Unlocking Divine Powers: Discover the 5 Best Miracles in SMT for a Game-Changing Experience!


Discover the top 5 miracles in SMT, from powerful healing spells to devastating attacks. Unleash divine power and conquer your enemies!

The Shin Megami Tensei series is known for its dark and gritty atmosphere, challenging gameplay, and intricate storylines. However, one of the most intriguing aspects of the series is the use of miracles, supernatural abilities that allow players to turn the tide of battle in their favor. In this article, we will be exploring the top five miracles in the Shin Megami Tensei series that have left a lasting impression on players.

First up on our list is the miracle known as Debilitate. This powerful ability lowers all of the enemy's stats by a significant amount, making them much easier to defeat. One of the most satisfying things about using Debilitate is watching previously tough opponents become much weaker and easier to take down.

Next, we have one of the most iconic miracles in the series: Megidolaon. This devastating attack deals massive Almighty damage to all enemies on the battlefield, making it a go-to choice for dealing with large groups of foes. Not only is Megidolaon incredibly powerful, but it also has a cool animation that makes it even more satisfying to use.

Another miracle that has earned its place on this list is Samarecarm. This ability allows players to revive a fallen ally with full HP and MP, making it an invaluable tool for keeping your team alive during tough battles. Samarecarm can be a lifesaver in situations where losing even one party member could mean the difference between victory and defeat.

The fourth miracle on our list is Divine Shot. This attack deals Holy damage to a single enemy and has a high critical hit rate, making it a reliable way to take down tough opponents. What sets Divine Shot apart from other attacks is its unique animation, which features a beam of light descending from the heavens to strike the enemy.

Last but not least, we have the miracle known as Concentrate. This ability doubles the power of the next magical attack used by the user, making it an excellent way to deal massive damage to a single target. Using Concentrate can be a bit risky, as it leaves the user vulnerable for a turn, but the payoff is well worth it when you see how much damage it can do.

In conclusion, the Shin Megami Tensei series has no shortage of powerful miracles that can turn the tide of battle in your favor. Whether you're looking to deal massive damage, revive fallen allies, or weaken your enemies, there's a miracle out there that can help you achieve your goals. So the next time you're facing down a tough opponent, don't forget to call upon the power of these incredible abilities.


Miracles have always been an important aspect of religion. From the parting of the Red Sea to the resurrection of Jesus Christ, miracles have been the center of attention for many followers of various faiths. In this article, we will focus on the top 5 miracles in Christianity that have captivated the hearts and minds of believers for years.

The Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes

One of the most well-known miracles of Jesus was the feeding of the 5,000. It is a story that has been told countless times and has been the subject of many artistic depictions. According to the Gospel of John, Jesus fed a large crowd with just five loaves of bread and two fish. This miracle not only provided physical nourishment but also spiritual nourishment as it showed the power and compassion of Jesus towards his followers.

The Significance of the Miracle

The miracle of the loaves and fishes demonstrated Jesus' ability to provide for his followers, both physically and spiritually. It also showed that he had the power to perform great deeds and that he was truly the Son of God.

The Miracle of Healing the Blind Man

In the Gospel of John, we read about Jesus healing a man who was born blind. This miracle is significant because it was performed on a Sabbath day, which was considered a day of rest and therefore, no work was supposed to be done. By healing the blind man on this day, Jesus broke the Jewish law and defied the religious leaders of the time.

The Significance of the Miracle

The miracle of healing the blind man showed that Jesus was willing to break the law in order to help those in need. It also demonstrated his power over sickness and disease, and his ability to perform miracles that were beyond human understanding.

The Miracle of Raising Lazarus from the Dead

One of the most dramatic miracles of Jesus was the raising of Lazarus from the dead. According to the Gospel of John, Lazarus had been dead for four days when Jesus arrived at his tomb and called him back to life. This miracle was so significant that it led many people to believe in Jesus as the Son of God.

The Significance of the Miracle

The miracle of raising Lazarus from the dead demonstrated Jesus' power over death itself. It also showed that he had the ability to perform miracles that were beyond human understanding and that he was truly the Son of God.

