Unlocking the Power of Still Processing: Why Psychobros is the Best Podcast for Mental Health Awareness


Discover the raw and honest conversations of Still Processing podcast's Psychobros episode, tackling toxic masculinity and mental health. A must-listen!

Psychobros is one of the most talked-about podcasts in the world of mental health. Hosted by two brothers, Eric and Justin, the show has quickly become a fan favorite for its candid discussions and relatable content. The duo tackles topics ranging from anxiety and depression to relationships and personal growth. One of their recent episodes, titled Still Processing, has been making waves in the mental health community. In this article, we will delve deeper into why this episode is so powerful and what lessons we can learn from it.

At its core, Still Processing is all about the process of healing. The episode opens with Eric and Justin sharing their own struggles with mental health and how they have learned to cope over the years. They discuss the importance of taking things one step at a time and not rushing the healing process. This sets the tone for the rest of the episode, which is full of valuable insights and advice for anyone who is struggling with their mental health.

One of the most compelling aspects of the episode is the way Eric and Justin use personal anecdotes to illustrate their points. They share stories from their own lives and talk about how they have applied the lessons they've learned to their own situations. This makes the episode feel more like a conversation with friends than a lecture on mental health, and it's one of the reasons why it's so engaging.

Throughout the episode, the brothers also touch on some of the common misconceptions surrounding mental health. They talk about how society often stigmatizes mental illness and how this can prevent people from seeking help. They also discuss the role that social media plays in exacerbating anxiety and depression, and offer tips for managing these feelings in a digital age.

Another key theme of the episode is the idea of self-care. Eric and Justin stress the importance of taking care of oneself, both physically and mentally. They offer practical advice for incorporating self-care into daily routines, such as taking breaks from social media and practicing mindfulness.

Still Processing is also notable for its emphasis on the importance of community. The brothers discuss how having a support system can make all the difference when it comes to mental health. They share their own experiences with therapy and talk about how finding the right therapist can be life-changing.

Overall, Still Processing is a must-listen for anyone who is struggling with their mental health. The episode offers a wealth of insights and advice, delivered in a relatable and engaging way. Whether you're dealing with anxiety, depression, or simply looking for ways to improve your mental well-being, there's something in this episode for everyone.

If you're looking for actionable tips for improving your mental health, Still Processing has plenty to offer. The brothers discuss the importance of setting boundaries, both with others and with oneself. They talk about the role that exercise and healthy eating can play in boosting mood and reducing stress. And they offer tips for managing negative self-talk, such as reframing negative thoughts and focusing on positive affirmations.

Another key takeaway from the episode is the importance of vulnerability. Eric and Justin talk about how being vulnerable with oneself and with others can lead to greater emotional growth and healing. They offer tips for practicing vulnerability, such as journaling and seeking out safe spaces for sharing one's feelings.

Throughout the episode, Eric and Justin emphasize the importance of self-compassion. They talk about how it's easy to be hard on oneself, especially when dealing with mental health challenges. But they stress the importance of treating oneself with kindness and understanding, and offer practical tips for practicing self-compassion on a daily basis.

Still Processing is also notable for its emphasis on the role that identity plays in mental health. Eric and Justin talk about how one's identity can impact the way they experience mental illness, and how it's important to acknowledge and honor one's unique experiences. They offer tips for exploring one's identity and finding ways to integrate this into one's mental health journey.

Ultimately, Still Processing is a powerful reminder that healing is a process, and that it's okay to take things one step at a time. The episode offers a wealth of insights and advice for anyone who is struggling with their mental health, delivered in a relatable and engaging way. Whether you're dealing with anxiety, depression, or simply looking for ways to improve your mental well-being, there's something in this episode for everyone.


The world of psychology has always been fascinating, and with time, it has evolved significantly. The latest addition to this field is the concept of psychobros, which is gaining popularity among individuals. Psychobros is a term used for individuals who are dedicated to improving their mental health and well-being through various techniques. One such technique is called still processing, which is gaining traction among psychobros worldwide. In this article, we will discuss how one can best use still processing to improve their mental health and well-being.

What is still processing?

Still processing is a term used to refer to a mindful technique that helps individuals process their thoughts and emotions. The technique involves taking a few moments every day to reflect on your thoughts and feelings and acknowledge them without any judgment. The goal of still processing is to help individuals become more aware of their thoughts and emotions and manage them effectively.

The benefits of still processing

There are several benefits of practicing still processing regularly. Some of the most notable benefits include:

1. Reduced stress levels

One of the primary benefits of still processing is that it helps reduce stress levels. By acknowledging your thoughts and emotions without judgment, you can release the tension in your mind and body and feel more relaxed.

2. Improved mental clarity

Still processing can also improve your mental clarity. By taking the time to process your thoughts and emotions, you can gain a better understanding of yourself and your needs, which can lead to better decision-making and problem-solving.

