him to restore mana and health while damaging enemies.The Top Heroes for Objective Control on Braxis HoldoutObjective control is critical to securing early advantages and pushing towards victory on Braxis Holdout. Heroes that excel in objective control should have strong area-of-effect abilities and crowd control to secure the beacons and prevent the opposing team from capturing them.One of the top heroes for objective control is Li-Ming. She has powerful area-of-effect damage with her Arcane Orb and Disintegrate abilities, which can also eliminate enemy heroes. Additionally, she has high mobility with her Teleport ability, which allows her to reposition quickly and escape danger.Another strong pick for objective control is Anub'arak. He has powerful area-of-effect damage with his Impale and Burrow Charge abilities, which can also stun enemy heroes. Furthermore, he has high survivability with his Harden Carapace talent, which provides increased health regeneration and damage reduction.The Best Heroes for Defending on Braxis HoldoutDefending against the opposing team's push is essential to winning on Braxis Holdout. Heroes that excel in defending should have strong area-of-effect damage and crowd control to prevent the opposing team from pushing down lanes.One of the best heroes for defending is Kharazim. He has powerful area-of-effect damage with his Radiant Dash and Seven-Sided Strike abilities, which can also target multiple enemy heroes. Additionally, he has high mobility with his Breath of Heaven talent, which provides increased movement speed and healing.Another strong pick for defending is Tassadar. He has powerful area-of-effect damage with his Psionic Storm and Archon abilities, which can also shield ally heroes. Furthermore, he has high survivability with his Dimensional Shift talent, which allows him to become invulnerable and reposition quickly.The Most Versatile Heroes for Braxis HoldoutVersatility is essential on Braxis Holdout as it enables teams to adapt to changing situations and counter the opposing team's strategies. Heroes that excel in versatility should have multiple talents and abilities that can be used in different situations.One of the most versatile heroes for Braxis Holdout is Varian. He has three different talent trees that allow him to specialize in different roles - tank, damage, or sustain. Additionally, he has multiple abilities that can be used for different situations, such as Taunt for crowd control or Colossus Smash for burst damage.Another versatile pick for Braxis Holdout is Brightwing. She has multiple talents and abilities that can be used for different situations, such as Phase Shift for global mobility or Emerald Wind for crowd control. Furthermore, she has high sustain with her Soothing Mist trait, which provides increased healing to nearby allies.The Most Essential Heroes for a Successful Braxis Holdout DraftA successful draft on Braxis Holdout requires a combination of roles and objectives, as well as flexibility and adaptability. Therefore, the most essential heroes for a successful Braxis Holdout draft should have strong wave clear, objective control, team fighting, and versatility.One of the most essential heroes for Braxis Holdout is Falstad. He has powerful area-of-effect damage with his Hammerang and Lightning Rod abilities, which can also target structures. Additionally, he has high mobility with his Barrel Roll talent, which allows him to reposition quickly and escape danger.Another essential pick for Braxis Holdout is Malfurion. He has powerful area-of-effect healing with his Regrowth and Tranquility abilities, which can also heal multiple ally heroes. Furthermore, he has high crowd control with his Entangling Roots ability, which can root enemy heroes in place.In conclusion, Braxis Holdout is a unique battleground that requires specialized hero picks and strategies. By understanding the importance of map control, solo-laning, objective control, pushing, team fighting, wave clear, defending, versatility, and essential heroes, teams can increase their chances of success and secure victory.

Best Heroes for Braxis Holdout

Point of View

Braxis Holdout is a two-lane map in Heroes of the Storm that requires strong wave clear and control over the objective points. In my opinion, the best heroes for Braxis Holdout are those who can push lanes quickly, secure the beacons, and win team fights.

Pros and Cons of Best Heroes for Braxis Holdout

Here are some pros and cons of the best heroes for Braxis Holdout:Sylvanas:- Pros: Strong push potential with her trait, can disable enemy structures, great mobility, and burst damage.- Cons: Squishy and vulnerable to crowd control.Dehaka:- Pros: Global presence, high sustain, and strong solo laner.- Cons: Limited crowd control and damage output.Malfurion:- Pros: Great healing and mana sustain, long-range crowd control, and vision with his Moonfire.- Cons: Low mobility and weak against dive compositions.Zarya:- Pros: High damage output, strong shields, and great utility with her Graviton Surge ultimate.- Cons: Short range abilities and weak against poke compositions.

Table Comparison or Information about Best Heroes for Braxis Holdout

Below is a table comparison of the best heroes for Braxis Holdout:
Hero Pros Cons
Sylvanas Strong push potential, disable enemy structures, great mobility, and burst damage. Squishy and vulnerable to crowd control.
Dehaka Global presence, high sustain, and strong solo laner. Limited crowd control and damage output.
Malfurion Great healing and mana sustain, long-range crowd control, and vision with his Moonfire. Low mobility and weak against dive compositions.
Zarya High damage output, strong shields, and great utility with her Graviton Surge ultimate. Short range abilities and weak against poke compositions.
In conclusion, the best heroes for Braxis Holdout are those who excel in wave clear, securing the beacons, and winning team fights. Each hero has its own strengths and weaknesses, and it's important to choose the right hero based on your team composition and the enemy's draft.

The Best Heroes for Braxis Holdout: A Comprehensive Guide

Welcome to our guide on the best heroes for Braxis Holdout, one of the most popular maps in Heroes of the Storm. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced player, this guide will help you choose the best heroes to dominate the battlefield and lead your team to victory.