The Miracle of Calming the Storm

In the Gospel of Matthew, we read about Jesus calming the storm while he and his disciples were out on a boat. The storm was so intense that the disciples feared for their lives, but Jesus was able to calm the winds and the waves with just a few words.

The Significance of the Miracle

The miracle of calming the storm demonstrated Jesus' power over nature itself. It also showed that he had the ability to perform miracles that were beyond human understanding and that his power extended beyond just healing and feeding.

The Miracle of the Resurrection

The most significant miracle in Christianity is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. According to the Gospels, Jesus was crucified, died, and was buried, but on the third day, he rose from the dead. This miracle is the cornerstone of the Christian faith and has been celebrated by believers for over 2,000 years.

The Significance of the Miracle

The miracle of the resurrection demonstrated that Jesus was more than just a prophet or a teacher, but that he was truly the Son of God. It also showed that death was not the end and that there was hope for eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ.


Miracles have played a significant role in Christianity and have provided believers with hope, inspiration, and faith. The miracles of Jesus demonstrated his power over sickness, nature, and death itself, and they continue to inspire people today. As believers, we can find comfort and strength in the knowledge that God is still working miracles in our lives every day.
The concept of miracles has been a part of human history for thousands of years. From the biblical accounts of Jesus healing the sick and feeding the masses, to modern-day stories of unexplained healings and supernatural occurrences, miracles have captured our imagination and inspired our faith. In this article, we will explore some of the best miracles that have been documented throughout history. These miracles span different religions and cultures, but they all share one common theme: they demonstrate the power of a divine force to intervene in the affairs of humanity.

Healing: The Miracle of Physical Restoration

One of the most well-known miracles is that of physical healing. This miracle involves the restoration of health to someone who is sick or injured, often through prayer or the laying on of hands. Many religious texts recount stories of miraculous healings, including the Bible, which tells of Jesus curing the blind, the lame, and the lepers.In modern times, there are countless stories of miraculous healings that cannot be explained by medical science. One such story is that of Anita Moorjani, who was diagnosed with terminal cancer and given just a few weeks to live. After experiencing a near-death experience, she returned to life completely healed of her cancer. Her story has inspired many people to believe in the power of divine healing.

Protection: Shielding from Harm and Danger

Another powerful miracle is that of protection. This miracle involves shielding someone from harm or danger, often in the midst of a life-threatening situation. Many people believe that angels or other divine beings can intervene to protect us from harm.One famous example of this is the story of Daniel in the lion's den. According to the Bible, Daniel was thrown into a pit filled with hungry lions as punishment for his faith. But God protected him from harm, and he emerged unscathed the next morning.There are also countless stories of people who have narrowly avoided death or injury in car accidents, natural disasters, and other dangerous situations. These stories often involve a sense of divine intervention or protection.

Guidance: Divine Assistance in Decision-Making

Another type of miracle is that of guidance. This miracle involves receiving divine assistance in making important decisions, often through prayer or meditation. Many people believe that God or other divine beings can provide them with guidance and direction when they are facing difficult choices.One famous example of this is the story of Moses and the burning bush. According to the Bible, Moses was called by God to lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt. He received this calling through a burning bush that spoke to him and gave him guidance on how to carry out his mission.There are also many modern-day stories of people who have received divine guidance in their personal and professional lives. These stories often involve a strong sense of intuition or inner knowing that leads them in the right direction.

Provision: Supernatural Provision of Resources

Another powerful miracle is that of provision. This miracle involves the supernatural provision of resources, such as food, water, or money, often in times of great need. Many religious texts recount stories of miraculous provision, such as the feeding of the 5,000 in the Bible.There are also many modern-day stories of miraculous provision. For example, there are countless stories of people who have received unexpected financial windfalls or who have had their needs met in unexpected ways. These stories often involve a sense of divine intervention or providence.

Deliverance: Liberation from Bondage and Oppression

The miracle of deliverance involves the liberation of someone from bondage or oppression. This miracle often involves an external force intervening to free someone from a situation that they could not escape on their own.One famous example of this is the story of the Israelites being freed from slavery in Egypt. According to the Bible, God intervened on their behalf and brought them out of bondage.There are also many modern-day stories of deliverance, such as people who have been freed from addictions or who have escaped abusive relationships. These stories often involve a sense of divine intervention or supernatural help.