3. Increased self-awareness

Still processing can also increase your self-awareness. By becoming more aware of your thoughts and emotions, you can identify patterns in your behavior and make positive changes to improve your mental health and well-being.

How to practice still processing?

Practicing still processing is relatively simple and can be done anywhere, anytime. Here are some steps to follow to practice still processing effectively:

1. Find a quiet place

The first step to practicing still processing is to find a quiet place where you can reflect on your thoughts and emotions without any distractions. This could be a quiet room in your home or a peaceful outdoor location.

2. Sit comfortably

Once you have found a quiet place, sit comfortably in a chair or on the floor with your back straight and your feet firmly planted on the ground.

3. Close your eyes

Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Focus on your breath and try to clear your mind of any distracting thoughts.

4. Acknowledge your thoughts and emotions

Now, bring your attention to your thoughts and emotions. Acknowledge them without judgment and allow yourself to feel whatever you are feeling in the moment.

5. Release your thoughts and emotions

As you acknowledge your thoughts and emotions, imagine them leaving your body as you exhale. Release any tension or negativity you may be feeling and focus on feeling more relaxed and at peace.

6. Practice regularly

Make still processing a part of your daily routine by practicing it regularly. Set aside a few minutes each day to reflect on your thoughts and emotions and acknowledge them without judgment.


Still processing is a powerful technique that can help individuals improve their mental health and well-being. By practicing still processing regularly, individuals can reduce stress levels, improve mental clarity, and increase self-awareness. Hopefully, this article has provided you with a better understanding of still processing and how you can best use it to improve your mental health and well-being.

The Impact of Trauma on the Psychobros

Still Processing, a podcast hosted by Jenna Wortham and Wesley Morris, is known for its insightful and thought-provoking discussions about culture and society. One episode that particularly stands out is The ‘Psychobros’ Edition, where the hosts explore the struggles of four men who have experienced trauma and how it has affected their mental health.Trauma can have a significant impact on a person's mental health. It can lead to a range of symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The psychobros featured in the podcast all experienced different types of trauma that have affected them in unique ways.One of the guests, Adam J. Kurtz, opened up about his experience with sexual assault and how it has affected his mental health. He shared that he struggled with feelings of shame and guilt, and it took him years to seek therapy and process his trauma. Another guest, Alok Vaid-Menon, talked about the impact of growing up in a violent household and how it led to anxiety and panic attacks.The stories of these men highlight the importance of understanding the impact of trauma on mental health. It also emphasizes the need for a supportive and non-judgmental environment for individuals to share their experiences and seek help.

The Role of Masculinity in the Psychobros' Struggles

The psychobros featured in Still Processing also discussed the role of masculinity in their struggles with mental health. Society often places expectations on men to be strong, stoic, and unemotional. This can make it difficult for men to express vulnerability and seek help for mental health issues.One of the guests, Darnell Moore, talked about how he felt pressure to conform to traditional gender roles and how it led to feelings of isolation and depression. Another guest, Jason Rosario, discussed how the expectations of being a provider and protector impacted his mental health.The conversation around masculinity and mental health is an important one. It highlights the need to challenge traditional gender roles and create a culture that supports emotional expression and vulnerability for men.

The Intersection of Race and Mental Health in Still Processing

Still Processing also delves into the intersection of race and mental health. The psychobros featured in the podcast discuss how their experiences with mental health are often shaped by their racial identities.Alok Vaid-Menon shared how their experiences with discrimination and racism have led to anxiety and depression. They also talked about how people of color are often pathologized and misunderstood in the mental health system.The intersection of race and mental health is a complex issue that needs to be addressed. It highlights the need for culturally sensitive mental health care and the importance of understanding the unique experiences of individuals from marginalized communities.

The Importance of Vulnerability and Emotional Expression for Men

The psychobros featured in Still Processing also highlight the importance of vulnerability and emotional expression for men. Society often places pressure on men to be strong and unemotional, which can make it difficult for them to express their feelings and seek help for mental health issues.Adam J. Kurtz shared how he struggled to express vulnerability and how it affected his mental health. He emphasized the importance of creating spaces where men can share their experiences and emotions without fear of judgment or shame.The conversation around vulnerability and emotional expression for men is an important one. It highlights the need to challenge traditional gender roles and create a culture that supports emotional expression and vulnerability for all individuals.

Breaking Down Stigmas: Mental Health in Pop Culture

Still Processing also explores the role of pop culture in breaking down stigmas surrounding mental health. The podcast discusses how media can influence our perceptions of mental health and how it can either perpetuate or challenge stigmas.One example discussed in the podcast is the portrayal of mental health in popular TV shows such as Crazy Ex-Girlfriend and BoJack Horseman. These shows tackle mental health issues in a nuanced and sensitive way, helping to break down stigmas and raise awareness about mental health.The conversation around mental health in pop culture is an important one. It highlights the need for accurate and sensitive portrayals of mental health in media to help break down stigmas and promote understanding.

