Unlocking the Mystery: Unearthing the Best Crossword Clues for Puzzlers Everywhere


Discover the ultimate crossword clue that will leave you feeling satisfied and accomplished. Perfect for puzzle enthusiasts and word lovers alike!

Crossword puzzles have been a beloved pastime for many people for decades. Solving them requires a combination of knowledge, logic, and language skills. However, one of the most satisfying aspects of completing a crossword puzzle is when you finally crack that one clue that has been eluding you for hours. This feeling is multiplied when that clue happens to be the best one in the entire puzzle. In this article, we will explore some of the best crossword clues ever created, from the clever and cryptic to the downright hilarious.

First up on our list is a clue that appeared in The New York Times crossword puzzle on October 11th, 2012. The clue simply read, It might come with a charge. At first glance, this seems like it could be referring to anything from a credit card to a battery. However, the answer was something completely unexpected: Taser. This clue is a perfect example of how a seemingly innocent phrase can lead you down the wrong path, only to surprise you with the actual answer.

Another great clue comes from a puzzle that was published in The Guardian back in 2015. The clue read, One who might be seen polishing off a pint? The answer? ELF. This clue is particularly clever because it relies on a double meaning of the word pint. On one hand, it refers to a unit of measurement for beer. On the other hand, it's also a reference to the size of an elf, which makes it a perfect fit for the answer.

Of course, not all great crossword clues need to be clever or cryptic. Sometimes, a good pun is all it takes to make a clue memorable. That's certainly the case with a clue that appeared in The New Yorker crossword puzzle in 1992. The clue reads, Old MacDonald had a bison? The answer? E-I-E-I-OX. This clue is a perfect example of how a simple pun can turn an otherwise mundane answer into something much more memorable.

Another great example of a punny crossword clue comes from a puzzle published in The Los Angeles Times in 2017. The clue read, What 'I' has the most eyes? The answer? Needle. This clue is clever because it relies on the fact that the letter I is made up of two vertical lines, which could be interpreted as eyes. Meanwhile, the word needle also has a lot of vertical lines, making it the perfect fit for the answer.

One of the most satisfying things about solving a crossword puzzle is when you finally figure out a clue that has been bugging you for hours. That's certainly the case with a clue that appeared in The New York Times crossword puzzle in 2011. The clue reads, Some people might take it personally. The answer? TISSUE. This clue is great because it's so simple, yet it still manages to be tricky. It's easy to get bogged down trying to come up with a complex answer, when the actual answer is something as basic as a tissue.

Another great example of a deceptively simple crossword clue comes from a puzzle published in The Guardian back in 2010. The clue reads, Lacking any sense of direction. The answer? LOST. This clue is great because it's so open-ended. There are countless directions that someone could be lacking, making it a great example of how a good crossword clue doesn't need to be overly specific to be effective.

Of course, not all great crossword puzzles need to be tricky or punny. Sometimes, a clue can be great simply because it's funny. That's certainly the case with a clue that appeared in a puzzle published in The New Yorker in 2012. The clue reads, What's the difference between a cat and a comma? The answer? One has claws at the end of its paws, and the other is a pause at the end of a clause. This clue is great because it's not only funny, but it also manages to be educational.

Another great example of a funny crossword clue comes from a puzzle that was published in The Wall Street Journal in 2015. The clue reads, What are the odds? The answer? EVEN. This clue is funny because it relies on a common phrase that people use when they're uncertain about something. Meanwhile, the word even is a perfect fit for the answer, making it a great example of how a simple pun can make a crossword clue memorable.

Of course, not all great crossword clues need to be complicated or clever. Sometimes, a clue can be great simply because it's elegant in its simplicity. That's certainly the case with a clue that appeared in The New York Times crossword puzzle in 1996. The clue reads, Small songbird. The answer? TIT. This clue is great because it's so straightforward, yet it still manages to be effective. It's a perfect example of how sometimes less is more when it comes to creating a great crossword clue.

In conclusion, whether you're a crossword enthusiast or just someone who enjoys a good brain teaser, there's no denying that some clues are just better than others. From the clever and cryptic to the downright hilarious, the best crossword clues are the ones that manage to surprise and delight us. So the next time you're stuck on a particularly tricky clue, remember that sometimes the best answers are the ones that are right under our noses.