Restoration: Renewal of Broken Relationships and Situations

The miracle of restoration involves the renewal of broken relationships or situations. This miracle often involves an external force intervening to bring about reconciliation or healing.One famous example of this is the story of Joseph in the Bible. Joseph was sold into slavery by his jealous brothers, but he eventually rose to a position of power in Egypt. When his brothers came to him for help during a famine, Joseph forgave them and was able to restore their relationship.There are also many modern-day stories of restoration, such as marriages that have been saved from the brink of divorce or friendships that have been renewed after years of conflict. These stories often involve a sense of divine intervention or supernatural help.

Resurrection: The Power of Bringing Back the Dead to Life

Perhaps the most awe-inspiring miracle is that of resurrection. This miracle involves bringing someone back to life after they have died, often through prayer or the laying on of hands. Many religious texts recount stories of miraculous resurrections, such as the raising of Lazarus in the Bible.While there are very few documented cases of miraculous resurrections in modern times, there are still many stories of people who have been revived after being clinically dead. These stories often involve a sense of divine intervention or supernatural help.

Transformation: Personal Transformation and Renewal

The miracle of transformation involves personal transformation and renewal. This miracle often involves an internal transformation that leads to a change in behavior or outlook.One famous example of this is the story of Saul in the Bible. Saul was a fierce persecutor of Christians, but he underwent a transformation after encountering Jesus on the road to Damascus. He became a passionate advocate for Christianity and eventually became known as the apostle Paul.There are also many modern-day stories of transformation, such as people who have overcome addictions or who have turned their lives around after hitting rock bottom. These stories often involve a sense of divine intervention or supernatural help.

Multiplication: Supernatural Increase and Multiplication of Resources

The miracle of multiplication involves the supernatural increase and multiplication of resources. This miracle often involves an external force intervening to provide an abundance of something that was previously scarce.One famous example of this is the story of the loaves and fishes in the Bible. According to the story, Jesus fed a crowd of 5,000 with just five loaves of bread and two fish.There are also many modern-day stories of multiplication, such as people who have received unexpected promotions or who have experienced financial breakthroughs after years of struggle. These stories often involve a sense of divine intervention or supernatural help.

Victory: Overcoming Obstacles and Defeating Enemies

The miracle of victory involves overcoming obstacles and defeating enemies. This miracle often involves an external force intervening to provide strength and courage in the face of adversity.One famous example of this is the story of David and Goliath in the Bible. David, a young shepherd boy, defeated the giant Goliath with just a sling and a stone.There are also many modern-day stories of victory, such as people who have overcome physical or mental challenges or who have triumphed over their enemies through perseverance and faith. These stories often involve a sense of divine intervention or supernatural help.In conclusion, miracles have been a part of human history for thousands of years and continue to inspire and captivate us today. Whether it is the miracle of physical healing, protection, guidance, provision, deliverance, restoration, resurrection, transformation, multiplication, or victory, these miracles demonstrate the power of a divine force to intervene in the affairs of humanity. They remind us that anything is possible with faith and the belief in the miraculous.

My Point of View on SMT 5 Best Miracles


SMT 5, or Shin Megami Tensei V, is a popular Japanese role-playing video game that features different miracles. Miracles in SMT 5 are powerful abilities that players can use to help them progress through the game. In this article, I will share my point of view about SMT 5's best miracles and their pros and cons.

SMT 5's Best Miracles

1. Salvation - This miracle fully restores the party's HP and MP. It is useful in boss battles or when facing multiple enemies. 2. Samarecarm - This miracle revives a fallen ally with full HP. It is a must-have miracle in case of sudden death. 3. Debilitate - This miracle lowers all enemies' attack, defense, and agility stats. It is useful when facing a group of powerful enemies. 4. Concentrate - This miracle raises the caster's magic attack by two levels. It is useful for magic-based characters. 5. Heat Riser - This miracle raises all allies' attack, defense, and agility stats. It is useful in tough battles where teamwork is crucial.