The Power of Friendship and Support in Overcoming Mental Health Challenges

Still Processing also emphasizes the power of friendship and support in overcoming mental health challenges. The psychobros featured in the podcast discuss how the support of friends and loved ones has helped them through difficult times.Jason Rosario shared how his friends and family were instrumental in helping him overcome depression. He emphasized the importance of having a support system that understands and validates your experiences.The conversation around the power of friendship and support is an important one. It highlights the need for a supportive community to help individuals through mental health challenges.

The Relevance of Still Processing in Today's Social Climate

Still Processing is a podcast that is relevant in today's social climate. The conversations around mental health, masculinity, and race are particularly important in light of recent events.The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on mental health, with many individuals struggling with anxiety and depression. The conversations in Still Processing can help individuals understand and navigate their mental health during these challenging times.The ongoing conversations around masculinity and race in society also make Still Processing relevant. The podcast highlights the need to challenge traditional gender roles and create a culture that supports emotional expression and vulnerability for men. It also emphasizes the importance of understanding the unique experiences of individuals from marginalized communities.

The Significance of Self-Care Practices in Mental Health Recovery

Still Processing also emphasizes the significance of self-care practices in mental health recovery. The psychobros featured in the podcast discuss how self-care practices such as meditation, exercise, and therapy have helped them manage their mental health.Darnell Moore shared how meditation and yoga have been instrumental in helping him manage depression. He emphasized the importance of finding self-care practices that work for you and incorporating them into your daily routine.The conversation around self-care practices is an important one. It highlights the need for individuals to prioritize their mental health and find practices that work for them.

The Role of Therapy and Professional Help in Addressing Mental Health

Still Processing also emphasizes the role of therapy and professional help in addressing mental health. The psychobros featured in the podcast discuss how therapy has been instrumental in helping them manage their mental health.Alok Vaid-Menon shared how therapy helped them understand and process their anxiety and depression. They also discussed the importance of finding a therapist who understands and validates your experiences.The conversation around therapy and professional help is an important one. It highlights the need for individuals to seek help when they need it and the importance of finding a mental health professional who understands and supports their experiences.

Finding Hope and Inspiration in the Stories of the Psychobros

Still Processing also offers hope and inspiration for individuals struggling with mental health challenges. The stories of the psychobros featured in the podcast show that recovery is possible and that individuals can overcome mental health challenges with the right support and resources.The podcast also offers resources and support for individuals struggling with mental health challenges. It emphasizes the importance of seeking help and finding a supportive community to navigate mental health challenges.In conclusion, Still Processing is a podcast that offers insightful and thought-provoking discussions about culture and society. The episode The ‘Psychobros’ Edition highlights the struggles of individuals who have experienced trauma and mental health challenges. The podcast emphasizes the importance of vulnerability, emotional expression, and support in overcoming mental health challenges. It also highlights the need for culturally sensitive mental health care and accurate portrayals of mental health in media. Still Processing offers hope and inspiration for individuals struggling with mental health challenges and emphasizes the importance of seeking help and finding a supportive community.

Point of View on Still Processing Psychobros Best


Still Processing Psychobros Best is a popular podcast that delves into the latest trends in pop culture, politics, and society. The show is co-hosted by culture writers Wesley Morris and Jenna Wortham, who offer their unique perspectives on a range of topics. In this article, we will examine the pros and cons of Still Processing Psychobros Best and provide a table comparison of the show's key features.

Pros of Still Processing Psychobros Best

1. Diverse topics: One of the biggest strengths of Still Processing Psychobros Best is its ability to cover a wide range of topics. From music and movies to politics and social issues, the show offers a fresh perspective on the latest trends in pop culture and society.

2. Engaging hosts: Wesley Morris and Jenna Wortham are skilled cultural critics who bring a wealth of knowledge and insight to every episode. Their chemistry and humor make the show entertaining and relatable for listeners.

3. Timely analysis: Still Processing Psychobros Best is known for its ability to provide timely and insightful commentary on current events. The hosts are adept at connecting current events to larger issues and trends in society, making the show both informative and thought-provoking.

Cons of Still Processing Psychobros Best

1. Heavy focus on American culture: While Still Processing Psychobros Best covers a range of topics, the show is heavily focused on American culture. This may limit its appeal to international audiences or those who are interested in a more global perspective.

2. Limited diversity among guests: While the hosts themselves are diverse, the show's guests are often drawn from a fairly narrow pool of cultural critics and commentators. This may limit the range of perspectives and insights offered on the show.