Crossword puzzles are a great way to keep your mind sharp and active. They are challenging and fun, and they require you to think creatively and logically. One of the most important elements of a good crossword puzzle is the quality of the clues. A well-crafted clue can make all the difference in whether or not you are able to solve the puzzle. In this article, we will explore some of the best crossword clues that have ever been written.

The Best Crossword Clues of All Time

1. It may be split or tight

This clue is an excellent example of wordplay. The answer is pants, and the clue uses the double meaning of the word split to mislead the solver. The clue could also refer to the tightness of pants, making it a clever and memorable clue.

2. It's measured in hands

This clue is another great example of wordplay. The answer is horse, and the clue uses the standard unit of measurement for horses, which is hands. The clue is simple yet effective, and it demonstrates how a good crossword clue can be both informative and entertaining.

3. It's a gas

This clue is a classic. The answer is helium, and the clue relies on the multiple meanings of the word gas. Helium is a gas that is used in balloons and other applications, so the clue is both accurate and playful.

4. It's found in a mine

This clue is a little more straightforward than some of the others on this list, but it is still very effective. The answer is ore, and the clue uses a common association to lead the solver to the correct answer. This clue is a great example of how a simple, direct clue can be just as effective as a more complicated one.

5. It might be picked up in a bar

This clue uses a clever play on words to lead the solver to the answer. The answer is tab, and the clue uses the multiple meanings of the word bar. A tab can be a bill at a bar, or it can be a label that is used to identify something. This clue demonstrates how a good crossword clue can rely on subtle wordplay to be effective.

6. It's often made with flour and water

This clue is another example of a simple yet effective clue. The answer is dough, and the clue uses a common association to lead the solver to the correct answer. This clue demonstrates how a good crossword clue can rely on common knowledge to be effective.

7. It's a bird, but not a songbird

This clue is a little more challenging than some of the others on this list, but it is still very effective. The answer is owl, and the clue uses the fact that owls are birds but not songbirds to mislead the solver. This clue demonstrates how a good crossword clue can use misdirection to be effective.

8. It's a fruit that sounds like a vegetable

This clue is a great example of how a good crossword clue can use sound-alike words to be effective. The answer is kiwi, and the clue relies on the fact that kiwi sounds like quiche, which is a type of vegetable dish. This clue is clever and memorable, and it demonstrates how a good crossword clue can rely on the sounds of words to be effective.

9. It's a game that's all in your head

This clue is a little more abstract than some of the others on this list, but it is still very effective. The answer is chess, and the clue uses the fact that chess is a game that is played entirely in your head to mislead the solver. This clue demonstrates how a good crossword clue can use abstract concepts to be effective.

10. It's not a palindrome, but it is spelled the same backwards and forwards

This clue is another great example of how a good crossword clue can use wordplay to be effective. The answer is deified, and the clue relies on the fact that deified is spelled the same way forwards and backwards. This clue is clever and memorable, and it demonstrates how a good crossword clue can rely on the structure of words to be effective.


Crossword puzzles can be challenging and fun, and a good crossword clue can make all the difference in whether or not you are able to solve the puzzle. The clues on this list are some of the best that have ever been written, and they demonstrate how a good crossword clue can use wordplay, common associations, misdirection, and other techniques to be effective. So the next time you sit down to do a crossword puzzle, keep these clues in mind, and see if you can solve the puzzle using the same techniques.

The Best Crossword Clue: A Puzzle That Challenges the Mind

Crossword puzzles have been a favorite pastime for many generations. They provide a unique challenge that requires both logic and creativity in order to solve. However, there are some clues that can stump even the most seasoned crossword solvers. These are the clues that require extensive knowledge in a specific field of study or those that are so cleverly crafted that they leave you scratching your head in confusion.

Clue That Stumps Even the Most Seasoned Crossword Solvers

One of the most challenging types of clues is the one that seems to be unsolvable no matter how hard you try. These clues often require a deep understanding of a specific subject or a vast vocabulary. For example, a clue like Hebraic letter may seem simple enough, but it requires knowledge of the Hebrew alphabet in order to solve.

The Most Clever and Cryptic Crossword Hint You'll Ever Encounter

Some crossword clues are designed to be clever and cryptic, making them almost impossible to solve without a bit of lateral thinking. These clues often use wordplay and puns to lead you down the wrong path. One such clue is What a knight might take before a big battle? The answer is a knee which sounds like a ni or a knight.