Pros and Cons

1. SalvationPros:- Fully restores HP and MP- Saves time by not having to heal each party member individuallyCons:- High MP cost- Only usable by high-level characters2. SamarecarmPros:- Revives ally with full HP- Can save a battle from being lostCons:- High MP cost- Can only be used once per battle3. DebilitatePros:- Lowers all enemies' attack, defense, and agility stats- Can turn the tide of a difficult battleCons:- High MP cost- Only usable by high-level characters4. ConcentratePros:- Raises caster's magic attack by two levels- Useful for magic-based charactersCons:- High MP cost- Only usable by magic-based characters5. Heat RiserPros:- Raises all allies' attack, defense, and agility stats- Useful in tough battles where teamwork is crucialCons:- High MP cost- Only usable by high-level characters

Table Comparison

Miracle Pros Cons
Salvation Fully restores HP and MP High MP cost; only usable by high-level characters
Samarecarm Revives ally with full HP; can save a battle from being lost High MP cost; can only be used once per battle
Debilitate Lowers all enemies' attack, defense, and agility stats; can turn the tide of a difficult battle High MP cost; only usable by high-level characters
Concentrate Raises caster's magic attack by two levels; useful for magic-based characters High MP cost; only usable by magic-based characters
Heat Riser Raises all allies' attack, defense, and agility stats; useful in tough battles where teamwork is crucial High MP cost; only usable by high-level characters


In conclusion, SMT 5's best miracles are Salvation, Samarecarm, Debilitate, Concentrate, and Heat Riser. Each miracle has its pros and cons, and players should choose the ones that best suit their playstyle and strategy. It is essential to use these miracles strategically to progress through the game and conquer challenging battles.

The Top 5 Miracles That Will Change Your Life

Dear readers,

As you come to the end of this article, we hope that you have been inspired by the incredible stories of miracles and the transformative power they can have in our lives. The world is full of amazing moments where the impossible becomes possible, and we have shared with you some of the most extraordinary examples.

From miraculous healings to divine interventions, these five stories are a testament to the power of faith, hope, and love. We hope that they have given you a renewed sense of wonder and appreciation for the mysteries of life.

As you reflect on these stories, we encourage you to take a moment to consider the miracles in your own life. Perhaps it was a moment when everything seemed lost, and suddenly a solution appeared out of nowhere. Or maybe it was a chance encounter that led to a lifelong friendship or partnership.

We all have moments of grace and wonder in our lives, and it is important to recognize and celebrate them. By acknowledging the miracles in our lives, we open ourselves up to more blessings and opportunities for growth and transformation.

So, as you go about your day, remember to keep your eyes and heart open to the miracles around you. There is magic and wonder all around us, waiting to be discovered and celebrated.

Thank you for joining us on this journey of discovery and inspiration. We hope that these stories have touched your heart and soul, and that they have reminded you of the boundless possibilities of life.

Remember, there is always hope. There is always light. And there is always the power of miracles to help us overcome even the greatest challenges.

With love and gratitude,

The SMT Team

People Also Ask About SMT 5 Best Miracles

What are the best miracles in SMT 5?

The best miracles in SMT 5 are:

  1. Thunder Reign - A powerful electric attack that deals massive damage to all enemies.
  2. Debilitate - A debuff that lowers all of an enemy's stats by 30% for three turns.
  3. Heaven's Blade - A holy attack that deals massive damage to all enemies and has a high critical hit rate.
  4. Silent Prayer - A healing spell that restores a large amount of HP to all allies.
  5. Salvation - A powerful healing spell that restores all HP and removes all debuffs from all allies.

How do I obtain these miracles?

These miracles can be obtained through various means such as:

  • Leveling up your character or demons to learn them naturally.
  • Fusing demons together to create a new demon with the desired miracle.
  • Purchasing them from certain vendors or finding them as drops from enemies.

Which miracles are the most useful in boss battles?

The most useful miracles in boss battles are:

  1. Debilitate - Lowering the boss' stats can make it easier to deal damage and survive their attacks.
  2. Heaven's Blade - Dealing massive damage and having a high crit rate can quickly whittle down a boss' health bar.
  3. Salvation - Being able to fully heal and remove debuffs can be a lifesaver in tough boss battles.

Can I use these miracles in PvP battles?

Yes, you can use these miracles in PvP battles. However, keep in mind that some miracles may be more effective in PvE battles than in PvP battles due to differences in enemy and player behavior.