3. Lengthy episodes: Still Processing Psychobros Best episodes can run up to an hour or more, which may be too long for some listeners. Additionally, the show's in-depth analysis and commentary may require close attention and concentration, which may not be feasible for all listeners.

Table Comparison

Feature Pros Cons
Diverse topics Provides fresh perspective on a range of topics May limit appeal to international audiences
Engaging hosts Wesley Morris and Jenna Wortham bring humor and insight None
Timely analysis Connects current events to larger issues and trends Episodes may require close attention and concentration
Heavy focus on American culture Offers deep insights into American society and culture May limit appeal to international audiences
Limited diversity among guests Hosts offer diverse perspectives, insights, and humor Guests may be drawn from a narrow pool of cultural critics and commentators
Lengthy episodes Provides in-depth analysis and commentary Episodes may be too long for some listeners


Overall, Still Processing Psychobros Best is a compelling podcast that offers a unique perspective on a range of topics. While it may have some limitations, such as its heavy focus on American culture and lengthy episodes, the show's engaging hosts and timely analysis make it well worth listening to for anyone interested in pop culture and society.

Still Processing Psychobros Best: A Journey to Understanding Men’s Mental Health

Dear blog visitors,

As we come to the end of this article, we hope you have gained a better understanding of what it means to be a man and how their mental health is affected by societal pressures and expectations. The journey to understanding men’s mental health is ongoing, and we encourage you to continue exploring this topic further.

Throughout this article, we have discussed the various issues that men face when it comes to their mental health. We have touched on topics such as toxic masculinity, the stigma surrounding mental health, and the importance of seeking help. Each of these issues plays a significant role in shaping the mental health of men, and it is crucial that we address them if we want to create a society where men can thrive.

One of the key takeaways from this article is the need for men to have a safe space to discuss their emotions and feelings. This can be difficult for men, as they are often taught to suppress their emotions and put on a brave face. However, it is essential that men have an outlet to express themselves, whether that be through therapy, support groups, or talking to friends and family.

Another important point to consider is the impact of societal expectations on men’s mental health. From a young age, men are taught to be strong, tough, and independent. While these traits can be beneficial in some situations, they can also be harmful when it comes to mental health. Men may feel like they have to hide their vulnerabilities and weaknesses, which can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness.

It is also important to recognize the role that toxic masculinity plays in men’s mental health. Toxic masculinity refers to the idea that men have to conform to traditional masculine norms, which can be harmful to both men and women. This can lead to behaviors such as aggression, dominance, and a lack of emotional expression. By challenging these norms, we can create a more inclusive society where men feel comfortable expressing themselves and seeking help when needed.

We have also delved into the importance of seeking help when it comes to mental health. Men may feel like they have to tough out their struggles on their own, but this can be incredibly damaging. Seeking help can take many forms, from talking to a therapist to reaching out to friends and family for support. Whatever form it takes, it is essential that men know that it is okay to ask for help.

As we wrap up this article, we want to emphasize the importance of continuing the conversation about men’s mental health. This is an ongoing issue that requires ongoing attention and effort. By continuing to learn and educate ourselves, we can create a society where men are free to express themselves and seek help without fear of judgment or shame.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article and for joining us on this journey to understanding men’s mental health. We hope that you have found this article informative and thought-provoking, and we encourage you to continue exploring this topic further.


The Psychobros Team

People also ask about Still Processing Psychobros Best

What is Still Processing Psychobros Best?

Still Processing Psychobros Best is a podcast episode from the Still Processing podcast series. It is an episode where the hosts, Wesley Morris and Jenna Wortham, discuss the movie, Joker, and its impact on society.

Who hosts the Still Processing podcast?

The Still Processing podcast is hosted by two New York Times culture writers, Wesley Morris and Jenna Wortham.

What other topics are discussed on the Still Processing podcast?

The Still Processing podcast covers a range of topics related to pop culture, race, gender, and politics. Some of the recent episodes include discussions on Taylor Swift's new album, the movie Parasite, and the Black Lives Matter movement.

Why was Joker such a controversial movie?

Joker was controversial because of its depiction of violence and mental illness. Some people believed that the movie could inspire violent behavior in individuals who are already struggling with mental health issues. Additionally, the movie's portrayal of the Joker as a sympathetic character was seen as problematic by some critics.

What did Wesley Morris and Jenna Wortham have to say about Joker?

In Still Processing Psychobros Best, Wesley Morris and Jenna Wortham discussed the complexities of Joker and its impact on society. They talked about how the movie highlighted the issue of income inequality and how it portrayed the Joker as a product of society's failures. They also discussed the controversy surrounding the movie and its potential impact on vulnerable individuals.

Where can I listen to Still Processing Psychobros Best?

Still Processing Psychobros Best is available on various podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Stitcher.