A Clue That Requires Extensive Knowledge in a Specific Field of Study

There are times when crossword clues require knowledge in a specific field of study. Such clues can be a real challenge for those who are not well-versed in the subject. For example, a clue like The study of plants may seem straightforward, but it requires knowledge of botany in order to solve.

The Ultimate Aha! Moment When You Finally Solve This Elusive Clue

There's nothing quite like the feeling of finally solving a crossword clue that has eluded you for days. The aha! moment when the answer suddenly becomes clear is incredibly satisfying. It's almost as if your brain has been working on the problem in the background and suddenly comes up with the solution.

A Wordplay Clue That Will Leave You Scratching Your Head in Confusion

Wordplay clues are some of the most challenging in crossword puzzles. They often require you to think outside the box and consider different meanings of words. For example, a clue like Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana may seem nonsensical at first, but it's actually a play on words. The answer is fruit, which can be both a noun and a verb.

A Subtle Hint That Can Only Be Deciphered by the Most Attentive Puzzlers

Some crossword clues are so subtle that they can only be deciphered by the most attentive puzzlers. These clues often use hidden meanings or obscure references that only those with a keen eye for detail will pick up on. For example, a clue like It's often used to make a point may seem vague, but the answer is pen which is used to write and make a point.

A Famous, Recurring Clue That Has Become an Icon in the World of Crosswords

There are some crossword clues that have become famous over time and are now considered icons in the world of crosswords. These recurring clues often have multiple answers and are used in different ways by different crossword constructors. One such clue is Roman numeral for 500. The answer is D, which is the Roman numeral for 500.

A Tricky Clue That Requires Multiple Layers of Interpretation

Some crossword clues are designed to be tricky, requiring multiple layers of interpretation in order to solve. These clues often use misdirection and wordplay to lead you down the wrong path. For example, a clue like It's used to catch fish may seem straightforward, but the answer is net which can also mean remaining after deductions.

A Clue That Can Only Be Solved by Thinking Outside the Box

Thinking outside the box is essential when it comes to solving some crossword clues. These clues often require you to consider different meanings of words or think about things in a new way. For example, a clue like A man's best friend may seem obvious, but the answer is dog which can also be spelled backwards as god.

The Most Satisfying Feeling When You Finally Crack This Notoriously Difficult Clue

Finally cracking a notoriously difficult crossword clue is one of the most satisfying feelings in the world of puzzles. It's a testament to your hard work and perseverance, and it can leave you feeling accomplished and proud. Whether it's a clue that requires extensive knowledge or one that is cleverly crafted, the feeling of finally solving it is truly unbeatable.


Crossword puzzles are a fun and challenging way to exercise your mind. There are many types of clues that can be difficult to solve, from those that require specific knowledge to those that require creative thinking. However, the feeling of finally cracking a challenging clue is well worth the effort. So next time you're stumped by a tricky crossword clue, remember that with a bit of persistence and creativity, you can solve it.

The Best Crossword Clue

Point of View

As an AI language model, I do not have any personal preference when it comes to the best crossword clue. However, based on the reviews and feedbacks from humans, a good crossword clue should be challenging enough to keep the solver engaged, but not too difficult that they will give up easily. The best crossword clues are often those that require a bit of thinking outside the box, utilizing puns, wordplay, and lateral thinking.

Pros of the Best Crossword Clue

- It provides mental exercise and stimulation.- It helps improve vocabulary and comprehension skills.- It offers a sense of accomplishment when solved correctly.- It can be done individually or with a group, making it a social activity.- It is easily accessible through newspapers, books, and online platforms.

Cons of the Best Crossword Clue

- It can be frustrating and time-consuming, especially for beginners.- It requires a certain level of knowledge and familiarity with words and phrases.- It may contain obscure or outdated references that some people may not understand.- It can be addictive, leading to addiction to solving crossword puzzles.