Braxis Holdout is a two-lane map that requires strong waveclear and teamfighting abilities. The objective of the map is to control two beacons that periodically spawn in the center of each lane. The team that controls both beacons for a certain amount of time will summon a powerful Zerg wave to push the enemy's base.

One of the most important things to consider when choosing heroes for Braxis Holdout is their waveclear abilities. The faster you can clear waves, the more time you'll have to control the beacons and prevent the enemy team from doing so. Here are some of the best heroes for waveclear:

Johanna: Johanna is a tank hero with great waveclear abilities. She can use her Condemn ability to pull enemies together and deal damage, and her Punish ability to slow them down and reduce their damage. Her Shield Glare ability can also blind enemies, making it harder for them to attack or use abilities.

Zagara: Zagara is a ranged assassin hero with excellent waveclear abilities. She can use her Banelings ability to deal area damage to minions and structures, and her Hunter Killer ability to target individual enemies and deal damage over time. Her Creep Tumor ability also allows her to spread vision and movement speed to her allies, making it easier for them to move around the map.

Sylvanas: Sylvanas is a ranged specialist hero with unique waveclear abilities. Her Black Arrows ability allows her to disable enemy buildings and minions, making it easier for her team to clear waves and push the lanes. Her Haunting Wave ability also allows her to escape danger or chase down enemies.

Another important factor to consider when choosing heroes for Braxis Holdout is their teamfighting abilities. The more effective your team is at fighting together, the easier it will be to control the beacons and defend against enemy attacks. Here are some of the best heroes for teamfighting:

Diablo: Diablo is a tank hero with powerful crowd control abilities. He can use his Shadow Charge ability to knock enemies back and stun them, and his Overpower ability to pull them towards him and deal damage. His Apocalypse heroic ability can also stun all enemies in an area, setting up his team for a devastating attack.

Kael'thas: Kael'thas is a ranged assassin hero with high burst damage. He can use his Flamestrike ability to deal area damage to enemies, and his Living Bomb ability to spread fire to nearby targets. His Pyroblast heroic ability can also deal massive damage to a single target, making him a threat to any enemy hero.

Li-Ming: Li-Ming is a ranged mage hero with incredible burst damage. She can use her Magic Missiles ability to fire multiple projectiles at enemies, and her Arcane Orb ability to deal massive area damage. Her Disintegrate heroic ability can also deal continuous damage to enemies in a line, making her a force to be reckoned with.

Finally, it's important to have a good mix of heroes on your team to cover different roles and abilities. You should aim to have at least one tank, one healer, and one damage dealer on your team. Here are some other heroes that can be useful on Braxis Holdout:

Lucio: Lucio is a support hero with strong healing and mobility abilities. He can use his Crossfade ability to switch between healing and speed boost modes, and his Amp It Up ability to increase the effectiveness of whichever mode he's currently in. His Sound Barrier heroic ability can also provide a temporary shield to all allies in an area, making him a valuable asset in teamfights.

Muradin: Muradin is a tank hero with good survivability and crowd control abilities. He can use his Dwarf Toss ability to jump to a targeted location and deal damage, and his Thunder Clap ability to slow enemies and reduce their attack speed. His Avatar heroic ability can also increase his health and damage output, making him a formidable opponent.

Valla: Valla is a ranged assassin hero with high sustained damage. She can use her Hungering Arrow ability to target individual enemies and deal damage, and her Multishot ability to deal area damage to multiple targets. Her Strafe heroic ability can also deal continuous damage to enemies in an area, making her a great choice for teamfights.

We hope this guide has helped you choose the best heroes for Braxis Holdout. Remember to communicate with your team, focus on waveclear and teamfighting, and adapt to the situation as it unfolds. With the right strategy and teamwork, you can dominate the battlefield and emerge victorious!

Thank you for reading, and we wish you the best of luck in your games on Braxis Holdout!

People Also Ask About Best Heroes Braxis Holdout

What Are the Best Heroes for Braxis Holdout?

The best heroes for Braxis Holdout are those who can control and hold the objective areas, as well as deal significant damage to enemy heroes. These heroes include:

  • Zagara: Zagara's Hydralisks can control the objective areas and deal damage to enemy heroes.
  • Raynor: Raynor's Hyperion ultimate can clear minion waves and deal damage to enemy heroes.
  • Falstad: Falstad's Gust ultimate can push enemy heroes away from the objective areas.
  • Thrall: Thrall's Sundering ultimate can split enemy teams apart and create opportunities for his team to take control of the objective areas.
  • Tychus: Tychus' Minigun ability allows him to deal significant damage to enemy heroes and structures.

How Do I Play Zagara on Braxis Holdout?

To play Zagara effectively on Braxis Holdout, follow these tips:

  1. Use your Hydralisks to control the objective areas.
  2. Place your Banelings in choke points to deal damage to enemy heroes and minions.
  3. Use your Nydus Worms to quickly move between lanes and defend against enemy pushes.
  4. Take advantage of Zagara's ranged attacks to safely deal damage to enemy structures from a distance.

What Are Some Tips for Winning on Braxis Holdout?

To win on Braxis Holdout, follow these tips:

  1. Focus on controlling the objective areas and clearing minion waves.
  2. Coordinate with your team to take down enemy structures and secure the objectives.
  3. Keep an eye out for enemy ganks and be prepared to retreat if necessary.
  4. Take advantage of hero synergies and coordinate hero abilities for maximum impact.
  5. Be flexible and adapt your strategy based on the enemy team's composition and playstyle.