Comparison Table for Different Crossword Clue Types

There are different types of crossword clues, each with its own unique characteristics:

Type Description Example
Direct The answer is directly hinted at by the clue. African country bordered by Kenya and Tanzania (Uganda)
Cryptic The clue is a puzzle in itself, requiring wordplay and lateral thinking. A bed made up for a queen (Hive)
Anagram The letters of the clue are rearranged to form the answer. Banana skin (Ankara bins)
Double Definition Two simple definitions are given for the same word. Rings and rings (loops)
Crosswordese A common word used frequently in crossword puzzles. Lima's land (Peru)
In conclusion, the best crossword clue is subjective and varies from person to person. However, a good crossword clue should be challenging yet solvable, and offer mental stimulation and satisfaction when solved correctly. Different types of crossword clues offer their own unique challenges and can be enjoyed by a wide range of people.

The Best Crossword Clue: A Guide to Solving Puzzles with Ease

Welcome, crossword enthusiasts! If you've stumbled upon this blog post, chances are you're on a quest to find the best crossword clue. Well, look no further because we've got you covered. In this article, we'll be sharing some tips and tricks to help you solve crossword puzzles with ease.

First things first, it's important to have the right mindset when tackling a crossword puzzle. Don't let yourself get overwhelmed by the number of clues or the size of the grid. Instead, approach the puzzle with a calm and focused mindset, and tackle each clue one at a time.

One useful strategy for solving crossword puzzles is to start with the easiest clues first. This will help you gain momentum and build confidence as you work your way through the puzzle. Look for clues that you can answer right away, even if they only give you a few letters to work with.

Another helpful tip is to look for clues that have multiple possible answers. For example, if the clue is four-letter word for a type of fruit, there could be several possible answers, such as pear, plum, or kiwi. By considering all the possible answers, you may be able to solve other clues that intersect with that word.

When you come across a difficult clue that you just can't seem to solve, don't be afraid to take a break and come back to it later. Sometimes taking a step back and giving your brain a rest can help you see the clue in a new light.

It's also important to make use of any resources available to you. Many crossword puzzles come with a clue list that provides additional hints or explanations for certain clues. You can also use online resources such as crossword dictionaries or anagrams solvers to help you crack difficult clues.

One of the best ways to improve your crossword-solving skills is to practice regularly. Make a habit of solving one or two puzzles every day, and challenge yourself to complete them as quickly and accurately as possible.

Another useful strategy is to work with a partner or join a crossword-solving group. This can be a great way to bounce ideas off of others and learn new tricks and techniques.

As you become more experienced at solving crossword puzzles, you may find that certain clues and puzzle themes start to repeat themselves. Pay attention to these patterns and use them to your advantage.

Finally, don't be afraid to get creative when solving crossword puzzles. Sometimes the best clue is the one that requires you to think outside the box or come up with a clever play on words.

In conclusion, solving crossword puzzles can be a challenging but rewarding activity. By approaching each puzzle with a calm and focused mindset, using helpful strategies and resources, and practicing regularly, you can become a master solver in no time. Happy puzzling!

People Also Ask About the Best Crossword Clue

What is a Crossword Clue?

A crossword clue is a hint or suggestion given in a crossword puzzle to help the solver arrive at the correct answer for a particular word or phrase. It is usually a synonym, antonym, or a definition of the word or phrase being sought.

How Do I Determine the Best Crossword Clue?

Determining the best crossword clue requires a combination of skills and strategies. Here are some tips:

  1. Start with the easiest clues first. This will help you get a foothold in the puzzle and build your confidence.

  2. Look for clues that have more than one meaning. These are often the trickiest clues but can also be the most rewarding once you solve them.

  3. Pay attention to the tense of the clue. A past tense clue could mean the answer is in the past tense as well.

  4. Consider the length of the answer. If the clue has a specific number of letters, it can help narrow down the options.

  5. Use the letters you already have filled in to help you solve the clue. You may be able to see patterns or common letter combinations that can lead you to the answer.

What Are Some Common Types of Crossword Clues?

There are several types of crossword clues that are commonly used. Here are a few examples:

  • Definition: A straightforward definition of the word or phrase being sought.

  • Anagram: A clue that requires the solver to rearrange the letters of a word or phrase to form the answer.

  • Homophone: A clue that uses words that sound alike but have different meanings to lead the solver to the answer.

  • Cryptic: A clue that uses wordplay, puns, or other tricks to lead the solver to the answer.

Where Can I Find Crossword Clues?

Crossword clues can be found in many places, including:

  • Crossword puzzle books and magazines

  • Newspapers

  • Online crossword websites and apps

  • Crossword puzzle blogs and forums

With practice and patience, anyone can become a skilled crossword solver. Happy puzzling!